I was born to a Muslim family in America. I am not religious. I still frequent the mosque. Its just that when I'm in public I can tell what people are thinking when they see my face. They don't know the doubt in my heart. They just assume I'm bad because of how I look.
I was born to a Muslim family in America
Other urls found in this thread:
i dont like you
Who cares
everyone is not liked for different reasons and has complexes and shit. i look at everyone I don't know crazy and nobody likes me and strangers never talk to me or say hello.
Who cares man, live your life. Everyone on Sup Forums is hated by the rest of society.
Leave Islam. It's okay, no one is actually going to kill you. Just keep in mind, once you leave Islam. You are no longer a Muslim. You are an American.
>Not religious
>Still frequent Mosque
Choose one. It's not like your fellows are going to try and kill you because of apostasy, or is it?
Stay strong man, you can still be a normal person and I'm sure you are. As long as you work pay taxes and or are going to school your okay. Also don't make Islam a living breathing part of your life just being normal is enough to get you out of weird situations.
If you're not religious, don't go to the mosque.
If your family or friends can't handle that you don't share their views and mistreat you for it, they aren't worth your time.
Trust me: No matter who you are, people will be prejudiced against you.
Most Muslims in America dgaf when a Muslim stops being Muslim.
I still frequent the mosque because I enjoy being with people of similar cultural background. I don't really feel that I fit in with other groups or communities. I go to the mosque and act like a Muslim but in my Heart I don't believe in it. I other Muslims that are the same. A lot of Muslims in the West are like that.
>>I still frequent the mosque because I enjoy being with people of similar cultural background
Guess what sandnigger, White Americans and Europeans would like that very much too.
>They just assume I'm bad because of how I look
This is the correct analysis. We don't like you, and we certainly don't trust you. Never will.
What's stronger? The fear that people from other backgrounds won't accept you or the fear that people from the same background will disown you?
You have no idea how much support you would receive from people in the west for stepping up and leaving the religion that you don't believe in. You were born into a religious family. That wasn't your choice. Don't let it be your prison.
> Not religious
> Still frequent the mosque
>wah people look at me badly
who cares ya cuck
> I am not religious
>I still frequent the mosque
is this an american thing
It's weird having never known an ethno-cultural bond like that even though it was the norm for most of human history. I bet it's nice.
Tons of Christians are that way too. I consider it normal.
You don't belong, that won't change. It's a sad state of affairs for everyone but that's what they've done to us all by encouraging the mixing of nations and their people to such a degree.
>I still frequent the mosque because I enjoy being with people of similar cultural background.
You're right to feel like that. Just understand that others are right to feel the same way about their own and don't try to force them to accept you.
I've got to say your response is the only reasonable one.
1st post is best post.
Clearly OP does as he made a thread about how he is insecure with the fact that he is a stain on earth just as his skin is stained with a color resembling Indian shitting street.
>I am not religious.
>I still frequent the mosque.
Make up your mind.
Its just that when I'm in public I can tell what people are thinking when they see my face.
You can not tell what ppl r thinking. You are imagining this.
I can't blame you for not liking how my people perceive your people.
Don't blame us for perceiving you that way when your people keep giving us reasons to.
Holy shit bong almost made me cry
that was savage
I don't like him, either.
GTFO sandmonkey
I was born to a Klansmen family in America. I am not religious. I still frequent the Klan meet. Its just that when I'm in public I can tell what people are thinking when they see my robe. They don't know the doubt in my heart. They just assume I'm bad because of how I look.
There are plenty of ethnically Arabic people who are not Muslims, if you're genuinely being stereotypes for your skin color then I feel for you but surely you can see why Islam is, generally, antithetical to western values?
Anyone that is free of evil at heart is acceptable in my opinion. Liberty is defined by the actions of man.
Okay then OP it sounds like your feelings have been hurt, I guess your only option now is to go esplode since inward inspection into the faults of islam itself is completely out of the question.
Shave your beard, get rid of the Bomb vest, and stop shouting Alluah Akbar
Drop the mosque, faggot.
And you have to go back.
>Going to mosque
>Rubbing nips on dirty carpet 5 times a day
>Wäh wäh people judge me because of how I look
No they hate you because you're a dirty Muslim and act like one.
>can't tell the difference between nationality and religion
>gets mad when called uneducated by liberals
Too bad, blame the bad ones among your people for giving your community a bad reputation.
>>I still visit the mosque
Why not just be American and go to church, do normal American things or gtfo. You're either here to assimilate to our way of doing things or you can fuck off back to Arabia.
>Was born to a mudshit family
>Was brought up with mudshit memes
>Still frequent mudshit circles
You are even worse then radicalised mudshits. Please kys or go back, you are on the wrong continent SAND NIGGER
>not religious
Stop going to mosques or religious gatherings. If you are worried about prosecution from "friends" and family... realize the problem with the religion.
>when they see my face
If you have shit beard and look like a Muslim, yeah, they gonna treat you like a Muslim
You're psychic? Fuck off
Your people deserve everything coming to them.
so maybe you should stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder
smile, dress nice, cut your hair, shave your fuckin bird's nest beard off
Bong dropping bombs, honestly this though.
