Let's make "#ProtestSuperBowl" a thing.
The stadium for the Super Bowl has walls on it to keep people without tickets outside. We should compare this with Trump's Wall.
Start Tweeting with stuff like
>#ProtestSuperBowl we don't need walls to keep people out anymore! stop unfair entry to the economically privileged!
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck, after checking we have to do this now
Oh what's that? You think it's not already a thing?
Today you learn. Get ready for some happenings.
the only thing stopping the Superbowl is a bomb attack or mass shooting
This is a fucking awful idea...but Kek has blessed it.
The numbers have spoken.
Need meems to tweet out in #protestsuperbowl?
kek has spoken.
this is some nice illegal/refugee propaganda that will play at the superbowl. really makes you think
Just retweet people supporting the Patriots.
We need meme images with the hashtag to tweet
Bumping for luls
I wasn't prepared for this shit.
It must be time, lads.
Thy will be done
Thy kingdom come.
How childish and petty
well its definitely going ahead now
fucking powerpoint
How 1 post by this ID
Considering it's in Texas the half time show us going to be amazing ,and I don't even give a fuck about football
>lady Gaga gets on stage with anti-trump speech
>doesn't finish because she's boo'd into oblivion
>MSM shits itself because they were hoping it would be a communist rally like Jeff bridges speech at the awards .
wow good one people are sure to take this seriously
We should try to get feminazis to show up in protest of there not being enough women represented in the Superbowl due to systemic oppression and patriarchy.
KEK hath spoke
Start makin memes anons
bumping to end the white roastie/Soros hivemind
Appealing to the patriarchy argument is not going to work irl.
What is the rhetoric at the marches right now guise, halp.