Pray to kek that he will get rid of all the ponyfags

pray to kek that he will get rid of all the ponyfags.

you're angering him with your bullshit, steve

Praise be to Kek!

But Kek is a ponyfag too. Digits confirm.

It should stay like this forever



Kek wills it

kek loves ponies and wants us to love ponies too

Kek is a CHAOS god though.

kek is drek

kek pls draw in more pony fags

Thank you for purging shills, praise kek

Delete this

Use these digits to get rid of them.

>Kek is a CHAOS god though

That explains why this happened


Praise KeK!

Pol is paired with worst board pls help

Checking the only digits in this thread. WE MOST POST PEPES TO CHARGE KEKS POWER

that's Heqet

kek wills it

no he doesn't you Redditfag, see my digits


its an april fools prank you dumb nigger

The chaos today will only make kek stronger

Can't believe it didn't occur to me earlier but fashy ponywave needs to be a thing. I'm going to start whipping up OC when I get home from work.

If digits Hiro will die in his sleep tonight


Ponies btfo


Then why didn't it change? It's already January 2. Most users want it.


/mlpol/ is testament to the fact that igorance and stupidity holds hands. You've only known the bronie for a day and you're begging him to be friends.
This is a ruse concieved by the sjws to make Sup Forums look even more autistic than it already is.
The next thing you'll tell me is that blacks are not sub-human and Jews mean no harm.....

Because Sup Forums time doesn't revolve around Serbia?

Kek confirmed for not willing it

KEK is shit. Pray to Jesus


Celestia is whiter than Jesus.

pol discriminates against true christians

Praise Kek! Get these ponyfags in the fucking helicopter

kek = ridiculously bad designed character. No match for the true savior Jesus Christ

I thought kek was a god of chaos

he's the one who brought the ponyfags here user

kek doesnt care about ponies

>>digits confirm KEKS displeasure

Kek sent the Bronies to us for a reason. We must figure out that reason.

Kek will have his revenge, ponyfags are going to pay for this.

>Implying ponies aren't the ultimate red pill


The ponies please kek. Make /mlpol/ permanent!
>This is a ruse concieved by the sjws to make Sup Forums look even more autistic than it already is.
Why is that bad? It might keep away undesirables.

Kek gas these beastility freaks

seems like you missed
let me help you out

So this means Kek approves of the alliance with the ponyfags?

I'm so confused.

What is the difference between ponyfags and frogfuckers?

Kek is a CIA meme


Why are you confused? The signs are clear. Kek likes ponies.

kek is dead. Accept what your life will become

ponies are HERESY!

>>kek is not pleased with the degenerate ponyboys.. his prophet PEPE will speak

Frogs are degenerate, good thing that you frogfuckers are leaving.

Then why do only the pony digits repeat?
Kek has spoken in favour of /mlp/.

If singles the ponies will disappear while I sleep

>thinking kek doesn't like ponies


>>not happening ya nigger

do you think KEK is angry for something?

May Kek destroy the Ponyfags once and for all, and let's embark on a holy crusade against!

Kek likes chaos, but in a way, always pointing it to help the good fight.
I imagine today has been much needed laughter and respite for Kek, for the battles to come.

But, tomorrow we know the fight will go on.
Praise Kek.

>you left out the other dubs that say NO ponies

>pray to a god of chaos
>to end chaos

Fuck you faggots to the end of time

>>Argument over, trips speak

No I didn't. see Kek is pleased by the ponies.



kek has spoken

Quite... One was playing Shadilay at the time too...
Might get a stiff G n T.

sadly i think i have figured out what this means
>frogs == water/earth == chaos == precursor to birth
>birds == open heavens == desire/will == life
>horses == earth == freedom == war
>Man == earth/water == order == creation
we are at horse, we are at war, this means that it's time for Sup Forums to enter into warrior mode, and spread out towards it's enemies

Bad Font Rendering

kek will join them

Basically all the kek is saying in this thread is pro-pony or neutral

These are the digits that show Kek's favor.

multiple sevens are top kek

Oops, a typo

digits have a true meaning on Sup Forums
what we have now is neither Sup Forums nor /mlp/
kek pls purge ponyniggers and don't let Sup Forums be taken over by them. kekus vult!

ayy checkem
praise kek!

t. bulGAYrian
accept the ponypill

I bet that kek only approved that part
>digits have a true meaning on Sup Forums
of your post!

And he confirms!

sacrifice pony for kek


I pray to Jesus that kekfags go back to the_donald.


If dubs kek is now celestials sex toy

I can imagine kek taking pleasure in the chaos

No, I actually like the fusion, its pretty fun.

Rollin for keks approval and continued plan to bring bronys into our fold

>off by one
You are clear for an hero

They can stay, check those digits.

Kek thinks everything is funny.

This is a post by a user named "Stormy" AKA "InsectRapist42" AKA Neonlover.
He is a well known "ironic" troll that attempts divide and conquer tactics on multiple boards, and several different sites. Almost certainly a member of Shariablue. I've collected a large dossier on his activities. Sage.

I can't go back to the ponycult bros. Kek save us please.