I regret voting for Drumpf!

He is a fascist authoritarian. He is such a bigot. I should have voted for the honest, experienced, intelligent candidate, Hillary Clinton.



>Hillary Clinton


Trump voters are all rural retards.
Clinton voters are all educated city folk.

You didn't vote, did you?

you're new here, aren't ya?

>rural retards

wtf i hate gump now im a cruz missile btfo desu

>tfw rural suburbanite retard brother convinced me to waste my vote on drumpf



ITT: asspained racist pussies slapping their fat pale fingers on a keyboard

Get some pussy you little uneducated losers.

it wouldnt have mattered if you had OP, she still "won" the "popular" vote :^)

>50% of these posts are Sharia Blue
>50% of these posts are trolls

worst fucking coin flip ever


You shall be spared the rake


so your´re getting pussy while posting?
fuck off nigger. you earned your 3 cents now go eat some kfc

It's actually kind of sad, to think that these people are so deluded that they believe coordinated shitposting and shilling will make any difference on Sup Forums since every post is shitposting and shilling anyways?

Is David Brock internally sabotaging the Democratic Party?

Reall makes you think...


I see your point CTR, however *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP*

Hillary is a spirit cooking witch

>trump won the white educated vote
>trump won all income brackets over 50k
Hillary got all the niggers, poor people, and dykes.

>still this asshurt 2 months on

Hahahahaha keep the tears coming libtard scum :^)))

He's sort of like their own personal Ralph Wiggum.

This is someone pretending to be a CTR shill and it's pretty funny so I'll allow it

Still replying without a bump

but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

I regret supporting him