Think Lacy green got aids

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Pretty sure it is the AIDS.

no, that would make her skinnier.

Bleeding for a month. WTF.

I want to cum in her mouth

Would still bang. I don't care if she's diseased, she's still hot

Even if a nigger gave her aids

>Trump hasn't even been president a month
>Laci Green possibly dying and leaving youtube

Kek is vanquishing his enemies one by one

She has HPV

Only niggers are this dumb

Lacy looks like a girl I was in love with once.

This, that being said I'd hate to be where 12s of other niggers have been and i'd want to fuck her til I came in her mouth.


>tfw she ignored your tinder super like
Dodged a bullet desu


God smote her for her degeneracy.

Praise kek.

Probably AIDS which is sad but you could say Karma is a bitch.

Fucking who doesn't

Why does life suck so much so time.

Aids wouldn't make her snatch bleed. It'll be something like Cervical cancer, cankers, advanced syphilis, advanced herpes or something even worse if its blood in her piss.

this is how AIDS started

>she thinks she has had some kind of positive effect on the world

i love how she hijacks sex ed to spout her feminsts ramblings, creepy little chipmunk

She has admitted to having HPV

Was probably an HIV diagnosis.

why does she do that shit with her mouth where she contours it to one side of her face?? i have a director at work that does it and its annoying as shit

What's wrong with some old fashioned tittyfucking?

>lacy green has aids

This year has been great so far.

>advanced syphilis

I regret looking this up thanks.

> Dumb nigger

i can't tell you because (((they))) won't let me

Bleeding from her Vag for over a month...what would cause this?

What if it is an STD?

Fibrosis or something. Maybe tumors. A cyst?

Oh no, that's terrible

top kek.

"Oh, that sucks"

ayy lmao

Prime example of why UC Berkeley needs to have federal funding withheld.

She could've been wife material if she went to a different school, but the ground zero for radical leftwing philosophy claimed another victim.

My face is sad. It is a sad face.

Found a link dudes. Read at your leisure the tl;dr is it is serious and she might be getting a hysterectomy and therefore not breeding. Her past drug use means she can't adopt either. This truly is the best timeline.

There's abotu a million vag problems that cause it, it's quite common. The worst thing it could be is something like advanced syphilis, a cervical cyst or cervical cancer and the best thing would be psoriasis, eczema or sometimes period disorders. Sometimes the ovaries just start throwing out eggs so they bleed for months or the placenta gets confused.

>in a vag
How horrifying. I have it on my feet and it's already terrible.

This, sadly. The left absolutely destroys women.

just ask

It's like a femine penis, it only makes it better

How ironic that a histrionic may be getting a hysterectomy.

My cousin is a feminist. God help me.

African mentality

as long as you can get her to shut her mouth

can you catch aids from anal.

How terrible

It could be a lot of things. First thing is all the stupid contraceptive shit that's out there. We don't really know the long term effects this can have on the body. The 'best' scenario for her is that it's fibroids or cysts. Endometriosis can cause this. Excessive menstruation can also be a thyroid problem as well.

Some STDs can cause excessive bleeding but I am not sure. The signs seem to point to a hormonal problem tbqhfam.

is this bitch fucking retarded?

LOL @ The Comments trump curse is real?

>teach children that being a slut is cool
>contract a venereal disease

Best timeline.

friend did some gynaecology work during his internship, he lost about 3 stone and had no appetite for the entire year. He said the guys who did it were either incredibly ptsd/psychotic emotionless robots or the sickest fucks imaginable (usually asian) OR Indians who'd seen some major shit back home.

Poor girl.

> this is how AIDS started

>would still bang
>don't care if she got monkeypox
>she still hot

I'd marry her just cause I like her.



>Bleeding for a month
We need medical expertise. What treatment might involve such side effects? What conditions might directly cause this?

I want to throatfuck this bitch for some reason

Early menopause?

Abortion with complication.



Where does this idiotic way of speaking come from? It's the same way that the faggot Phil DeFranco speaks. What is this?

>3 stone
how much is that in boulders?

Whenever i see this kind of shit i always ask myself "who the fuck is actually watching this mind-numbing garbage?"

The answer is teenagers.

I don't know about you fags, but when i was a teenager if i saw something like this cult of personality teen angst crap i would know immediately is was directed at teens and therefore avoid it like the plague.

It's the trendy disease for feminists.

You should rape her, it cures aids according to Africans.

Things you got to do once in your life. Try and pick up a girl in a bar drunk, and prank call a 800 number.




So, we add her to the list?


Post the webms of her shooting up

You don't die from AIDS in 2017, unless you live in Congo.

you would bang a disease slut, your standards are pretty low.

Hard to find a girl who isn't.

Until you realize her and the "don't call me a homo" kid literally have the same mouth, and youre now realizing that the both of them are one in the same.

Doobs and she dies.

This, i need to fap.

let me help you

PDF is actually pretty cool, I mean he is more left leaning but he makes his news videos unbiased and he even got uninvited to the youtube rewind thing because he refused to make a positive shillary/anti trump video

Nothing of value was lost...

42 pounds

>Like and dislike disabled

His wife and all of his employees are 100% leftist slime though.

Her piercing looks like a herp lesion.

Bay Area user here. I've seen this bitch at house parties a bunch of people I know are close to her. A few have been on her channel. I'll see what I can find out. No guarantees though.

Nah. She grew up in a stable, loving family in a traditional mormon community but has been suffering from depression since her early teens. She was always going to be fucked in the head. Berkeley just sped things up.

Holy shit kek power is coming for vengeance,

>to get my degree at uc berkeley

HAHAHA of course she's getting her degree there

From all the nigger cock she has been sitting on. Good riddance cunt.

That is a pretty rare pepe

>uc berkeley

Trump cuts funding, can't get a degree before dying of AIDS.

You're both doing it all wrong.
>checz em bigly

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