White Minority

Soon, whites will be a minority. As soon as they fall under 50%, that's it - minority status protection.

All the liberal bullshit to help minorities will come to bite them in the ass. CHECKMATE

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=white babies minority&oq=white babies minority&aqs=chrome..69i57.4892j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

whites are already a minority as babies

RIP america

Whites are going extinct. Its over.

Why are all hispanics classed as non-white? The ones who aren't mestizos are pretty much just spaniards or germanics.

The fucking US govt. classes all arabs as white but not actual white hispanics?

Won't happen thanks to affirmative action.



White ethnostate when ?

dumb faggots there isnt less of you theres more of the others

One drop rule :^)

Is this better?