Kekland General

We organize the creation of a country run and inhabited by polacks. We will settle on an Island, but we have not found a suitable one yet. Get searching and post promissing stuff.

Plan for colonizing an Island once one has been chosen:
1. A local volunteer user visits the Island, calling the Owners and saying that he is a potentional Buyer. He visits the Island, asks the owners general Questions (Weather, Pests, ect). He also checks the Soil. This is very important, since we want to be able to grow stuff. Then the user returns to /Pol, and if the Island is fitting, we buy it, gathering the money trough a crowd funding site.

2. We choose about 20 volunteers based on their skills. We should have about 10 Workers, two Farmers, Two Architects and one “Supervisor”. The supervisor is elected.

3. Once the anons have gathered, we have to acquire vital supplies. This first group of anons stays on the Island for min. 5 days, we will need: About 700 liters of Water, Food Rations, Shovels, Picks, Axes, Tents, seeds, meds.

4. Day 1: Settlers familiarize themselfes with the Island, build up Tents and begin to work on making a field. Architects survey the Island, look for suitable spots for Buildings.

5. D 2: Settlers work on the field, plant seeds

6. D 3: The Supervisor and two others return to the Mainland, resupply on missing stuff.

7. D 4: More Working, tending the fields.

8. D 5: Farmer Anons check the fields. If they find them suitable, the Supervisor and two others return to the Mainland, Buying the following stuff: 5 12v solar panels with acserisories, a big Tent, a cheap laptop or the PC of an user.

9. D 6: They plant the solar Panells, and using mobile Internet, connect with the rest of /pol.

10. Finally, the Settlers vote if the Island is sustainable or not. If they vote yes, the plan enters phase two.

Kek vult!

Other urls found in this thread:

What's the discord link it expired

there has to be something after the /.


Current island suggestions:

Hemlow is too close to Leafada

We should document the inhabitants and sell the video for shekels, for further funding.

Richfags who are willing to donate to our noble cause reply to this post with the aprox. Amount of money you are willing to give

is this a white only island ??

what size of an island you are aiming for?

It is IN leaflandia. And its an advantage. If we hide our power level and kindly ask Troudeau to give us independence, we could be a sovergin nation in no time.

Ideally yes; but if a nonwhite can demonstrate his value he will be considered

50 acres minimum.

Trudeau would make us take in refugees

>if we hide our power level
i find that impossible, Sup Forums creating its own land would become story of the decade.

I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be colonising Namibia under the /project namibia/ banner?

Shit idea

We should have some standards for every inhabitant/visitor tho.

First, the most obvious, no shitskins, also:

>not obese (maybe we can accept the fatties that have some valuable skills)
>good general knowledge
>no newfags

Oh, I almost forgot: under no corcumstance we shall accept leafs

10K USD, but it's not a donation. I want to have rights there.

Seriously, what happened to /project namibia/?

>Oh, I almost forgot: under no corcumstance we shall accept leafs
i get the hate, but any form of anti-white D&C is counterproductive. #NotAllLeaves

Allowing some leafs in on a provisional basis would only mean we'd have to pull a "night of the long knives" on you all later.

If it helps, i'm actually a full-blown QuebecFag
>inb4 even worse

>Make our own crypto-currency
>pre-mine some 6 gorrilion
>Put it up on polniex and other exchanged site
>Exchange all at once
>We join in on pump and dump schemes until we have enough to make artificial island


The project was white only and not many pol/acks got on it so i guess it's afrikaneer only now

Use USD for Currency
Easier to get

yeah a male-only country is sure gonna work out great

>what are white venezuelan refugees and mail order brides

>what are white venezuelans
no seriously i dont think they exist

Bir Tawil is an 800 square mile landlocked piece of the Sahara desert that is currently not claimed by either Egypt or Sudan.

The volunteers shouldn't be paid but they should have their tickets/food/supplies crowdfunded if we are serious about this.

I have experience working the land and unironically believe an island homestead populated by Sup Forums is a fantastic idea. Of course as a volunteer id donate funds to the crowdfunding as well.

Doctor here, new to the threads, just read the previous one. What's the plan regarding medical provision both short and long term so far? My vote goes to an insurance based system once it's up and running

I'll come under 3 conditions
>we have wifi
>I don't have to work
>No one talks to me

We shouldn't buy Canadian land because of the Canadian government. As soon as the CBC catches whiff of a " white supremacist " colony the government will be all up in our shit.

It's also rich that you think Leafs need to be long knived. Anglos have been betraying their white brethren and siding with the Zionists for over a century.

Or wait until /r9k/ makes it's own island if you're such an Outcast.

>landlocked piece of the sahara desert
and the fuck would we do with that?

Fuck off. Everyone has to pull their weight if this is to stand even a 1% chance of working out.

Unless you're a woman in which case your womb is a fair trade for food/shelter.

Fuck this discord shit, it becomes organized by a literal chatroom

does any body have any trades here ?

I have 3 years experience in construction, although it was mainly as a hammer-monkey; can't read plans as of yet. I also write - got 3 articles published during the meme war.

I'm a newly qualified plumber

Fuckin A - very respectable trade. One of my childhood friends became a plumber straight out of high school - has owned his own home and business since the late 90s while i'm in a one-bedroom appt... feelsbadman


I would love this. Displaced piggies need a home. It would be great if they had a place to go, and could get the fuck out of my country.


Your yarmulk is showing

we need engineers; civil, mechanical, etc. if there is not enough on Sup Forums4chan then we need to pay private contractors to do the works then.

I'm a machinist in training. Not white tho, but lets be real here. this is Sup Forums not Canada.