TRUMP Tax Plan. Is this real?

If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000,
you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% –
from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,”
those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each

>you will not owe any income tax
>I win

Other urls found in this thread: Proof.pdf



It's fake. Can't find it anywhere on his actual site.

Yeah look how well that turned in over the last 40 years faggot.

>If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000,
you will not owe any income tax.

It's linked you fuck

>trickle down

Nice maymay

Yeah, Those households are barely taxed or not taxed at all already. This is why the media is only reporting that trump's tax breaks are cuts for the rich and not for the lower class--because you can't reduce a 0% tax rate.

Oh and they autistically mention how much it will reduce tax income as though government spending won't be reduced, and as though his plan won't increase sales tax revenue and possibly even corporate tax revenue depending on how many companies remain/move back/move in.


Being this stupid

>liberals supporting globalization and offshoring, then blaming the right when it screws the middleclass

I can even wrap my head around how much I hate these people

Its already like this for over low income households.
Its always been like this.

How could low income makers be expected to pay a tax on thier non existent income?

You idiots must be living with parents still.

Trump is president and there is NOTHING you can do or say to change that. All that you can do is come throw an impotent temper tantrum on Sup Forums.

Wouldn't it save them filing costs?

If someone's too stupid to get a job, do you think they can easily file non existent tax returns without fees?

I make 24k gross and just paid like $7000 this year, and that's before the Obamacare tax. You're full of shit.

>Poor pay no tax
>Trickle down

Except that's fucking wrong. The tax bracket is a minimum of 10%. Poor households still pay taxes, they just don't owe anymore or get a partial refund at the end of the year. So this plan does in fact learn the tax burden on the poor.

Erm, what?

Have you never had a job you stupid little piece of shit?

Or do you live in a state that already has no income tax, and are too stupid to realize that tax laws vary state to state?

Hahahahah everybody point at this FUCKING RETARD and laugh at him. Look guys, there's already no income tax! HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A STUPID LITTLE BITCH


Poor people should be paid to exist.

Today I learned that idiots don't understand tax brackets.

Dipshits: The only people who don't pay taxes right now are people who make under 10k a year.

That's less than a part time job at Mcdonalds.

Do you know who that includes?

Your stupid little NEET asses.

Don't be fucking stupid.

Click on any picture in this gallery and the same URL will pop up.

Semantics. This is assuming they actually have a source of income. They also receive more from the government than they put in regardless.

I made 15/hr working full time few years ago. i was taxed like a third of my income. fuck you

Please god yes, I will not have to pay any income tax.

I missed the 20% bracket by $1500/yr. winning

Someone actually give me a legitimate, non-meme answer to this. If Trump's going to cut taxes all across the board, including for the rich (who pay the largest share of taxes anyway), how is he going to pay for everything? He's going to build a wall and put even more money into the military budget, yet he's going to cut taxes at the same time?

Is he basically going to run up the debt even more because he can?

Based on his written statements and speeches, I developed the impression he was going full Uncle Milt Friedman on all income taxes, to include payroll and cap. gains. End the exemptions, lower the rates.

If that's what Congress permits him to do, most people will get tax relief, and the wealthy, despite also enjoying lower rates, will nevertheless face higher burdens, with the end of the carried interest rule as well as the end of preferential tax treatment for speakers' fees, cap. gains, and so on.

This was one of the big reasons I voted for him; it effectively leaves the overall ratio of tax/GDP the same, but redistributes the tax burden upward.

It's going to be a very difficult battle for him, because most taxpayers don't understand the tax code or how the budget is financed. In fact, neither do most policymakers.

Here's a good example of someone who doesn't understand that tax code. He doesn't understand that the payroll tax finances over a third of the federal budget, and it is an income tax; it's just not called an income tax. He also doesn't understand that no income over 200K is exposed to the payroll tax. So we have a situation where only the bottom 75% of taxpayers have to finance 100% of the non-discretionary budget (Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid), but because it's called FICA and not income tax, he thinks these people are getting a free ride, when many of them are losing about 12% of their income on just this one outlay.

but you still make $48.5k a year LMAO

It's not like we doubled the size of the workforce with women and then further increased it with mass immigration since then

It's all about the peeing cartoons, they will tell you the TRUE SCIENCE OF ECONOMICS

more than me fampai, it takes time to build up.

