>tfw you realize Eminem is redpilled AF


>Eminem unleashes on Donald Trump: 'I'll make his whole brand go under

>The Detroit rapper is unleashing on President Donald Trump in a profanity-laced verse on "No Favors" -- a song off fellow Detroit rapper Big Sean's "I Decided" album, which is out Friday.
"I'm anti, can't no government handle a commando/ Your man don't want it, Trump's a b**** I'll make his whole brand go under," Eminem raps on the impassioned track that touches on issues like police brutality, the Flint water crisis, racism in America.

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Literally who?

Isn't that wigger like 40 now?

Truly not one of us

Eminem is a literal cuck who cucks for an ugly coalburning ultra-slut.

I approve of this message.

Some washed up rapper that thinks he's edgy

I think you may struggle with the meaning of that term.


Another degenerate (((hollywood))) """""artist""""" attempts to stay relevant, but will be forgotten again tomorrow.
more news at 11

>a single mother raised a piece of shit

What a surprise...

People still talk about wigger candy...?

Redpill is not getting new from fake new sources from Kikebart , infowars or faux news

>implying this is anything other than distraction

Eminem was going equally hard after Bush and Gore. White America anyone?

Hes a contrarian. Wow its fucking nothing.

tfw you realize op is faggot shill.

How is he one of us? Hes basically a nigger. Kanye West is more like one of us.

Fuck this wigger faggot. I hope muslims rape his daughter

Washed up drug addict from detroit...
>red pilled

Pick one faggot

Actually heard this song the other day when Big Sean's album dropped. I'm like "who the fuck is this guy, he sounds fucking terrible and like an 80 year old eminimem imposter going through puberty". Turns out it actually was Eminem though, I had a hearty chuckle.

Anyways this white nigger always was laughing stock. Surprised Big Sean let him on what was otherwise a pretty great album.

Wtf, i love cnn and rap now!



You mean the wigger who's brand name is literally based off a candy product.

Fuck, I used to like some of his songs too. Why do music artists have to get involved in politics? I would have thought that Eminem, of all people, would be above virtue signalling.

Eminem is still a thing?
I thought he stopped making music in the late 00's.

this guy is responsible for about 3 generations worth of drug addicts

If he was at his peak, he'd be with Trump and making fun of SJWs. Too bad he went to trash.

he's like 45 and still pretending to be a nigger
>Time to grow up white man

He's 44, by his own standards he shouldn't be performing any longer

I literally never made that connection until now. Never registered that is was M&M....

>liking genre that glorifies nigger culture

>Wants to be a nigger
>Turns an entire generation and more of whites into nigger lovers
We hang you before we hang him traitor

20 years later, all the confused white boys who worshiped this faggot now have to pay bills and take care of their families. So who is this cocksucker even talking to anymore?

Rap is the ultimate form of musical degeneracy

>liking eminem
>claiming to be white
listen, i know this is hard for your

he's trying to pay for his next smack hit

Yes, but it's also his initials.

>Marshall & Mathers

> contrarian: opposing or rejecting popular opinion; going against current practice.

How is he a contrarian if every other celebrity is trashing Trump?
The guy lost so much relevance and now he's trying hard to get attention by dissing Trump.

> Racism in America
> Blacks didn't allow him in to the hip hop game because he was white

I guess this nigga finally forgot where he came from

>>Turns an entire generation and more of whites into nigger lovers

Not really. Most Eminem fans are full on racists that don't listen to other rap and always say he is the greatest of all time and we wuz rappers n shiet.

Actual rap fans think he is a joke. He's kind of like his own category.

t. actual rap fan. (still fucking hate niggers though hitler was right)

>Redpill is not getting new from fake new sources from Kikebart , infowars or faux news

I agree. But let's also throw the huffington post, vox, salon, slate, CNN, MSNBC, politico and buzzfeed in there too.

He's been in Hollywood too long and is completely out of touch with the younger generation that listens to rap and the people in general.

Daily reminder that eminem died from a drug overdose in the mid 2000's. Daily reminder that Eminem's brand is a business that will go on with or without him.

If you want to know how hip-hop is rewired and constantly subverted by jews, look into this man.


I feel the need to remind you that Trump won, hes our president. Celebrities trashing Trump literally means nothing.

>curses about trump

how many breads do your shekels they give you buy?

>guy who surrounds himself with niggers is against trump
wow never would've guessed

Farrakhan's bum-boy

Eminem sucks dick

I've learned to just ignore any political comment from any musician I like, 95% of famous musicians are blue pilled as fuck

so some faggot wigger, who found "god" then lost him, then found himself spitting shitty lines full of similes, and constantly berates anyone who isn't a black male, is trying to tell me who I should and shouldn't like? he made that song back in 2003 with that commie fuck immortal technique, and I knew then he was just an attention whore. "thats right marshall, whatever is popular, you must follow" said his masters for the thousandth time.

