Just remember Sup Forumstards, love will ALWAYS win
Just remember Sup Forumstards, love will ALWAYS win
that's not funny
Just give the kid the bottle
good for the kid? what's there to be mad about
can't be trusted with it.
What liberals see: Heroic woman saves poor african child from starvation
What I see: Niggers hate their kids lol
Is his adoptive mom a stripper?
Don't worry. Boko Haram must have killed him already
He ain't smiling.
Wonder how much she wasted on tattoos and drugs before she realized her life was a downward spiral and tried to ignore it and recover by giving water to people in Africa she played no role in getting there.
Love Trump's hate....
Love..... Donald Trump's hatred
Okay. That's why he won. We love him hating on you cucks.
If anything I'm angry about how much a subhuman you have to be to leave a baby of your own kind in that poor state.
On the left you will see the black community under democratic mayors. On the right you will see the black community under Trump.
>Love Trump's hate....
why so possessive?
She is Danish, they made a documentary series about her and her "aid" in helping witch children in Nigeria.
She ends up becoming pregnant with a typical nog, (yellow eyes entirely black skin) and talk about they have to go "home" to Denmark so they can raise their child..
i dunno, hate has been sorta kicking its ass for the last 100,00 years
He's going to school at 3, isn't that a little young ?
Sorry man, you guys are in deep shit.
>niggers need white people to survive
I've never seen that before.
>just remember OP, without Christianity showing all how to be charitable this wouldn't be a thing
>also remember, they would never do the same for us
what about the ones that got converted to christianity?
Even her hair got blacked
That apefrican will surely terrorize its classmates when its older.
And he'll still be at your teet as an adult
That "love" is even more misplaced than that which weebs feel for their cartoon characters.
But will he still have his witch powers? I'd feed water to a nog if it meant I'd have an in-house voodoo doctor later in life.
fuck, that got me
Scandinavian women are so fucking trashy lol
can't take the risk if you ask me
He will never be self-sufficient. He will grow up and have ten kids and they will all starve as well.
Well I "LOVE" my country. So our side will win.
[vague statement intensifies]
here's a quote from your own kind
lol she's feeding him like some wild animal
only difference is babby giraffe is CA-UTE
fucking burgers man
I wonder why they didn't run a story about the millions that die every year from fucking disease, then bloat up and literally explode from gasses in the hot sun. Did you know that little fun fact? Hmm? Quite a mystery.
She's just a free spirit user, she loves everyone. Her hideously marred flesh is symbolic, with each tattoo having a deep, emotional meaning. She really just loves everyone, as evidenced by her bottle feeding of a thirsty niglet.
You wish you were that compassionate.
And just because she's fucked 500 guys and done a ton of drugs doesn't mean she's less of a human being. She's allowed to engage in severe degeneracy because it's liberating, and if nothing else it's cancelled out by carefully crafted photo ops for instagram.
Fuuuuckiingg these burgers man, always up to top cuckery.
What the fuck are "witch children?" First time I hear of such a concept.
>smiling in photographs
He's famous and half of those girls are really ugly, ofcourse they'd be honoured to get his attention. If they were decently attractive and he was a typical street nigger this wouldn't have happened
>School at 3 years old
Do they start early in order to keep up or something?
land of the cucks and home of the faggots
They literally believe in witches. They burn them.
He was probably the child of a witch.
It does happen from time to time
Mate, he might be famous but mate we both know American women fuck niggers all the time.
Went to L.A 2 years ago with some friends saw so many racemixed couples. Might be because its very liberal but still.
Home of the cucks and spreaders of international jewry
You know like the Spanish inquisition and the witch trials of Salem.
Apparently Europe and the US, managed to get rid of their witches. Because of the pure development in Africa, many witches still roams freely. They appear to be easier to identify when they are young (they probably haven't learned to hide their power level) so there are lots of witch children in Africa - whom they then try to get rid off..
Obviously some liberals in the west feel the need to rescue these witch children. So we probably will end up living under the dictatorship of a negro-Voldemort in sometime in the near future.
Love and billions of dollars in foreign aid. Another mouth to feed in a vastly overpopulated continent.
I'm confused here - is Sweden calling someone else a cuck?
>She ends up becoming pregnant with a typical nog, (yellow eyes entirely black skin) and talk about they have to go "home" to Denmark so they can raise their child
Feeding the wildlife just creates a generation of beggars
>end up living under the dictatorship of a negro-Voldemort in sometime in the near future.
I saw a documentary about this. Really niggles the neurons.
Don't see anything wrong with this. Good for the kid for getting a second chance at life. Hopefully he can make his own country a better place instead of having to flee it and becoming another refugee.
This on the other hand is disgusting.
Let your deeds be done away from the eyes of men and certainly fucking Instragram.
Figures that niggers believe in witches. Civilization-wise this means they're at least 3 centuries behind.
What kind of monsters would abandon thier child?
Does the tattooed bitch look better with as a blonde or brunette?
Love is chemical reaction that compels animals to mate. It hits hard, then it slowly fades. Leaving you in a struggling relationship. Love is a lie, grow up.
So in 20 years time he will be jobless, have no money, a criminal record and unable to feed his three children. He will also be living in London or Munich.
Women are idiots.
I knew she was a coalburner scandinavian protestant, can't top that level of trashyness
Sorry to hear that