>Trump is actually questioning whether courts have the right to question him
What the fuck is happening to our country?
>Trump is actually questioning whether courts have the right to question him
What the fuck is happening to our country?
He's a strongman dictator like the ones you find in banana republics in South America. Truly horrific times we live in.
>its a nerd virgins at Media Matters talk to each other thread
>judges are infallible and never over reach.
>and bake that cake.
are you scared? if you are, then you are possibly muslim, or a rabid leftist, either way, gtfo. I am going to listen to the suicideboys as I casually execute all of you commie fucks.
If the law disagrees with Trump, then the law is wrong.
Do you even think?
Hmm well, lets see... you elected a business man. You expect him to know everything about the Government after his years of rolling in money, and the tears of his workers? He's in a whole new playing field and he's completely lost as to how to control a Country. He can run companies, and he can lie with the best. But when he does something he said he was going to, and the country turns on him, he's going to be confused. This is who you elected. Congratulations, you've made the correct choice! An actual honestish American.
>judge forces bakery to bake a cake for faggots
judges aren't infallible, idiot.
It's "autistic conservative ignoring reality because he loves sticking it to liberals" reponse
it's another
>OP is a faggot
>lay down
This is politics at work.
>are you scared?
Already preparing to stock up explosives in my car and drive to DC. Ready to go full allah snackbar
You better get to baking. And wear something pretty so they have some eye candy while they watch you do it.
I just realized school is out by now. Do your homework, kid.
Why should any business be forced to deliver a service. It's their choice if they want to miss out on business.
Guarantee he got D's at the Wharton School of Bullshit
You've been great'd
No matter what direction your political compass points in, you have to admit it's a beautiful thing that we have checks and balances. Somewhat anyway.
Somehow this is your fault, you know.
It happened when McCain said "you're next" to Putin after Gaddafi got killed. So he took measures. Say hello to your next president.
I find it bizarre that liberals accuse Trump of behaving like a tyrant when he makes these unilateral declarations, but have no problem with judges doing the exact same thing. At least Trump was elected, the judges are not accountable to the people at all.
>downplaying the importance of federal judges when it's a conservative president doing things you want
>commended them when they stopped obama from doing things you didn't want
Make up your minds.
It is called separation of power.
Surprise surpise, president just oversees smooth functioning of the state.
Ha. So much this.
Nigga u went full fascist.
Did the judges who want to block his policies win any elections?
Then they need to get the fuck out.
Ban the fake courts, jail the fake judges.
Please. Most Americans can't name the branches of government. Then we go out and vote.
This leaf post was one roller-coaster of a ride
Putin has no such problems.
Because russian constitution is fucking joke which has to be rewrote from scratch
One of the more accurate descriptions of the Trumpster and all the shit surrounding him. Touché
>a random unelected district court judge (the lowest judge on the federal totem pole) with a life term has the power to stop the democratically-elected President of the Executive from restricting foreign nationals from entering the country
>if you have a problem with this, you're a Nazi SHITLORD!
Honestly I'm wondering why I keep hearing stories about judges, yet not stories about these judges getting fired.
What gives?
I'm in Texas. My state is doing fine.
The president is the one that enforces the laws.
Congress makes the laws
The president enforces the laws
Judges deal with law breakers
Now under this system a judge can dispute the legality of things the president does, as can anyone, but if the letter of the law says the president can do X, then no judge anywhere can do shit about it, the only ones who can are congress.
There is a law that says the president can block anyone form entering the country he wants, indefinitely.
It's going to come down to this. Which may be the best. You want to be liberal, live where there it's liberal. You want to be conservative, live where it's conservative. The only problem is, one is much more expensive than the other.
I think the holocauster would be more fitting for you juden
Both judicial and executive have eaten all the power from legislative. Legislative braKnch is the only one that should be making policy, the other two should just be choosing wheter or not it should be followed.
Both executive and judicial are corrupt.
