LIVE: Protest against Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ in DC
LIVE: Protest against Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ in DC
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Haha I'm sure it will be peaceful this time guise
It's great to see people expressing their freedom of speech :)
If digits protest get hit by tolerance truck
Hopefully a tolerance truck arrives
Has black bloc been sighted yet? Otherwise it's nothing.
>all women and betas
this is beyond a meme
Fucking hippies.
>protest against muslim ban
>mostly white people
every. fucking. time.
This is far too cringey to even watch... oh my
Yes, you and me, not them.
that one bitch that has that ear shattering voice , fuck
Wasn't the ban blocked?
What are they even protesting now?
>What are they even protesting now?
The existence of White people.
They probably came just to virtue signal at this point 2bh.
The white man is the eternal homophile/islamophile
its not.
It only arrives for the French, lol
If you were Canadian you would be in jail and denied bail for uttering death threats and terrorism.
Maybe you would deserve it?
wew lad
This is literally HAMAS. Do the liberal Jews at this protest know the money they give will be sent to kill Jews in Israel?
Stream dead. Look like one of the Muslims exploded prematurely.
Ban wasn't blocked and it's not even a fucking muslim ban. This is just nu-male cucks and beta cucks projecting again
It's back
The dude's thanking law enforcement for their support.
I had to close out due to cringe.
Can you pls explain for somebody that's confused? All I've heard about is a federal judge overturning it but he was based in Seattle and I thought that had any overturned orders had to go through congress. So is DHS just ignoring him and still enforcing Trump's order because Trump is high seniority?
t. uninformed american
Well you have to keep yourself entertained if you are unemployed
Virtue signaling***
Literally this
I can't find shit. But it's only 2:00pm. They won't come out till later probably. I'd check in around 4-5pm EST when dusk hits.
As long as they keep it peaceful and don't chimp out, I don't give a fuck.
Too bad none of them actually read the order because they're in for a rude awakening when it's ruled constitutional.
Even though it was "overturned"?
It wasn't but normies don't know that
inb4 vandalism
It doesn't bother you that the organization behind this protest has proven links to terrorists?
but hey let Americans take 'em all, less for us Europeans
>you would be in jail
when the 90 days is up and the ban expires, liberals are going to act like there was never a time limit on it and that they somehow got it repealed through protest or some other such nonsense.
screencap this.
>judge blocks it for 2 days, even though that's way outside a federal judges power
>DHS complies with the judge
>MSM claims a "victory"
Anyone ID this flag?
tonight will be good watchin
rollin' for ultra-violence
I hope so. It'd be great for ANTIFA to hijack this.
It's very unlikely Soros is going down any time soon , they have the right and should be allowed to protest to their retarded hearts desire. but soon as it gets violent they will get shot with rubber bullets.
and germans
Is this a specific group protesting? Like is this an organized antifa protest?
I can see the faces of most individuals and so far this just seems like a normal gathering of leftist scum. As much as I loathe their mission, it's within their constitutional rights to do this (so long as there is no chimping out).
>inb4 the mayor calls police to stand down
They will, with help.
Even the libs on MSNBC are all using the term "resist."
rollin again for violence
I saw one Antifa member, but he didn't have a mask. He's wearing a camo parka with a Russian camo pattern and an Antifa patch on the left arm.
Dude thats definitely not it. Unless you got sauce.
hoping some based governors bring in the nation guard
Then we shall wait and see. Here's to hoping the police stomp them down if they start destroying shit.
Doesn't John Kelly direct his agents on what to do? Was it just like a minority of DHS agents who were listening to this judge or something?
big herd of sheep
I discovered one of the largest publishers of antifa/black bloc/anarchist posters, books, videos, etc...
Lives down the road from me. But he has that right. Unless I see him assault someone, he's safe and sound.
i would love to see that
fuck sanctuary city mayors
I can't believe they just sell this shit. If I lived in a shit lib city. I'd buy one of those fuckers to help infiltrate Antifa and feed us/police intel.
I have enough shitlib clothes from high school and one of those tactical scarves. (It's a fucking scarf.) Plus I'm Jewish. It'd be too easy.
they're quoting a ludacris song in a trump rant
Hamas and feminists . What a combination. Both want to destroy the state.
Betting on violence in at least two CA cities, Portland, Seattle, DC...
Absolute certainty of some happenings there tonight, and more tomorrow to get the Super Bowl attention
I could only watch 15 seconds they just chant the same shit
And why do you say that?
