So why do you guys hate french IP so much?
It was already hard enough to be bullied as a kid for being white..
So why do you guys hate french IP so much?
It was already hard enough to be bullied as a kid for being white..
Trianon. We will never forget and never forgive
if you looked like pic related you would be loved, not hated
the truth is that french people generally are stupid lazy socialists
Because of arrogant and sometimes ignorant attidudes displayed by many people with that IP^^
you are the worst kind of white people
I like d'Yquem Sauternes and foie gras.
Do I put money on Le Penis? Looks like Fillon is self destructing right now.
It's not our fault. All our education is a huge balloon of nothingness and most of us get irritated when having to deal with new ideas outside of the comfort zone.
French are all homosexuals, it is natural for all of mankind to hate you.
kek hates french people
French is the most annoying of the major world languages. Even fucking Mandarin is nicer on the ears.
>saudi arabia
Something about Muslims.
French accent is qt on girls
I like France
T. North English
At least they're still white
>The "eldest daughter of the Church" turned into the "eldest whore" of Europe
>so far up their own butts thinking, that they're sitll superior to others.
It's an americano anglo board, what did you expect.
Just the result of french bashing and perpetual anglo revisionnism.
There is no reason to be nice when half of the board piss your in the eyes at the first occasion.
Coming from the sandniggers who prefer to fuck their goats instead of the ugly walking trashbags of women they have, it's a compliment.
We are the only reason your country exist burger.
France is our greatest ally! thank's for the help with those limey FAGS!
B-b-b-but we love you papa
>t. quebec
The French are Kek's chosen people
I think French are pretty cool. When we became a new nation, they helped us fertilize our land with the bodies of English soldiers.
You eat frogs, Kek hates you
I love French history. It's kind of a shame how much it's fell off after WW2 though.