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I call it friday night

lazy thursday

we all do it

It's the future, bigot. Aren't you accepting of queer lifestyles? These people are humans just like you and me. We're exactly the same!
>slippery slope is a fallacy they said

I reported it to Youtube, and it's still not taken down. Meanwhile, videos discussing right-wing politics are removed ASAP when SJWs complain.

Now THAT's progressive!


>tfw this shit is now acceptable
>tfw still shunned for having a waifu

based niggers


Alt right are frogposting virgins who you are allowed to and should be punched in the face, but God forbid if somebody tries to take down our scat porn homos on Youtube.

Someone tell me what's in that video
I never watched scat or gay porn on Sup Forums or porn sites, won't fucking start on youtube and even give it (View)s

gay shit.

Youtube: "We don't allow porn, unless it promotes homosexuality!"

Bad taste and ridiculous video

it's youtube family special.

damn son leave a little for the imagination

> videos about the Austrian public pool rape are blocked for hate speach
> this gay scat porn is still up

Youtube is owned by Google, Google is owned by Jews. I know, I know, pure coincidence.

Actual Blowjob
Butt and Penis shown.
Rimjob (licking asshole)
Scat Porn (shitting on someone's face)

This is an educational video libtards show their children when they turn 13 to introduce them to human sexuality

>This is on YouTube
>And is qualified as """"Art""""
This is why Gay degenerates must be purged.

>literal scat porn on youtube

That's it, if youtube fucking allows this to exist for a week, i'm uploading a gay furry video on Youtube and i'll call it an art.

what in the name of holy god is this shit

what the fuck

Pretty cool shit.

Yes Yeees, he will not divide us

Lets be honest, this is the direction the world is heading to, if we dont do something a great man from my countrie did a few years back, this will be our constant reality really really soon
I dont want my children to grow up in a world like this


Someone needs to send this to a kid so his mother will go fucking apeshit on youtube.

Get a bunch of angry soccer moms.

>he watched the whole way through

Future of humanity in x years. Time to pack your bags and go to Mars because this wet rock is the laughing stock of the universe thats why ayy lmaos haven't visited us.

Why does your once great country now elect left-wing governments? When did Austria truly become cucked? Was it WWI or some time after that?

this is a pretty catchy tune

why doesn't JewTube take this down?


Beyond disturbing. The fact it's still on YouTube speaks volumes toward what they want people (including young children) to see. This needs to be spread to every conservative news site. This garbage only get's taken down when there is a firestorm against it.

This degeneracy will find it's way to Mars, or anywhere else we go. You can't run from it. I don't claim to have the answers, but it needs to be eliminated at it's source.


theres your answer

I wonder how much they had to pay that guy who got pissed *and* shit on

Don't forget the anal fisting


bet he had to pay the guy to piss and shit on him

What's the problem? They all looked like they were having fun and it's marked for adults only.

Remember when that isis video was up for like a week?

I remember, in fact I still remember how to make a bomb. Pretty comfy tutorial in fact, wonder if theres more of them.

Report this to news sites like the Daily Mail.

And people think Trump, Pence, Bannon and Putin are evil.

This is just wrong.

i posted it on my normiebook feed. my auntie replied with a frownie face emoji

This is haram. Sharia law now.

Is this yesterday video? It wasn't deleted?

The niggers tongue my anus IRL one?

time to buy some handkerchiefs

This isn't funny.
This is dangerous.

Very young people watch Youtube and will see this absolute degeneracy.

It is irresponsible and revolting.
I'm reporting it to Youtube, please everyone do the same.

People are actively trying to emasculate the future male generation.

someone's gonna be shittin pancakes for a week.

The left is rushing forward with their plan because they know they're losing ground and losing supporters. 2017 is going to see some crazy shit man.

When your Country and Partners decided to kill the Heroes who wanted to prevent this
But lets not get into history

holy fuck man

wow there is still hope for africa

I have no words...

If you can stomach the full video, and past the credits, the ride doesn't end.

Gawd, I had to watch that with a hand in front of the screen to cover the images and read just the words.

How is that shit on youtube? If that is on youtube, how is anything banned?



Stuff that doesn't serve their interests. There is an incredibly overwhelming amount of evidence that Google (who owns YouTube) is in the pocket for the left, and will do anything they can within reason to help them succeed.


That thing in the end... its CGI right?

based ugandans

The west will defend this.
The west will their rights.

report this to fbi someone

WTF I love africa now

uh looks like it's the artist himself

Interracial anal fisting.

Literally Bubba fingering a skinny white boi's asshole while he bends over like a bitch.

Search your feelings
You know it to be true

I meant 3:30


>They behead all gays and put women in their place
>they're also sand niggers

tough choice.

Slippery slope

it seems like mars and then the other thing it's like if the ass were spitting

Suddenly, radical Islam doesn't look so bad.

The thing is, if America was still a God-fearing nation, we wouldn't need to have this discussion.

nope. it's just degenerate faggotry

Honestly these fuckers might be right in their stance on this shit. Very sad situation to even think that.
Did you think moral decay and degeneracy was a meme?

Welcome to reality. Truly progressive(!)
Not all of us.

This is FUCKING hilarious.


I disagree. It's not dangerous. Merely disgusting.

I am not going to see people eating poo poo and want to do the same.

Nobody is. Even youngsters.

I don't even know what's right anymore...

You guys, do you think we should seriously embrace sharia? This is what our civilization has come to at this point, this is what is deemed acceptable for our society. It's pure insanity. At least if we embrace sharia, it aligns with our conservative roots, because this isn't working what we have right now. I'm fucking sick of this bull shit.

this seems a bit gay

Roskomnadzor will fix it.

>what is the Overton Window???

thats what ((they)) want, that's why they promote degeneracy.

Watching videos like this I really appreciate living in Russia.

who is this beautiful girl?

shes best girl.

It's 100% dangerous.
Obviously you won't be affected, because you're not very young and impressionable, are you?

That is who I referenced in my previous post.
Very young people, 8-15, watch Youtube A LOT, and are easily impressionable.

This type of degenerate video is extremely harmful to young minds.
It has to be fought against.

Hollywood cancer

You think things like that dont work?
Huh, tell me about how trap breads made half of Sup Forums gay in a mather of months

I had my channel banned last week, and this shit is allowed?

yes very beutiful
her eyes are piercing my soul

No (((they))) don't. By instituting sharia law, it stops degeneracy and promiscuity of women, keeps genes within the tribe, and promotes masculinity. We need to come up with a Christian based sharia law.

If we push for it, its a fucking win/win. Either, we get sharia and lay the smack down on degeneracy and fags, or the left sees us doing that and in an attempt to be contrarian, they push against sharia and we win again.

Fucking Reported

A civilization is sick when it perceives a regression as a progression.

Meanwhile Sup Forums IRL...


holy shit

I'm confident my mind was never THAT impressionable by the time I would have been old enough to work Youtube's buttons.

Nope. If you want to eat da poo poo, you were like that anyway. Who am I to prevent you. I am not worried that normal people will want to eat Poo Poo no matter how much poo poo eating is going on.

Daily reminder that Google and others will only double down on their degenracy agenda with Trump in office because now it'll be considered ultra contrarian and anti-establishment