White secession when
Yea man those colonists totally assimilated right?
I love that delicious racism....
And going to church is the American way...Are you fucking kidding me? How ignorant are you faggots?
Shill detected
Calling Whites racist doesn't work anymore it just gets the angrier.
>saying something I don't like
I'm not calling whites racists, I'm calling those faggots racist. I don't know who they are
Na, it makes us proud
>pushes unpopular agenda on Sup Forums
>Shill or faggot
fuck your Muslim shit but today the multiversal tournament arc starts and I'm hyped as fuck I hope toei don't fuck this up but they'll eventually
That was one powerful piece of banter
I knew an iranian kid when I was growing up. He showed me for the first time this video.
It wasn't on youtube at the time as it had not been created yet. but he was one of my best friends.
all the mudslimes I personally know in america are secular, ie based. obviously that isn't the case for most muslims here though
>He doesn't know Muslims put their faith before nationality
wew lad
To make it clear JIDF. I'm a cultural racist. And your case is a classic. Rebellious Nigger revolts against his education and traditions, probably because he is a whiny bitch that doesn't fit in. Starts to think he is actually the opposite and it would be great getting friends with the enemy. At one point you will realise you are a loser and need to kys. Do it now!
Shave your back, Speak good English walk around with uncloaked women. Dont blow shit up. Bonus points if you have a youtube channel where you talk shit about Islam.
>he's to stupid to have his political velif beliefs questioned
>makes fun of liberal liberal safespaces but demands their own echochamber
Convert to Christianity and wear the cross in public.
>not religious
>frequent mosque
>Implying a person's subjective view of an arbitrary concept overrides the historical and intellectual consenses on the definition of the word
>implying broad generalizations without any credible evidence should be used in government policy
The difference is that Islam is an arguably violent and toxic religion, too easily co-opted for extremist purposes. Any sane person would realize this and renounce Islam and everything to do with it.
Look how hard he works. Someone give this man a raise
shit dude
>I have no real argument so I am going to continue to call you a shill to convey the facade of a real and credible political opinion
Oh yeah? well uhhh you're a cuck! Whew, got 'im.
What's his endgame?
>Once again comparing nationalities with race
I am proud to be french
I am proud to be English
I am proud to be American
I am proud to be German
I am proud to be Australian
I am proud to be Danish
I am proud to be Swedish
Having fun fucking with poltards
>i like beign woth people with my cultural background
so you understand why we don't want you in our countries?
>black is a nationality
Basically this I don't want to be replaced.
man lol the walter always gets me.
Thinks he's not the butthurt one lel
>people taken from areas without Westphalian nation states forcibly being proud of their identity of a lost nationality they will never know
>implying I base my personal identity with my political views and feel offended at a different opinion
I was born to a Sup Forums family in australia. I am not /ourguy/. I still frequent Sup Forums. Its just when I'm in public I can tell what people are thinking when they see my maga hat. They don't know the doubt in my heart. They just assume I'm bad because of how I post.
There's a reason black africans don't say they are proud to be black, they say they are proud to be Nigerian, proud to be south African, proud to be Ethiopian
Of the muslims who DO give a fuck, how homicidal are they? One of my nieghbors lost their shit when their slut daughter married a white football chad at the courthouse, and literally burned her belongings in the front yard.
Which is a lot better than the death penalty, but should have gotten more than the community service they ended up doing.
>I am not religious. I still frequent the mosque.
>I have no real argument
You got that right, you sure don't.
>Japanese American
>nation american
You're a retard.
Lmao lmao I swear this shit is better than sex, how the Fuck do you guys goo through the mental gymnastics to say shit like this? I made my opinion and argument known and is just called a shill, you cant make this shit up
No one likes sand niggers.
I am proud to be french American, I am proud to be German American is the same as saying I am proud to be japanses American. That pic is dumb it shows three different ways people identity themselves and act like they are all the same. Blacks cannot say they are "country"American because they don't know where they were enslaved from, the only identifier is that they are black. The ones that do from an African county make it known, they don't cask themselves just black Americans
You get the basics of the photo, elaborating with bullshit does nothing to counter the meaning.
Still believing the Jewish lies that Europeans took the dindus. lol, they were sold to the Europeans by head dindu tribe leaders.
>complain about people assuming your bad
>make assumptions about what people think
Okie dokie
>You get the basics of the photo, elaborating with bullshit does nothing to counter the meaning.
I don't think you understand user, I had to elaborate three times already, read my other replies
> Still believing the Jewish lies that Europeans took the dindus. lol, they were sold to the Europeans by head dindu tribe leaders.
Yes because those African leaders bought them, shipped them and worked them to death. If Romans sold you Roman slaves it's totally ok because it was sold by the Romans man.... I'm not arguing the logistics of slavery I'm explaining why black Americans have a strong black identity
> nobody's nation of origin is America
> nation_of_immigrants.png
don't fall for this globalist line of thinking.
You are bad. Go back to Saudi Arabia you piece of filth.