Roman Sup Forums Thread #2

Justinian edition

First for Marcus Antony

Threadly reminds that Marcus Lepiuds was an irrelevant third wheel.

we've jumped quite the ways into the future it seems

turns out that carpenter was actually the son of god holy shit



What do you need a gladius for, Romanfats?

If your house gets robbed, just call the lictor’s guild or use your scutum to fend off the attack.

No Roman citizen actually needs a gladius. If push came to shove, what, are you and your untrained barbarian slaves going to defeat 10 legions by yourselves?

What next, should you have the right to own a ballista? No Roman citizen should need anything more than a pugio to defend himself in his home. You’re just overcompensating for your short stature and plebeian birth.

Legalizing Christianity was a mistake.

I hereby decree the merit of owning a catamite.

I have known a great philosopher who upon discovering that his mistress was a boy proclaimed "a woman merely has two vaginas."


Hällo there, we are poor german refugees and seek help against the huns, pleäse gib Länd and we will assimilate to your culture.

Yeah but it's like VIII / X of them

Paganism was on the way out anyways

Holy shit I just wake up and me and my friend Clavdivs are now under the control of a frankish chieftain, what should I do ?

Where the fuck is the nearest legion ?

This. Anything more than a pugio is overkill and you're likelly compensating for something if you think you need a gladius or a spatha. I'm glad we forbid people from enter the City with those.

Haha, what do you guys think of those fags out in central asia? I think they call themselves "Turks".or something. Get a load of those mfers.


Is that a spatha ?


What's with all the graffiti in Rome recently encouraging us to mix with germanics? I bet the Judeans are behind this.

>t. Jvdeian

I bet you svck baby phallvm too

Forged with baby seeking iron

>308 AD
>not worshiping Sol Invictus
You're going to regret this, I tell you.

Did you hear ? Based Hadrian is going to BTFO Jews, again!

A failed response to Christianity

Mithra is the only true god

Do yov even notice all the women bvying blond hair to make wigs and look like forest niggers?

>he can't recognize a pilum when he sees one

Daily reminder catapult fire cant destroy marble walls
The sack of Rome was an inside job

Don't mix with germanics, they are barbarians

What is beneath your feet?!

>Still speaking Latin

>mfw cucked by Belisarius


>mfw he builds the wall
>mfw the picts pay for it

hightail it to greece. skip italy, that'll be german again soon.

Hey so what do yov gvys think of this mvhammad gvy?

seems pretty based, he jvst kicked the jvdeans ovt of arabia. the absolvte madman.

Germanics are tall, roymer. Don't you want your descendants to be tall?

Aren't Judeans known to be very nice helpful merchants?

You can clearly see that he has some snus under his lip in that mosaic. Romans confirmed nordics.

The Romania is so decadent that I bet this word will mean something like shithole in some language within 2,000 years

Blood and sweat

I fucking love that show

>Justinian II Rhinotmetos > Justinian I

rome is rightful arab clay

But Clovis is a consul of Rome, r-right ?

I stand with the visigoths, greatest ally.

Islam wasn't founded till after Rome fell

Saracen pls go

t. Alexander Johannsone

If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girl friend

Top kek you are just mere traders in Petra, you will never leave the desert

We need a wall in the north to keep the germanic tribes out.

clovis is a some germaninigger posing as a king of the celts

>not making their women into proper Romans with your cock

Fucking enuch get it off here

Daily reminder that Ampliatus Pedania is a thief.

Hahaha, hello roman friends, thanks for letting us German live in your lands.
Me and my buddies here are planning a trip to Rome to "admire" your treasury for a bit.

You can't be culturalist because I am also a Roman, am I right or am I right?

First for Heraclius , Βασιλεύς, Πιστός εν Χριστώ


the barbarioi are rapists, they're murderers, and some i assume are good people

Yes, you are right, I'll take a boat to live in Constantinople, I hope I'll meet no vandal pirates on the way

t. Perfidious Saxon

You, dominus, have no virtv

You are probably one of those new citizens that are romans since (((Caracalla)))

Are you an anti german bigot?
They are fleeing from huns and war in their home will you deny safe passage and refuge?
Besides we need them to take the jobs romans wont and prop up our ageing population

>what is the WRE and the ERE?
>american education

Caracalla did nothing wrong. The streets of Rome need to be littered with the ashes of (((Christians)))

>t. Hippie eastern religion lover fag. Will yov go to egypt buy some svn frogs this winter like all the cool ephoebus?

Like the vandals did? Sane!!!

>We wvz romanz and shiet!!!