That's been his tax plan for over a year. Whether or not he gets it is another thing.

>context denial this hard

how will we fund the military then

>hes never heard of state taxes

DJT aint gonna change those, nutbutt

he will build solar panels on the wall, sell excess oil and shell gass ,profit .

r u meming or do u not understand brackets only apply to income earned over the amount they start at, not across ur total income

Oh shit! This is awesome

Money will be spend on goods and services rather than sent directly to government. Economy benefits and a sizable chunk of what would have been sent as income tax is instead collected as sales tax, among other things.

Trump also plans to make up for the lost income tax revenue by eliminating some wasteful government spending.

Returns on corporate income tax are going to be seen long term and won't be attributed to trump if they work out. Rather than continuing to tax companies at double the euro average (around 40% currently) by lowering it to 15% companies will have less motivation to move their HQs overseas (so we get 15% of some earnings rather than 40% of $0 we'd be able to tax if they relocate). It also encourages companies to move into the USA and makes US companies more appealing to investors. It also lets companies spend more of their revenue on wages, infrastructure and expansion, etc.

This could very well end up a negative from a total government tax revenue perspective, but it certainly gives more freedom to consumers and businesses.

>he doesn't live in Florida or another, lesser, state with no state income tax

Take a lower percent, increase amount collected from. More companies here, more people with jobs, more taxes collected, even if it's less on an individual level.

holy shit do you guys seriously not understand how tax brackets work

every pres is gonna make up the TRILLIONS by eliminating 'wasteful spending'

sure thing

>leftists contrarian logic kicks in
>suddenly liberals hate the idea of taxing the rich because Trump does it

I fucking love this timeline.

>cut taxes all around except for the upper class
>top 5% still keep their gorillions and decide the laws so they keep getting breaks
>government funding which is already nonexistant because of the tumor that is social security and medicare evaporates
>debt climbs to a number where you may as well just say america is china's lapdog and default
>all social services and government sponsored programs disappear
>infrastructure and interstate agencies collapse

Am I completely wrong? On paper it sounds amazing for low income losers like me, I made 18k last year and got taxed like 25% of my income and only made $900 back, would have made $200 after ACA but I got an exemption on that.

However on a bigger scale it just seems like a terrible idea all around

>Don't forget the dubya dubya dubya
Says every tech illiterate moron on the internet. Shit is obsolete get with the times.

Also, more total income will often result in more spending, which circulates in benefit for all

>spending cuts
>closing tax loopholes
>bring back jobs from forgein countries
>creating new jobs at home
>people have more money to spend, the economy grows
>renogotiating trade deals

He is also going to massively cut spending for programs that have no practical value. Lowering tax rates can increase tax revenue by opening the market to more participants.

it's not a terrible idea, people getting more money incentivates the economy, all he has to do is cut federal spending in certain areas like illigal fundings so the state doesnt go broke

>page saying I win

Please say this is real

The bottom half don't pay any income tax anyway.

That literally reduces the budget by less than 2%

>$25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000

if you only make 25k you're not paying much in taxes anyway

>Nothing to do with going off the gold standard and allowing Jews to print as much money as they like

Good goy

Hence my last sentence. Wasteful spending isn't going to be a significant relief but every little bit counts. Lots will be in departments that enforce regulations that are detrimental to the economy anyway.

Getting the fuck out of the proxy war with russia that obama got caught up in is certainly going to save us billions.

They already are. It's called welfare.

Will the GOP allow this?

The IRS would shrink dramatically.

I bet the GOP has a bunch of their buddies in useless IRS positions

The fundamental issue with criticism of Trump's tax plan is that they use the assumption that the wealthy pay 100% of their designated bracket. The tax code is so overcomplicated that super wealthy pay a fraction of what they're supposed to. Trump's simplified plan eliminates a lot of that shit and in many cases the top bracket is going to be paying more taxes than they currently pay.

i think the GOP owes him a bunch of seats in congress and the senate, they will acept it since they defend a minimalistical governament, and democrats will go whit it since it favour poor people

Kill yourself

>Loving current IRS

>since it favour poor people
It doesn't actually.

