Well, I guess this is it. Time for us to start race mixing and getting rid of our white genes
Picture related
Well, I guess this is it. Time for us to start race mixing and getting rid of our white genes
Picture related
... that's the goal of the left. You're just figuring that out?
law and order, capitalism = whiteness.
Isnt Antifa like 90% white males? kek they should start on this admirable task by offing themselves first.
Source ?
They want to be gassed by nazi's, apparently.
>tfw when everything they teach you about "Nazi"s is just projection from Jewish supremacists.
I don't even feel anger at this, just pity.
Have they ever considered that ending everything that isn't white would accomplish the same goal?
(((We white people must stop having white children)))
>those trips of truth
Well, I guess it's time again.
What if you are white(hispanic)?
>the only solution
You mean the finale solution?
Never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake.
Welp, time to buy a gun.
Right-wing death squads when???
Post the link
>(((us))) whites
Jews (ie Noel Ignatiev) have been saying this for decades, of course they think it
Yup. Antifa is choosing to eliminate their own genes from the gene pool. This is great.
At what point in this process does our GDP per capita plummet?
go ahead
cast that damn stone already
I fucking dare you
This is truth
So it's genetic? Like nigger behavior? Nigger IQ? Pls redpill me about genetics and race.
That's probably fake. Their concept of whiteness is far more abstract than that.
Berkeley riot. your really getting somewhere.
They should have said it sooner.
I'm white and have a white wife and already had two white kids. Does that mean that antifa won't like me?
no, its time for us to wake up family, and I mean that in the truest sense, they are scared of us. take my hand, into the the new reich-land, we will truly make america great again, get armed, get a kettlebell, learn how to use the gun first, then learn how to condition, become a casual looking killing machine, if they fuck with you, they will pay, our genes our the thing that separates us, they are apes, we are human, you must never forget that.
Trump list them as a terrorist organization, then their time will come to a end. If they form more groups, they will be thrown in prisons. Sessions and Bannon are our guys, they will make it happen.
whats next? a strongly worded letter?
This is in no way what most antifas actually beleave.
Maybe I'll have to black face when I go shopping with the missus to avoid being attacked. Probably beat her around a bit first for extra authenticity.
You need to read the literature used to brainwash these useful idiots in their social studies classes.
When they say whiteness they do not mean whites. To destroy whiteness in their mind is to be a completely cucked ethno masochist.
Read up about intersectionality.
I'm out of resees. I consider this a hate crime.
>implying it's their choice
By that logic we could get rid of racism by killing all non-whites, oh wait.. :^)
It actually would be an easier task in america, as whites are still a majority here. Less people dead=more humane
No, they're recruiting within the white-bread-rebel without-a-cause niche. Yes, they are virtue signalling their antiracist sentiments to a self defeating extreme, but they are also attacking the nuclear family by saying: "if you are the product of white couple an are angry at your parents, you can disassociate from them by calling them racists an joining our ranks.
Is this why so many of them are pedos and literal cucks? To make sure they dont breed while also fulfilling their white guilt driven masochism?
The good thing is that at least here in germany most Antifas are white.
So hopefully they will start with themselves and end their own lives and antifa will disapear.
Everyone wants to if you really think about it, even most whites. White nationalism = white survival. No one will let that happen.
oh so you're saying there's a white genocide now?
they talk about racism like if its a demonic thing that could end humanity
>So hopefully they will start with themselves and end their own lives and antifa will disapear.
he's a black paedo antifa so they don't mind
That's the most fascist thing I've ever read from the modern age. Antifa is literally stormfag-tier.
It's funny because the fascists "camice nere" in Italy 1920 acted exactly like them.
Implying these virgins ever had a choice....Now they can pretend their genes died out because of a political movement and not because they are complete losers
Where possibly could we have gotten that impression from?
Yeah antifa is almost entirely white and almost entirely male
They probably weren't gonna breed with someone anyway
Proud father of five white, red-pilled, gun carrying children here.
Our social welfare system has allowed the shitskins to breed like rabbits. We must put a stop to it.
>whites getting described as a threat
>sings and comments describing to end the white race
>antifa beating the living shit of whites
>mfw whites get hitlered in your lifetime
fugg there are more of them, why are peadophiles pro refugee anti white antifa.
his blog saying it's a right wing plot to discredit his sympathies
he gets jailed for child porn and abusing children
If I say we could also end blackness to end racism at that point I would be a racist right?
Fire up the ovens, we're getting rid of racism!
I can't wait until they push things too far and then wonder why they are in a camp
I fucking hope. I'd join new Hitler in a heartbeat.
Come on they would be happy with everyone dead really
nu-male antifa cucks pose no threat to the white race
Antifa lives with his Jewish granny in her basement. It's the perfect cover. His goy antifa buddies thinks he's white and don't question his absences since they are too zonked on Heroin to care much.
We should bring back that #NoWhiteDemocrats meme so the liberals and centrists with one ounce of sense might realize that they'll be killed or discriminated against with the rest of us.
More like white suicide.
youre surprised by this?
You were able to get a wife at all, so of course they don't like you.
This wasn't already blatantly obvious to you? This whole "You're Nazis!" shit is complete projection. They want to exterminate US. The only thing standing in their way is the fact they don't have the numbers and power yet.
Kikes. They are only white when attacking whites. Then they are magically kikes again.
Race-baiting should come as no surprise
Seems like its working most of Sup Forums are unironically pushing for white men to breed with chinks
Nice job playing into the enemys hands
>when people who follow a fascist mindset accuse you of being a fascist for not supporting it
I am literally shaking guys,as white cis-gender hispanic male living near a forest full of frogs,I am too scared that someone charges in my house with a monocycle,punch my face and steal my tendies.
>posting pedophile bait
Fucking disgusting.