What's his end game, pol...

What's his end game, pol? The man has it all; no doubt he's had an amazing life what with literally being Scrooge McDuck and able to fund his family until the end of time... does he miss the chaos from the good old days, and that's why he's stirring shit up before his untimely end? He's about to die anyway so I'm wondering if it's that or some other foul agenda.

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Rumor is that George Soros is Josef Mengele.

Former SS doctor in WW2 who allegedly was killed in South America.

He enjoys shorting economies, and he hates whites and blacks.
His endgame is the same as all the Jews. They want to rule a world of goyim servants.

This post just got removed after almighty KEK confirmed feelsbadman

They pruned that one fast

The puppet master pulls the strings because he enjoys it

Soros is literally Hitler

Pic related.

focus on Hungary

You need to believe in some higher order being to still be this politically active at that age.

He believes he is serving something greater and is working toward destroying us for whatever that end may be

But then Sup Forums would love Soros

search for groups in Russia West of the Urals..

dissolution of Russia is his end game

Hungary is a key player in this

He's real KGB.

His end game is to complete operation paper clip and spread Nazism everywhere by promoting chaos and extreme liberalism.


Soros know the retaliatory movement to the shit he is promoting will unite the world.

Soros has a NWO Globalist agenda like other global elite Jews have. Soros is a little different because he speaks out against Israel, so he isn't a Zionist. Perhaps due to experiences in WWII, he would appear to have mental issues showing themselves as megalomania. It's a little like boy who gets sexually molested turns into an adult who molest young boys. He had such power of life and death of other Jews as 14 year old boy in Hungary, it's had to mess his head up big time. Worrying, he in on record as saying that was the best time of his life! He also has God delusions. So his psychotic problem combined with a tendency toward a Communistic world view of globalism (which other elite Jews believe in) has created nothing less than a very dangerous monster. The end game is the same as other globalist elites - to remove national borders, destroy the middle-classes and create a dumbed down, highly controlled new Serf class using the strategy of Cultural Marxism.

Why though?
>a tendency toward a Communistic world view of globalism
I've always understood each school of though to be a simple means of organizing the masses into easily mitigated grouls

He wants to become one with AI and have immortality.

>What's his end game

A perfect world, one vast and ecumenical holy company, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused...


>I've always understood each school of though to be a simple means of organizing the masses into easily mitigated grouls
You make it sound comfy! Bloody hell mate, have you ever read George Orwell's 1984 and Brave New World. (Aldous Huxley)? This is an outcome any sane person would fight for to the end. It doesn't matter which 'school of thought' it is because the outcome is pretty much the same but, right now, the threat is from the Communist ideology cloaked behind Cultural Marxism.

I wouldn't be surprised. There's little info about his childhood, just the same narrative of escaping the holocaust yada yada.

The Hungarians are fighting him on it. How long till their government gets overthrown?


Soros is tasty

>This is an outcome any sane person would fight for to the end.
I meant, 'fight against', of course!

Maybe its the simplest answer: Power, fame, being still relevant?

Money brings you absolutely nothing after certain point.

Digits confirm, Kek wants to eat this rat. OP still watching and reading up, just grabbed a beer to help this little redpill go down because I'm still piecing this all together.

Macedonia are also organising themselves against Soros and the organisations/NGO's he funds there. I started a group in the UK too and I am in touch with the Macedonia group. I was hoping that we could get the Sup Forums collective to start war on him. Need hackers and creative lads who can expose the Soros NGOs for example.

he most likely thinks that it is in the best interest of mankind to become one homogenous group of people so that there is no reason to fight any more. he thinks the combined effort of the human race would have an extremely beneficial impact on future generations.

he doesn't care about you or your culture being destroyed, he just wants to throw out everything in favor of total equality so we stop fighting over differences.

he also makes a shit ton of money trying to accomplish this goal so he wins either way

Soros is Blofeld

>It was me, the author of all your pain...


The Open Society Foundation..their tentacles are everywhere causing chaos

I hope Hungary will be okay

I really like the undercover work done by Project Veritas in the U.S. Wish we had those guys in the UK and Europe. A lot of shit to expose.

The bond film producers are on our side

there is a reason why (((they))) are pushing for a black James Bond, a gay James Bond

Power I can understand; it's why he's funded all these movements but the reasons why are mindboggling. Fame? He's barely been in the public eye until very recently and is already on his last chapter. I can't imagine it's for fame or power unless it's to go down as the person who destroyed the world. He has all the money a person could ever want, what more does he want?

Soros is like a Crusader Kings 2 player that has it all and just wants to fuck around

>there is a reason why (((they))) are pushing for a black James Bond, a gay James Bond
Yes, the strategy of Cultural Marxism which ((they)) use against us will remove White Alpha Male fictional characters or convert them to fit better with the agenda. This is just a fact.

he thinks it's the only way that the human race won't destroy itself in the future, if he mixes everything into one world

Things the Left will never understand...in the world we live in


>He has all the money a person could ever want, what more does he want?
This He has a dynasty. Dynastic rulers have a vision that spans generations. You understand now?

I am but a simple person with simple needs. This level of greed and evil is almost beyond comprehension.

>he thinks it's the only way that the human race won't destroy itself in the future, if he mixes everything into one world
If it were even just a case of the 'means justify the ends', maybe I could accept it more but even the end result is too terrible to accept. Orwell, Huxley?

If kek wills it Soros will die this year

>I am but a simple person with simple needs. This level of greed and evil is almost beyond comprehension.
Yes but the key word is 'almost'. You can comprehend it and that would be part of your awakening.

it's for our own good if all of mankind can identity as the same as everyone else. everyone can work towards a goal at 2000x the rate we do now.

that's my idealistic non money explanation for why he's doing all this gay shit

>You can comprehend
Seen this? Just one of many sources of info. Read Orwell's 1984 and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley if you have not already done so.

>it's for our own good if all of mankind can identity as the same as everyone else
Then you are poor delusional fool and I pity you.

It's not evil. It's just raw concentrated amoral greed.

amoral greed is the most effective strategy. Not being amoral means you give an advantage to anyone who wants to be amoral.

It's why "Trump abuses tax evasion loopholes" isn't an argument even though in the ideal world it would be. If he didn't abuse the loopholes he gives competitive advantage to his opponents.

Also I find it funny that women would call him out on this when they are literally having tax dollars unfairly resdistributed to them from the working male class pic related.

Daily reminder that George Soros will die on 21 August which is exactly 7 months after Trump's first day in office and during a total solar eclipse. Praise Kek. Shadilay!

Hes a brilliant man that uses his money for things he find good in his heart. A true philantrope.

>how long till their government gets overthrown

I don't think that personally you fucking moron. it's one of the morally founded motivations that makes sense as an explanation. assuming that he's not doing it only for money or for fun, that is

>It's not evil. It's just raw concentrated amoral greed.
First of all, 'evil' is just word bandied around. I sometimes call him evil but I don't really mean it in a Satanic sense. Raw concentrated greed, raw and immoral? Don't think so... It's beyond greed and it's much more dangerous for the world. His God Delusion is what's driving him to his committed goal. If you know about what Cultural Marxism is, you'll know what that goal is. The other ((theys)) are equally committed to the same goal but they are more patient with their 'long march through the institutions'. Soros is a man in a hurry.

>I don't think that personally you fucking moron.
You should explain yourself more clearly then. Unless your excuse is that you're a retard, that is?

read my previous posts if you need the context of where im talking from instead of demanding me to restate everything I've said in every previous post to make it convenient for you

Why do you keep asking, when you can't take the red pill, as it opposes your narrative, Sup Forums?

t. /his/