Haha fag. Maybe it turns as bad as balkanic shitty lands are bvt it will never svck as much as gauls.

Let barbarians kill each other. It just had to be an iberian

Sure Hellenism has its flaws, but i do have suspicions that the worship of this "Son of God" also known as "King of the Jews", is a ploy to undermine the Imperial court.

> Being a dualist plebeian
> Not prefering based Diocletianus

2 copper shekel coins have been added to your purse.

The name ''german'' once upon a time was a village in the Balkans. Funny how it went in north

It was Judean. Jews as we know them today weren't known as jews until the 800s or something

I'm a time traveler from 2061 years in the future, AMA.

>Forest niggers

You mean to look like our emperors?

Constantine and Augustus had blonde hair from descriptions. Fucking pleb

>tfw don't know anything about the roman empire because i took government and economic classes in high school instead of history

any good books/documentaries recommendations?

Daily reminder Nero did IX/XI

Who are the true inheritors of Rome?

Isus Hristos did nothing wrong


>t. privileged Lusitanian who never met a german in his life

I live right at the border, I see these barbarians coming everyday over the danube. I wish that these wetbacks will invade one day invade your country and you will see I'm right.

Guys, I'm all for reuniting the empire and MRGA, I'm not doubting emperor Justinian but is anyone else really sick? Like half my town has died of the plague. I'm starting to wonder if we'll even be able to march back on the west

Nero did nothing, don't believe those (((historians)))

They are jealous because he was a highly competent artist

Daily reminder that Roman pussy was made for Celts and Germanics.

Here's a qvick rvndown

>Julii bow to Christ
>in contact with YHVH
>rumoured to possess healing abilities
>said to be mighty and intimidating in private
>has apostles and followers all over the world
>influence culture all over the empire with control of the forums/subliminal messages
>true secret King of the Jews
>owns several carpenter's shops
>learned fluent Latin in less than 48 hours
>ancient Judean scriptures tell of God who will descend upon the Earth as a man, and will bring an era of salvation and unprecedented peace with him
>own basically every temple & Judaic worship facility on Earth
>first virgin babies will be YHVH babies
>rule Judea with an iron but fair fist
>Frumentarii seek him out for information and intelligence
>Rituals honoring most gods are actually secretly honoring Christ
>keep Rome and the east in a perpetual state of war to increase the profits of Judean merchants, which all bow to Christ
>set up the ambush against the legions in Teutoberg Forest, could have sent more Germanii but made a messenger bird call that saved Rome
>Has access to the land above the sky
>will bankroll the first cities beyond the sky (Corpus Christi will be be the first city)
>the emperors never make any decisions without consulting Jesus first
>the last emperor who didn't consult with him was Julius Caesar. He broke down on the ides of march because of a lack of God's grace, and stabbed himself to death multiple times in a fit of rage
>own iron production facilities everywhere in the empire
>said to be possess a type of metal that's harder and lighter than iron, and machines that allow him to fly
>if you're reading this right now, you most likely have seen the shadow of a ChristCopter(tm) pass over you
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Sinic monasteries & Mt. Olympus

A good podcast is History of Rome. There are actually some decent resources on YouTube believe it or not

Kek you'll see, you'll someday speak germanic too, Noricum boy

Noone. All traditions you know of will be destroyed due to Barbarians and infighting. All the provinces which you control will independitize and fight between them for almost one and a half millenia. By the end you will be reminded by nothing but monuments.

My anglo buddy said he's going to sail over to Britannia and start a new life. what of him and his descendants?

fvck ovt of here (Yov) kiddie-diddling scvm


thanks, definitely gonna check it out

Will my frankish grandsons conquer the former western part of Rome ?

> Speaking hellenic
> in the fucking VIth century

Kek, those guys will never recover from the moment we conquered them

That kid couldn't conquer a berber town

Christian enabler

Put on your bronze hat et sleep with your 11 bodygvards on your fortress villa

Are my lands in greece ever going to be prosperous?

Keep dreaming you pant wearing animals

Daily reminder that roman bois will never retake their lands

Clovis is truly invictus and blessed by God

> t. syagri*s shill

* they are too far north. North even of thracia

they're svbverting ovr yovth tho
Cicero was right all along

Brittania will create the greatest empire mankind ever knew, and spawn the most powerful countries.

No. In fact GTFO of Gallia NOW.

For a while in about 2000 years. We have a popular saying towards Greeks on this time. Pay Debnts. Make your conclusions.

How do I get a redpilled parthian qt?
>hate afrii and iudeans with passion
>good with bows and arrows
>will bear strong children
>revere the ancient greek gods
They re perfect