When will mexico take back stolen land?

When will mexico take back stolen land?



I don't know. When will Japan man the fuck up?

When the hyperleft reactionaries take back the presidency from Trump in 2020

As soon as they can beat us in a war

I think the US purchased Nevada.

When will Ainu take back stolen land?


We paid for it

No takebacks

mmmm mmm sugar, we purchased it fair and square. Not my fault Mexican like shiny beads. Fuckem.

why am I seeing more sageable posts from japs?

More English teachers are showing up

White piggu go home

Texas declared and won independence in battle before asking to join the United States. The rest was legitimately purchased after the US kicked Mexico's ass in the ensuing war because it was full of natives the new Mexican government couldn't contain.

They are already taking it.

It's always the same English teacher.

When will mexico lost more land?

The Wall would not have to be so long.

I would fucking pay them to take California back right now if I could. The only state I'd truly miss out of those would be Texas (maybe Colorado but it's gone downhill desu). I'd happily accomodate a white refugee from one of the others in my home, so long as beaners were going in the other direction.
The USA isn't a landmass; it isn't defined by its borders. It's defined by the constitution, and ridding ourselves of those states might be one of the best chances we've got of defending that consitution.

When will you?

They did a fucking favor to the people who lives in those lands.

when will japan fuck off and die

>Implying California isn't ours already