The system already works where

Good post user, have a smug reaction face for your own keeping.

I've known some people who make good cash, like 400k a year, and they're taxed pretty stiffly. But maybe that's just because they file them legitimately like some kind of retard instead of circumventing them like everyone else that's rich

income tax goes directly to Jewish bankers, the us government spends none of it

that highest tax bracket affects hundreds of thousands of middle class americans who are far from being rich. and that is what our tax code is all about, keeping poor people from joining the middle class and forcing more people from the middle class into poverty.

You have to be at least 18 to browse this sight, kiddo.

I make $34k a year and just e-filed my federal and state for free.

China does not really have that significant of a share of US debt (9%, roughly? Most of it is in SS or treasury bonds), so while your logic might be reasonable, you're over blowing it IMO.


Are you fucking 12?


ITT: Cry baby liberals complaining

It's not like you niggers have jobs so this doesn't impact you anyways, grow up.

Fuck Trump's tax policy.

We should need to see his taxes before we even let him decide how other people are taxed.

Oh wait he's president now. wtf!

>earning less than $25k annually
>being a winner

choose one

The highest tax bracket is 415k a year. These are not the middle class and so you must either be a kid or just a retard.

>We should need to see his taxes before we even let him decide how other people are taxed.

Even if Trump paid close to nothing in taxes he still paid more than the average American does.

i dont think you understand how a website works user

Conquering other countries and taking their resources.

>not knowing how web addresses work Proof.pdf
this is 19 pages, read it.

>I win
>And by "I" I mean Trump

>posting on boards.Sup
>not www.Sup

Being so stupid you've never heard of subdomains

35% is just below that. I paid at that rate for twenty five years.

Wait, how does that make any sense?

Must be that your idea of the average american is someone on tax-free welfare programs.

Care to elaborate?

>I made 18k last year and got taxed like 25% of my income
No you didn't.

>Tom Sowell

My African-American.

If Trump made a billion dollars this year and had to pay 5% taxes while Joe Blow made 50 grand and paid 30% taxes Trumps tax would still be a larger sum of money paid than Joe Blows.

The Rich carry this Country.

"I win" isn't really the best message to be sending to poor people who aren't pulling their weight but I think it's a good thing for them not to be paying taxes.

I just wish we had a society that shamed people for being poor and not paying taxes. Jews like to to push the "Do not be ashamed" narrative which just encourages people into being proud of their freeloading asses.

But I don't pay any income tax now, already.

not bad for a presumably young person. also way more than any europoors here make.

That's probably on the low end. Medicare and SS are 15% of your income, federal is 10% and state is 5-8%, even at the lowest brackets. There's a standard deduction, but that doesn't significantly reduce your tax liability as a percentage of your income.

current no-tax (without itemized deductions) is just under $7,000 for a single taxpayer
this is expanding the lower limit nearly 20,000 dollars you troglodyte

All wage earners pay into Social Security and Medicaid.

So your saying you'd support his tax policy that makes it easier to pay less?

Payless is for shoes dude, and you fabricated a hypothetical situation, with a decent counter-argument.

Would you let a person without a drivers license drive you around?

It's kinda the same situation. Blindly trusting a president just because he's president does not make for good policy.

All I'm saying, is we need to know how he handles his own taxes before we let him handle the taxes of the whole country.

But he's already president, and that's never going to happen.



Row Row Fight Da POWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy fuck. This mean's I can come to America and be able to work so easily. Trump winning brings a tear to my eye.

not so fast, there's a ban on immigrants from muslim nations

I live in Northern Ireland

Bro I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm just saying we all know what his tax returns look like and it really shouldn't be that big of a deal. My same argument applies to the Clinton's as well.

>All I'm saying, is we need to know how he handles his own taxes before we let him handle the taxes of the whole country.

I can respect this view even if I don't fully agree with it. I'd say very few presidents ever handled their own taxes. Maybe Obama since he wasn't always wealthy but most don't.

how the fuck is lower taxes worse for poor and/or middle class people?

I unironically people like you should be dragged into the street and shot

Donald Trump wanted to put 7,000 dollars of tax money back in my pocket.

Why the fuck would I, or any of my coworkers (who I explained it to) vote for her?

Cruz wanted to abolish the IRS entirely