Redpill me on Sandy Hook, Sup Forums.
Redpill me on Sandy Hook, Sup Forums
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We won't know the truth for years. Conspiritards claim it's a coverup or hoax but it's really just a sensitive subject. People don't want photos of their murdered kids plastered all over the internet, understandably.
Medical Examiner Wayne Carver on scene before the broken glass entry points were faked.
I'm from Newtown, born and raised, and can confirm it actually happened.
Schools are ADA complaint. Sandy Hook obviously was not.
Retard. The fbi themselves say no one died there.
I'm from Newtown, born and raised, and can confirm that it was actually a hoax.
It was was a vile sacrifice to the Elder Gods who fight against his Word.
This, my wife's son died in that school, stop spreading BS op.
How so?
adam lanza nose looks a lot like mark grimmie's
Cuck leaf
shill fuck
We saw the Christmas trees behind the building. Someone have a time machine?
How much does that shit pay? I need work.
>I'm from Newtown
even if this were true what kind of evidence is this??
what trees? I haven't seen this before
The lines outside the school were painted white, not yellow, which it has to be by law. That law changed in the 90's
Little ryan lanza. The only picture with both lanzas, but I think its just little ryan and an older ryan
newtown/sandy hook was a false flag paid for by mackey dykes and the CT greenbank which laundered $500M of federal funds from the department of energy.
congresswoman esty got katie dykes (mackey's wife) a cushy job as commandant so no one asks questions.
Are you trying to say this is proof that the school was not in use?
check out mark grimmie. His sister was shot in orlando 2 days before the nightclub shooting.
Why would an older teenage boy go shoot up a school for elementary children anyway? That would be an extream outlier compared to other school shootings. Most occur at the students high school or current location of education. They mostly never occur off campus or in another place. I think the man was framed. Or committed a smaller crime and was placed under blame for all of it.
Nicely linked source faggot
Adam Lanza wasn't real
Mrs Lanza was
Mr Lanza worked for CIA
Same crisis actor
Piss poor medical reporting
The financials say otherwise
$500 was ultimately assumed by first Niagara bank
The whole solar energy green bank scam is like a gvt subsidized ponzu scheme
That paid for all of this.
Not one injured person? Has that EVER happened in a mass shooting? Is that even possible?
Just youtube it lots of videos asking lots of obviouse questions
Its evidence, not proof
Do you have evidence of Adam not being real? This is one of the most intriguing theories in the SH ordeal.
isn't there a video of him playing Dance Dance Revolution at the mall?
Try and find his birth certificate
I'm not gunna do your homework you gotta check it out...basically the photos of Adam Lanza are a bad copy of his bro which would explain why he was in the news initially then nothing.
They made him up with a photoshopped
Public record backs me up Adam Lanza didn't exist before 2000
I'm more inclined to believe all this hoax bullshit is a psyop mindfuck on the American people.
when people don't trust their media, those in power can do whatever the fuck they want
Right. How often do schools get audited for ADA compliance though? Seems like a pretty trivial violation all things considered. Something that could fly under the radar.
Idk. I'm just playing devils advocate in case you couldn't tell.
Yeah there is but it's only a short clip filmed from his backside. It's still on youtube last time I checked.
I've seen a few of the SH independent documentaries on youtube before and they've all touched on the photoshopping and some public records info. I'll have to do some more digging if no one here will share their info.
Bahahaha hahahahahahaha
Im dead hahahahahahahaba
Noses look like other noses, OMG !
Good luck. The energy department of Connecticut paid for all this
Then the lobbying firms
imo i think they made the kids so front and center stage in the legacy media to be like
"No this was for sandy hook therefore sandy hook had to be real because
We had the kids on"
Circular logic is deployed a lot be careful m8
The burden of proof is on you, not him. You cannot make a claim without providing some evidence behind it and tell people to do their homework.
I'm not convinced it was a false flag yet. But I'm coming around for sure. This is a great redpill.
Are these the same distraught parents caught laughing on camera after being told their kids corpses are basically swish cheese?
Public record bro
Also CTR has control of
Numbers everyone
Keep this thread bumped. I have to do some unrelated stuff for a bit but want to come back to this thread when I'm done.
I love a good Sup Forums SH thread, might be my favorite. Too bad my shitposting laptop just died and I haven't unloaded its HDD which contains my SH infographic folder
There must be a verifiable source that can back up that claim though, or some kind of screenshot to show there's no birth certificate. If this is one of the main points behind your conspiracy theory. Why would you not want to prove it?
I'm not CTR man, and I love conspiracy theories. I think no one appreciates when conspiracy guys tell them to do their homework though. You're supposed to backup your claims.
Stop changing the thread bro
This is about threading sources...right now im mobile but am trying to upd8
Look at the narrative senpai
Florida Connecticut connection
Weapons used
It's pretty obvious no?
Florida connection. I.e. stolen car, inspite of AL, and NL's cars in the parking lot.
Went from two hangduns to four, to an AR-15 and a Glock 20. And the mysterious trunk Saiga that no one has sufficiently explained.
Some of the "victims" sang at the following Superb Owl. Except they are age 11-12 not 6-7 like in the memorial photos.
>they used younger pictures of these kids to be the victims
Not saying this is or isn't true, but I'm interested to hear what you or others think about the future of these kids. Assuming it is true, what if one day when grown up these kids decide to spill the beans (before they could be JFK'd)?
hold on guys its a bumpy ride here goes
it all starts with the batman movie in one scene there's a map that says sandy hook on it this in itself is odd considering there is no sandy hook in gotham city never has been never was until this movie came out here is where it gets really weird when the batman map that says sandy hook is overlayed over the actual map of sandy hook it fits perfectly including the nearby playground and grass now this gets really weird considering the head honcho of special effects died shortly after the movie and get this shit other movies he did have other shit like this as well (9/11 in independence day) this would just be a freak coincidence until you look at HIS boss who happens to be aleister crowley's grandson. this is where the pieces fall together apparently some of the stuff Crowley did involves some sort of public confession or hinting at what you're going to do before doing something in the weird spooky spiritual stuff he came up with. and that's just the tip of the iceberg
Nice link faggot.
Holy shit
The author of the Hunger Games lives in SH
adam/ryan takes some college classes
I have no idea what these kids are going to do in the future and i wonder how much they know about all this. Do the Obama daughters know their mom's a tranny and dad's a fag?
She is YEARS older
The planes were Dick Cheney, the holograms were the C4, and the towers were the detonators.
t. Alex Jones
They used younger pics of these kids to be the "victims"
Do you have more of these?
Adam Lanza is without a doubt the worst human to ever live
Did anyone mention that they demolished the school and destroyed all the evidence right after it happened?
That makes no sense given that the FBI etc shouldve been picking that crime scene to pieces for months after the alleged shooting
Also has been around forever and really reminds of some of the people at Sandy Hook
>still not posted
I know it's a big meme to call everyone in pol a faggot, but the Sandy Hook conspiracy faggots are some of the true faggots
Seriously though, was Elliot "My grandpa photoshopped holohoax photographs and my 3 glock kills got all AR15/AK47s banned in CA somehow" Rogers a false flag or not?
They did the same thing with 9/11
Remember how investigators tried to get them to stop shipping off all the steel for immediate resmelting? How the investigation wasn't given any time to go through the rubble and look for evidence?
No way, huge paper trail with him on body building forums and his youtube channel. All the warning signs were there forever