It's treason then
Explains so much doesn't it? I love these people. No matter how retarded a post may be, they'll still come out in droves to say SOMETHING. A lot of the time, I see intelligent arguments, or conversations. Other times, we get to witness the true failings in humanity. At those times, I can't help myself. It's like a deep desire to just... Follow the leader, and post absolute trash, and laugh with everyone who is smart enough to see it what it is. Other times, it's OK to be smarter than your average ape. Oh excuse me, human being. I forgot "science" has disproved all links to apes... wait.... what did you expect from reading this? I'm a leaf remember? Nothing we do makes sense.
Faggot judges who are just looking to get in the papers don't speak for all of us. Deal with it.
The only one ignoring reality is that corrupt judge.
Right, they only speak for the majority. No biggie.
he's just an incompetent moron
already fucked up the Yemen raid, I hope you guys have plenty of body bags ready for more stupidity like that one
the Soros rentboy judges are a relict of a bygone, failed dictatorship. they didnt get the memo that their boss Soros is about to be purged, just like Soros's Open Society purged politicians and replaced with their own cronies.
and Soros's employees will be looking for a new master to feed their fat asses
has anything even happened about the ban or was that judge just doing a preliminary injunction again to whine about how unconstitutional it is?
How though? They are not elected.
rake yourself
>bush lawyer
>speaks for the majority
holy fuck you shills are really going all out
so you're saying that tens of hundreds of all the scariest judges also each speak equally as much for the majority of the country? reddit fag
Majority of faggots maybe...
We'll need a lot more once the war with Iran starts.
It's a popularity contest regardless. Just look at the comments on here. People are saying that they are doing it just for publicity but in the same breath they aren't for the people? It's contradictory. Whether or not it's for the"right" reasons, they are doing because people want it.
You mean the judges Dubya appointed?
Nope, that is not what I stated. Why does everyone think this world is black and white?
So, like a populist? Then again, media has been really misleading about what people actually want.
Kill yourself leftist pig.
>they are doing it because SOME people want it
Like I said, they speak for the majority of faggots.
>getting cucked by judges
step it up
No. They can't do anything about the visa ban. Judges are retarded for trying. That is against the law.
No worries mate, our boys will liberate your country, just as your boys liberated our continent in1944 on the shores of Normandy, we will liberate yours on the shores of New Jersey [date to be determined]. This is an oath from Europe. Stay strong, America.
the "people" that want it are brown. Prolly here illegally anyways. Fuck'em.
You traitors will be the first against the wall
Now you have a third world tyrant as a president, that´s what happening.
because your viewpoint is extremely inconsistent if you arbitrarily believe one judge of the many to speak on behalf of the majority. you're a known troll and your soros bucks are being put to bad use
You're not going to do shit you faggot LARPer. I have guns too, faggot bitch. And a degree in biochemistry. Come at me, faggot.
>all theseburgers whining about nonsense
>MUH courts, muh constatootion
Los Estados Unidos is not likely to have bueno laws n shieeeet.
retarded civil rights act
the entire civil rights act is cancer. Sure it seems like forcing white businesses to service paying black customers was a good idea, but look where it ends up.
>The right has become the left
>The left ha become the right
I bet the founders would've preferred Elizabeth II over this shit.
People didn't elect the courts but Trump. What a disgrace of politicians you got there, it only proves the R and D party acted like one. Only an outsider could get so much delay from the gov itself.
those racial demographic models never took into account the wall building, refugee refusing, wetback deporting force that is Donald trump
If only the founding fathers predicted Karl Marx and Hitler.
Even then it's dumb. Leave it up to the people to kick up a fuss not the government.
