trumptards unironically support this
Trumptards unironically support this
is this racists?
good pic use against lefts!
Though you're a cuck, I really want Saudi Arabia to suffer the most.
No, Trump just used the initial list so he could back it up with the "It's Obongo's list" defense. Trust me, we want to make it a real Muslim ban - ALL MUSLIMS no matter what country they are from. As well as deporting all spics and niggers even if they're here illegally. Unfortunately the backlash would be too great.
saudis are gud boyz, dey dindu nuffin
>even if they're here legally
>Please, oh please Mr. Trump, please add those fucking Saudis to the list
Obama picked the countries that were banned, not Trump. Trump just reinstated a plan designed in 2010.
>tfw everything trump fucks up is obama`s fault
kek, you guise are as cucked as the leftshits
Interesting that the terrorists are wearing Purdy hats. Makes sense.
>>deporting all spics and niggers
I really hope you try it, shitbag, I really really hope you do.
They're still unironically blaming Hillary Clinton for things.
Like fuck mitt Romney for Obama's mistakes right guys?
Isn't saudia arabia like our only allly?
this is like putting a travel ban on israel because isis might fly through israel to avoid the ban.
Also this is hilariously racist.
nope, don't support it.
Buchannan is right. Trump is wrong on SA, Syria, and Iran.
got them assbackwards, because there's a dirty jew in his ear
Oh course we must defend our greatest ally.
>t. Tyrone Daquarius Washington
>t. Carlos Paco Martinez
israel has already been caught helping ISIS in Syria
fuck those traitors
>Islam has nothing to do with Muslims it's wrong to ban them
>Trump should ban THESE Muslims because they're the real terrorists
yeah and obama has been caught training isis in syria too...
No we don't, we want them all banned.
I don't
fuck saudi arabia
We have blacks and "latinos" in Ireland. They're cool and hardworking. Most of them become doctors and engineers. Then we have Niggers. Black and brown. They're another breed altogether.
Just off the boat panhandling thieving cunts. Thankfully it's a very small problem.
If you want to sort our your problem. Focus on education. #1 priority should be enforcing illegal immigration. If someone's a legal immigrant they can attend university, apply for work and better themselves.
Saudi Arabia is a key political ally in the Middle East, dipshit. They can't fucking ban them.
and we have pictures of McCain meeting with our terrorists in Syria
Fucking love the dynamite flipflops desu
Trump even said Saudi Arabia was funding ISIS in the debates
Th problem is that Americas economy will tank without them. Petrol dollar and all that. His hands are tied
lol this cartoonist didn't even read the EO
Trumps 8D chess sure works on libs.
All that comic proves is that Trumps ban isn't a Muslim ban
No Saudi Arabia is not your only ally. In fact it's probably the worst ally you have. It's a leach that's been condemned by every other ally and trading partner you have.
We call them Trumpcucks now
>petro dorrah maymay
>trump is so bad that a BUSH era attorney general had to step in and shut him up.
Countries that don't supply background information or validity of visas are on the list.
Saudi Arabia does.
>Trump is a racist who is banning muslims from entering the US
>Trump is an idiot who wont ban Saudis from entering the US
Well which is it liberals?
Is the left implying Saudis are terrorists?
This timeline best timeline.
The Hispanics and African Americans that are abnle to make it to Europe are educated. They're more noble than your typical sand nigger.
>Trump bans people from certain countries temporarily, because they've been painted as violent terrorists.
>As a liberal, you disagree with this, and want to send a message.
>Draw a picture depicting Saudis as violent terrorists.
>Heh, that'll show Drumpf...
Sounds like israel
That is an ADA unit lmao
The left:
>oh my God you can't imply that everyone from the middle east is a terrorist you racists!!!!
Also the left:
>makes this comic
>Isn't saudia arabia like our only allly?
yea we totally gonna rek some iranians with them.
No they're saying Trump is a hypocrite for leaving Saudis off the list even though 15/19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi, ISIS funding and propaganda comes from Saudi backers, and the countries on his actual list have little to do with islamic terrorism in america.
kys islamophobic fag
Better than nothing.
them flipflops are da bomb brah
Is the Left bending so far around that it's actually embracing racist humor?
what makes you think this is a leftist cartoon you morons. the guy who made this is probably a rightist who's (rightfully) pissed that some random countries got banned while the country that's the root of your entire turrism issue didn't get banned
um wow are you saying you want Trump to ban more muslim countries? Fucking xenophobe :^)
fuck, you people are daft
So... we should ban all muslims?
Maybe that's why Trump was getting rid of the EPA and building the Keystone Pipeline
We can use American and Canadian oil and then fuck over the Saudis with impunity
Reasonable truth.
What the fuck are you doing here??
This. Hell, add Qatar with Saudi Arabia. You should know best, Alija imported a shit ton of Saudis most respectable terrorists.
The list of countries with citizens to be alert to was formed during Obama-administration. Trump only tried to enact something to keep the country from treats everyone agreed was there.
Attacking the choice of countries is an attack on the Obama-administration. Not an attack on Trump.
the left is broken
>T-That Trump monster! He must be in bed with Al-Jabeir! I bet he helped him meddle with the election! REJECT ARAB SUPPORT!
