Have you considered the fact that whenever an american flag replies to you calling you words like nigger, poor...

Have you considered the fact that whenever an american flag replies to you calling you words like nigger, poor, shitskin, etc there is a 60% (much more actually) chance that said poster looks like this graphic depiction IRL?

Really makes you think, huh

thank Argentina you are my whitest friend :DD

White guy here, you're a nigger.

I'm whiter than the snow, can't tan for shit and I glow in the dark.

You are black.

America is still savior of the white race in the end.

Come to the American Midwest, my Argentinian friend.



>trust me, i'm white

America is a mulatto country, go back home to europe pigskin.

Nope, America is and always will be a white country. Founded by whites for whites

makes ya think

One of my ancestors on my grandma's side of the family walked the Trail of Tears, will I be spared on the Day of the Rope?

the pilgrims were white

That ended when you released the slaves and made them citizens.



Every black(mulatto) and mestizo you see is a direct descendant of either natives or colonials. Most european-americans are 20th century hop-ons.

all the time, that's what makes it so funny

Lowborn but fully white american here. I can confirm this. So many people around me call themselves white but have nigger blood in their veins. hell I have one guy whose last name is Fernando and he INSISTS he's white.

>Have you considered the fact that whenever an american flag replies to you calling you words like nigger, poor, shitskin, etc there is a 60% (much more actually) chance that said poster looks like this graphic depiction IRL?

Yes. I don't trust any american flags. And I don't trust most western European flags. They're Bilels and Mehmets.

It actually ended when we, as a country, embraced the idea of being a melting pot of cultures.

they aren't wrong.. really made me think..

Yes, t's over now leave our country, european.

I notice exactly how many European are posters are actually "tanned" every time a conversation like Palestine or Iran comes up.

Also when they started threads/posts claiming that arabs are "basically white"

When will we start making memes about that very obvious trend?

Have you considered that Argentina is about 114% nonwhite? All these anti-American shitposts from people who have probably never seen a white person that wasn't a tourist.


Been to Buenos Aries, you're not fucking white.

Mother born in Ansbach, father derived from Finnish stock and I was born in Tillamook, Oregon.

Sorry my dude I are white as fuck.

Argentina isn't Europe, you used that out of context.

fellow oregonbro.

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.


America is a mulatto country. Go back home to europe pigskin


You sound like a poo nigger shitskin.