>Married and divorced the same woman twice

I can't take washed up EM seriously

Fag, you listen to big sean. Don't act like you can criticize music. Big sean is cancer

Trump is about to be the worst president ever.

I gave him a chance and he fucked up day one.

Hillary would have been no better.

This, If you dindu grow out of rap by the time you are 22 you'll be a wigger for the rest of your life

my sides

i also listen to rap and hate niggers. it's an enigma to even me.

>>tfw you realize Eminem is redpilled AF

So being in line with the democrat party narrative that every celebrity is jumping on is redpilled now?

I can't wait until we see someone who's bluepilled then.

He was good from 2000 up to like 2005

I know that this man exists only because of the fact that there's a remix of one of his """songs""" with "mom spaghetti" on it

if you listen to it at all, you automatically deserve to lose the right to vote. plenty of teens went through stupid phases and weren't stupid enough to fall for rap music

What happened to you EM?, you use to be cool.

i'm with you, brother.

Nah tbf regardless of his politics I don't think he's put out a single bad album. Just wish he would shut up about politics and just do music

Eminem is just mad he can't find a multi-syllable rhyme for trump.

> first diss was basically his view, not in rhyme
And this is just a straight up insult. Can't rhyme his name

Spotted reddit.

You guys hate niggers cause you secretly know they are superior to YOU but inferior to rest of whiteys. Seriously, stupid fucks like you should burn for glorifying nigger culture.


What's he gonna do? Rap and talk shit. Little did this little white boy realize, people who listen to eminem are too poor to stay at Trump hotels or play on Trump golf courses. He isnt going to hurt his brand a bit.

Fucking wiggers...

That is an extremely narrow worldview.
Just because you don't like it.

>racism in America
anti-whiteness is institutionalized at every level of our media/entertainment industries, in the welfare state, and in the legal code (it's designed to punish monogamous white men with money). Eminem should know this better than anyone.

lol. You couldn't be any more wrong.

he's the most overrated artist in hiphop
he is a good lyricist without a doubt but if you look at the musical aspect of his songs, they are garbage

Getting old and losing as much weight as he did will change your appearance.

Eminem lost his flow around 2007. He started getting too old, smoking too much, his voice is all fucked up now. He lost the youthful energy that made his early music so kinetic, now he sounds like a muppet. Fozzy Bear, to be specific.

I would be saying this regardless of the guy's political views. He lost it.

I know plenty of folks that listen to rap and are alright. Nigger culture in general is pure cancer

He's washed up Hollywood scum

> I don't think he's put out a single bad album
The Marshall Mathers LP 2

Plus he made this autistic work of art:

Who cares about this junkie who sucked black dick along his wife to get a little of smack?


>He fucked up day one
You obviously were never a fan of trump. There is no need to lie on a ukranian basket weaving forum.

Digits of truth

Eminems a faggot.

The greatest delusion of the left is that they STILL think they're the impoverished, undermanned and underrepresented minority taking on the world. It's no wonder they spend so much time fearmongering and looking for new ways to create opponents for themselves.

I help the nigga get into office you dumbass.

I've been pro-trump for years, and now...

Now trump's legacy ends.

sure, or finding a look-alike with subtley different facial features that couldn't be fixed with plastic surgery.

Like I said, look into Jimmy Iovine and follow the money.

Rap was never good.

>You can't deny this

i'm so glad his daughter gets blacked on a regular basis

fuck this wigger faggot



fuck off nigger, i dont need some shitskin telling me whats ok to like and not like

>I know plenty of folks that listen to rap and are alright

m-m-muh black friend is ok, r-redpilled even!

Most of my friends that listen to rap are white..

>being a hired rentboy for soros

cant cover the crack bills?

How is this virtue signaling? The dude bought backpacks for tons of poor inner city kids and didn't even try to publicize it. Ofc you are going to hate a guy like Trump. Have you guys ever considered that people actually hate Trump and what he stands for? If I actually had enough of a life to give a fuck I'd probably hate trump too.

That's a shame. She's hot tbqh, that nigger should really be fucking a fat white chick instead.

Has there ever been a good political rap song? Maybe some of kendrick stuff but i feel like most of his points went over his target demos head..

He used to be funny and making jokes about himself but after he stopped taking pills hes just a whiny bitch.

How did you find out about it if it wasn't publicized? Hmmmm


$0.25 has been deposited into your account


who cares? political music is retarded.
>hurr its all about the message


No one has ever claimed any of these news outlets are 'red pilled', what's your point? Are you gonna list everything that isn't red pilled? Better list what you consider to be red pilled in eminems lyrics.

Isn't he a child molester?

Isn't it a little fucked up that now famous artists are giving a violent movement like Antifa shout-outs and cheerleading them?