Make it a freedom bearing truck and then we got some digits
checked, but smells a bit scripty
I hope I'm wrong
>you'll know you're living under Sharia Law when
>you get your hand cut off for stealing
>you die for criticizing the quran
>wives can be beaten by husbands for insubordination
>it starts raining gays
>you no longer see a woman's face in public
the list of benefits goes on and on
what are they booing????
The hotel I think.
DC isn't a state retard. DC national guard possibly owned by either Trump or the Mayor of DC. However mobilizing a National Guard unit requires at least 24 hours. So that's not gonna happen. However Trump owns the DC police and after Berkeley so....uh if they do any rioting they're fucked.
Place your bets
>Early Afternoon
>All the happy virtue signalling self loathing whites and minorities come out to protests
>Mass media coverage
>Protesters vindicated in a matter of hours for all the violence that happened in NYU and Berkeley
>microscopic counter protests and acts of defiance by Trump supporters in the face of hordes of cucks
>antifa and commies comes out to play, BLM come out
>start to embolden the protesters and begin to riot
>flip shit and ruin businesses, set fire to cars and garbage cans
>beat the shit out of counter protesters
>"This is Trump's America"
this is how u boycott right??????
>moralists and liberals in America
>band of shitskins led by Anglos/Germanics
Can you Anglo/Germanics please stop fucking civilization up? t. Mediterraneans
This actually sounds highly likely. The ending result wont come until a couple days after.
Those aren't bets. That's the scheduled programing for the evening.
Well, yeah. What did you expect? Its an extremely large march that's barely holding together.
>I discovered one of the largest publishers of antifa/black bloc/anarchist posters, books, videos, etc...
Lives down the road from me.
Sorry self reply, but do I have a moral obligation to share said info, as much of the culture war is digital, and involves... forced transparency? Like turnabout is fair play. They, force transparency on our guys, and punch them.
I'm having a moral dilemma, because he has the right to sell whatever propaganda he wants.
Seriously asking. He runs:
and is my neighbor
>Sign says "Jews against the ban"
This is what a Nazi looks like?
Wasn't talking about DC, fuckhead child.
Post info nigger. Doesn't mean other autists on the internet can't gather HUMINT and OSINT
I live in California. I know where antifa hang out in the SF Bay Area, and what bars they hang out, which I go to sometimes. Some asked me to join, stopped talking me when I refused, but if they're not causing shit, I'll leave them alone. They have a right to believe whatever, but violence against opposing views is something I condemn.
Protip: Any club/bar that plays punk rock and hardcore has them.
digits confirm kek's involvement
The more I look at his shit, the more likely that is.
But not here, and I'll take precautions so it doesn't come back to me. I'm conflicted.
do your fucking american duty and report them
Do it.
Yeah sure why not. Are you sure he's the guy and he's a large publisher? I'm wondering about the funding for his site t b h
Better than people getting arrested for doing it online at 2 am in Canada
>Hands too small
>Cant build a wall
Thats pretty good.
>tfw no brick throwing yet
....are you retarded? This thread is about the protest in DC if there's other protests they weren't posted in this thread.
Anyway VAARNG can't go into DC because they don't have jurisdiction without the permission of...I'm guessing the Mayor of DC and or Trump.
anyone else notice their chants are just infantile personal attacks
protesting doesnt change anything. it just lets the gov know:
>you're mad
>you're stupid
>you're loud
civilized debate is the only way to get any real work done
I'm certain he's the owner of
honestly, it wasn't all that hard to find him. It's a registered company
If digs civil war in US next week
on the west coast maybe, they seem to travel to everywhere else to cause riots. My city (bmorefag) literally doesn't give a large enough fuck about blacks getting shot by cops, but we were swarmed by people during our riots.
ok, get out then you racist snowflakes.
remember, if you hate white people, you're racist.
If they do violence, I can. I WOULD like them gone, on account of me having a massive grudge against Antifa for the last four years, but if these guys are just punk rockers who like to wear patches and mosh at shows, then they're innocent until proven guilty.
Also, some of these places that they hang out at rely on their presence, especially if they're peddling drugs, because that's how nightclubs make money, much like a mob. The don't ask, don't tell shit could get me killed if I somehow ruin a club's bankroll.
Well if you do decide to do so make a thread.
Dude, infiltrate and report. Run Intel ops. Gather info and send it to the police or some Right Wing Safety Squads
>Love not hate
>But if you disagree with me I will hit you with a shovel
I like the drumming.
drop it, little bitch.
I was replying to someone that was obviously referring to the Berkley stand down order.
I made a blanket statement about hoping for a governor to use the nat guard if that happens, wherever
pissy little twat
post info on pastebin, send the pastebin address to us and/or to some site like ED that'll document it
makes sense
who am i kidding the fbi probably already knows about the clubs anyway