Shaking my head at you America
The post Ragan-Era radicalized extreme right GOP and the Russians tricked the uneducated populace (which they have spent the last 20 years shitting on) into thinking Trump was the right choice. The GOP because they want to preserve the American quasi oligarchy and their power, and in some cases establish a white Christian Nation(sound familiar? IE the muslim extremists this board preaches about). The Russians did it to destabilized further our already FUBAR country and break up our european / NATO relations. However all of this worked so well only because of the Rise of Neolibalism (Democrats today are what 20 years ago were considered moderate republicans), Hillary (who was shit, but not even close to as shit as trump is), and the efforts of the GOP to gerrymander, and gridlock the government over the last 8 years. America is a sinking ship at this point.
Well you're getting some of the proceeds too cause I've been paying your mom for anal.
You're not doing much better my cunt friend.
IT is the judge, not Trump, who is out of line. A local judge does NOT have superior power than the President. It is not right of any judge to just say that HE will determine national law. What the fuck is happening to our country?
>He's a strongman dictator like the ones you find in banana republics in South America.
tbqh he is not that intelligent or competent to be a successful dictator. He is just a parody of them.
no the right have become the far right evangelizing zealots, and the left has become the moderate right
There's really no denying the fact that judicial activism supports liberal goals most of the time.
nice contribution. have an upvote faggot
I've never seen so many people yearn for a dictatorship. It's interesting.
Liberals are attempting a coup through the courts prematurely.
Dump is just mad that even though he controls the executive and the legislative, he doesn't control the judiciary. The man seems to think he is now king.
You forgot the part where Russia helped Trump win so that Rex Tillerson could have an important position in government, and convince Trump to eliminate sanctions against Russia so that Rex and Exxon could pump from the 60 million acres of Russian land that they bargained for, but is currently only allowed to pump from a small fraction of that. Putin and Exxon will get billions from it. America gets squat.
The legislature write the laws, not judges.
The legislature gave the president such powers, only the legislature can remove that power. Not a judge.
I deny it. Sounds like an alternative fact to me. Oh whattttt? BTFO cuntbag.
>electing a president that nobody respects and is a joke world wide.
>tfw the Left won't even let us keep rapey terrorists out of the country for 3 months...
They aren't even pretending anymore
8 years my assblasted friend
elected by a gross minority
>FDR places Japs in confined housing camps.
Nobody says a word.
>Donald Trump stops people from war-torn countries from flying into the U.S.
>Trump working the liberal marks
We elected a stupid orange meme as president
actually the problem is more that we don't vote
Sure thing CREW
>believing there will be term limits after this debauchery
He's the almighty ruler now. Line up to suck his cock.
You voted in an imbecile (well, your election body thingy there did) into your country's highest office, what did you expect? :^)
Ignorance is not an argument
There’s an awful lot of misinformation floating around about the idea of Due Process under the U.S. Constitution, and the power of the federal judiciary in relation to immigration law. This federal judge(s) are simply virtue signaling and none of these stays will hold, here’s why;
It's entirely true that the Fifth Amendment affords not just citizens, but also any alien within the legal jurisdiction of the United States the right to Due Process, and all that ordinarily goes with it: the right to a speedy trial, reliance on rules of evidence, protection against unenforceably vague laws etc.
The problem for aliens as regards their immigration status, however, is that Due Process is not owed in relation to determining whether they are to be allowed to enter or reside in the United States, because these determinations are not criminal trials. The result of an adverse finding in respect of immigration is deportation, not imprisonment, and is therefore not considered a "denial of liberty" by the Courts.
It was very firmly decided in a 1952 Supreme Court case called Harisiades v Shaughnessy, which involved the question of whether an immigrant who was formerly a Communist could be excluded on that basis, that the power of Congress to set conditions on immigration status for aliens is essentially unfettered, and not within the scope of the judiciary's role to alter. In that very case, and expressing profound ideological disapproval of Congress' exercise of that power, Frankfurter J wrote in his concurrence with the majority that upheld the deportation order against the Appellant:
"In recognizing this power and this responsibility of Congress, one does not in the remotest degree align oneself with fears unworthy of the American spirit or with hostility to the bracing air of the free spirit. One merely recognizes that the place to resist unwise or cruel legislation touching aliens is the Congress, not this Court."