The Saudi Royal Family are actually CRYPTO-JEWS! Read this:
liberals hate muslims now?
Also funny how the left suddenly wants to call muslims terrorists.
whats wrong with outlawing x-men.
in fact why do libs think it's bad to outlaw x-men but want gun control.
What did buchanan say? This is trumps worst policy because as you say it's completely backwards and we know ((why))
The left is imploding.
>they're jews
so they're the good guys?
No, I don't think Trump's ban went far enough.
I think they still check them for bombs
>implying we don't still vet anyone else coming into our country
>t. schlomo kikestein
liberals dont understand that.
They think you're supposed to let any muslim in without provoking them with micro aggressions.
Can't check them for bombs, or thats racist.
Maybe in our countries
Most of Europe is not so lucky
I wish he would have banned the entire religion from coming in. That would have pissed off the liberals so much more on top of being the right thing to do in the first place.
There are legitimate things to blame on Hillary Clinton, though.
I love how liberals aren't even against banning Muslims. They just don't want to bad "poor little immigrants."
whats up with syria anyways. I heard all the information we've got about them is compromised and we don't even know for certain if they're attacking their own people.
In fact they say the rebels are the ones doing that, using them as shields.
Better ban those 7 countries and not the Saudis then not ban those 7 countries and also not ban the Saudis
I wish all the sandniggers were banned though, and preferably bombed
The Left is right, Trump doesn't go far enough.
Buchanan said it makes no sense to be picking fights right now given all the other shit that Trump has to deal with and that Iran were well within their rights to do what they did.
Why does this look familiar???
you pretty much got it. sunni salafist wahabi cunts financed by qatar, saudi arabia and uae are what is as the "moderate beheaders". these so called moderates were getting logistical help from israel, us and jordan, and BTFO`ing Assad. Then Putin stepped in and said, "no more moderate beheaders".
>the left is now unironically complaining that not MORE muslim majority countries are banned
I dont anymore
I don't support this
They should all be turned away
Obama funded, armed and trained ISIS and All Qaeda.
Bud don't take my word for it, listen to your congresswoman:
citizens from those seven countries were extremely vetted and will continue to be so. the ban was plain and simple retardation.
she should be the 2020 runner
I don't think that's a reasonable interpretation of what's going on. The """"""left""", I believe, isn't advocating for every Muslim nation to be travel banned; for instance, I don't see Huffpo suggesting that Indonesia be banned. Instead, by calling attention to the fact that nations where terrorists did originate were not banned, it undermines Trump's justification of national security as the motivating factor for the ban.
>Protesting "Muslim Ban"
>Trump allowing dangerous Saudi Muslims in the US
Holy fuck the left is deluded
Again, this is based off of what Obama had prepared. This is what Trump was able to do immediately. While the ban is in place, it gives the new administration time to come up with something more comprehensive. What they have right now is only a stopgap.
Of course, this would be much easier to accomplish if people would stop fucking with the order for no reason and start cooperating with the President
Is that a fucking kettle it holdin>
>Ban all but one of the most obvious choices
>Libtards angrily point out that Saudis are the most dangerous and redpill normies by accident
>Since it's only from one country it's much easier to vet and track immigration as all wannabe terrorists are forced through the same channel
4. D. CHESS.
The lack of self awareness leftist have is striking.
Is Elliott Rodger considered a terrorist now?
>Again, this is based off of what Obama had prepared.
Again, blame Obama
>While the ban is in place, it gives the new administration time to come up with something more comprehensive.
Why not come up with something more comprehensive and then institute it?
Why ban countries that US is bombing and that are basically all enemies of Israel?
Why not implement a proper plan (such as the extreme vetting for those 7 nations, and expand the vetting to other nations?)
Why is Trump so incompent and clueless?
I like it; actual reasonable criticism instead of delusional gibberish like usual.
Drumpf is just a zio-globalist cuck, turbo neocon and Israeli lapdog. It's funny he gets so much hate from liberals.
>Why not come up with something more comprehensive and then institute it?
Even one is too much
>Why ban countries that US is bombing?
>What could possibly be wrong with accepting citizens of nations we are at war with?
>and that are all basically enemies of Israel
What country in the Middle East isn't an enemy of Israel?
>Why not implement a proper plan
Again, we haven't come up with one yet. We just ended week fucking two of the presidency and we still don't even have a confirmation for all of the Cabinet members and Trump has a lot more to contend with than just the ban
He did what he could do right away. At the end of the 90/120 days, I expect we'll see something better than what we have now unless the libshits manage to perpetuate the chaos for that long
>haha fucking drumpf
Meanwhile he is FINALLY getting liberals to admit muslims are a danger.
Another 64D chess move my low IQ turkish friend
>What could possibly be wrong with accepting citizens of nations we are at war with?
Even green card and visa holders that were vetted?
What country in the Middle East isn't an enemy of Israel?
Saudi Arabia (you know, the 911 hijackers) is the big one.
>Again, we haven't come up with one yet.
Doesn`t excuse the mess he made, which wasn`t a plan at all and more like a whim from one of his neocon aides.
No? One of the biggest complaints from every conservative media I consume was that Saudi Arabia wasn't included