Sup Forums, I give you
>The Kingdom of Greater Bavaria
Sup Forums, I give you
>The Kingdom of Greater Bavaria
retarded system, move on
horrible idea, Sup Forums already supports the reformation of the HRE
No thanks, I don't want East Germany or Poland in my country.
That clay is tainted by AIDS and FAIL.
Stop making this shitty thread
fuck off you fat cunt
how about you come and try
Austria is way too cucked to be included.
What? Austrians and Bavarians are basically brothers.
Bavarians are fine in my books, best germans hands down compared to the scummy prussians.
I honestly dont want any of you. All of you are EU shills
>Maximilian von Montgelas
Leave out Wurttemberg but other than that sign me up
4 language groups (not counting at least 5 other minority languages).
What would be the point?
Silly kraut, the only AIDS and fail in Europe are fucking krauts themselves. White europeans are down with your kike cock gobbling and social engineering orchestrated by your masters
Your vagina has no power here.
Good as long as every person with Slavic, Italian, Jewish, Prussian and French ancestry is expelled
Alpine Germanic Race under one flag
That's going to be one hell of a clusterfuck, and I really don't see a way to make this work on the administrative level. I wouldn't really mind living in it, since all the countries involved are pretty based, but you gotta think of practicability.
Ethnic cleansing
Nothing based about Italy or Croatia too
It's fucking shit, only increases inner European devide and conquer and won't fix your problems because you are already filled with subhumans.
In addition, you deliberately create a multi ethnic AND multi-lingual country on the likes of Austria-Hungary. Granted, way less slavs in there but still, you problems won't be fixed... especially when adding Italians to you stupid Idea.
Also taking in Switzerland is completely unrealistic, the Swiss would never take part in this stupidity... which begs the question: where you thinking at all when making this map or did you just go "lets paint some areas closer to and Vienna in my favourite color, that'll show Sup Forums".
>Wanting to be ruled by inbred Habsburgs
No thanks
Realistic vision of it is German Switzerland, Südtirol, Schwabia, Bavaria and Austria under one banner and this applied
French speaking Switzerland is ours senpai
I also would add Saxony and Thuringia. They might talk funny, but they are the most based and are in the top4 best education systems of all German states. They are also the most white out of all German states...
For further economic strength, we should add Hesse (because of Frankfurt) and add BaWü (because of Stuttgart) but label these two as multi culti shitholes from the start. In these two, we might allow the multi culti shit or Genocide the minorities.
Once our union is strong and steady, we invade the rest and cleanse them of Subhumans, nearly recreateing the holy roman empire borders.
ur mom
fuck off and deal with your own shithole
not even France itself is yours these days
unironically kill yourself
>I also would add Saxony and Thuringia
Its quite gay. What about all the different people living there?
>this thread again
Fuck off.
You mean thoses who beat the Ottomans and control in perfect state the European colonies before the French destroy everything?
>t. Teile und Herrsche wirkt bei mir wie Dünger auf Kresse
These borders don't make sense why are they like that?
where will you move all the non germanics?
>Moar Austria 4 Italy
Lol no ty
How nice of You to Include Slolvendians and Venetians.
Vereinigt euch, Brüder!
Love it. Let's make it happen
That's a god awful idea.
t.The Swiss Warrior
Fucking Bavarians. To think that Krauts can come on Sup Forums and not want a Greater Germany and fulfil Hitlers dream is disappointing.
Yeah and that worked so well the previous times. Germans are meant to be divided, every time they unite they fuck up. See losing ww2 and creation of israel, and after the fall of the berlin wall the cuckfugee crisis
East Germany has at least birth rates picking up. How many kids do *you* have, Bernd?
Unification will be the ultimate uncuck-action.
> Deus vult!