Who here /AltJew/?

you know Jews can be redpilled too right? trust me, I hate niggers and mudslimes just as much as the next guy.

your movement will die if you don't accept Jews! we are the lifeblood of the alt right

pic related is redpilled JEW Milo, notice anything? that's right, a Nazi necklace. Oh yeah and BTW the holocaust didn't happen, and it shouldn't have because Jews are nice.

I'm an altjew

Go back to Israel then

>trust me, I hate niggers and mudslimes just as much as the next guy.
That doesn't mean you're redpilled. That just means you hate nigger and mudslimes. Redpilled means you can see past the veil of lies placed in front of you.


sound like me
I am a dual citizen of Israel and the 50 states AKA the 50 states of Israel

USA is Jew territory, I don't think anyone on Sup Forums disputes that

>USA is Jew territory, I don't think anyone on Sup Forums disputes that

No I'm sure they don't

ZOG is real that's the final redpill right?
all BIBI and the good Jews want are complete and utter control of Greater Israel and the United States.

everyone will be happier in that world

They are so ugly though.

This. As a Jew I am as redpilled and as much of a Trump supporter and anti-Trudeau as anyone else.
What Trudeau and Obama were doing to Israel was disgusting and if you are truly redpilled you'll see that too.

You must disavow the Talmud and Kaballah books! A reformed Jew is a redpilled Jew!

>Nazi necklace
i know you're just memeing but that's an iron cross from world war 1

pic related is my Jewfu
thats ok if the goy don't like Jewish women, more for me

>Sweden telling someone to get out of the states
m8 take a look at your country

>just memeing
100% not

ok, well that's an iron cross from ww1.

if you promise to give us goys a break we will have your back IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have ours

if you go back to stabbing us in the back then fuck you kike

then why does it have a swastika at the center of it?
well I think I will have to revise my previous statements, Anglos are a lost tribe originating from Israel. You are essentially Jews and you just don't know it! we are one in the same

the royal family has pure Jew blood, UK also has to be under the ZOG dominion

everyone else can be left alone though

>then why does it have a swastika at the center of it?
it doesn't, it has a "W" which i'd assume stands for "weimar republic"


Sorry can't risk getting those ugly genes in European countries. You must all be killed.

Have you taken the /jewpill/ yet?

I have and now I know Israel is BASED

It stands for Wilhelm, the Emperor.
The so called Weimar Republic was after WWI and was still officially called German Empire.

cool. wasn't aware. ty

already there,bro. altjew here.

I believe in border control. you don't want Jews in Sweden that's fine, send them to USA or Israel
Israel is based. a perfect blueprint for how to set up an ethnonationalist state

Veteran shitposter reportting in who spent half his life in an orthodox school. I only hope to meet another self hating jew one day who I can shoot the shit with about everything.

>european genes

>haha yes i am joo
>i very good
>here an example of good gay joo
>accept us yes we good

"Based" is nigger speak, and Jews are in fact niggers so it suits you just fine. However, Israel is not an ethnonationalist state as it has 25% Arabs. It's one of those fake examples that is being used, kind of like Eastern Europe is somehow based just because they're poor and everyone lives in misery, that sure is "based". No, it's just how sub-humans live.

you're just buttblaseted that slavs aren't retarded self hating cucks. The based man would say NO to the mudslime. You can be redemmed, but you should lash out at your traitors within

the Jew is innocent

The Jew is very much guilty to the highest degree.

There is no such thing as an altjew.
Jews by theology are inherently the opposite of the alt right.
You're a jew but want to be alt right?
Denounce your fake race, religion and title and start acknowledging yourself as your real race.
You can be a alt right Polak, Russian, German or Palestinian but an alt right kike is an oxymoron.

Jews are /ourgoys/

do people not realize that their favorite Austrians are all Jewish or were mentored by beloved Jewish father-figures (Hoppe)?

inventor of both paleoconsevatism and the Alt Right (Spencer's mentor) is a Jewish conservative named Paul Gottfried.

Theodore Dalrymple is a Jew. So is the sole originator of Neoreaction, Mencius Moldbug.

If you look at the intellectual lineage of most of this board outside of Nazi LARPers and newfags, it is astoundingly Jewish.

>t. retard who discovered the alt right last month

>and it shouldn't have because Jews are nice
Lmao, you revealed yourself there, JIDF.

>I hate niggers and mudslimes just as much as the next guy.
But that's expected of you

I don't call people shills on here often, but you wrote this like an actual shill, an obvious one. Either that or you are a decent troll.

This. Jews have their ethno-state finally, they should all piss of there now.

Now now ahmed, dont explode yet, so many girls to rape, so little time until we come for you.

It was internationalist Jews that fucked Sweden up though. Your people caused that shit ultimately.


>white people dindu nuffin, we wuz good goys, teh j00z took away our magic and confidence

white people need to own their failures. jews do have a hand in a lot of nefarious shit but only because they were ALLOWED to by whites. and plenty of whites are self-destructive without jewish help. white dinduism is a plague on white identity movements.

Jew is not a real race nor is it a nationality or a real religion.

you can deconstruct any group identity, genetically and historically, and claim that it is not "real." it's a favorite tactic of marxists.

it becomes irrelevant in the face of social and psychological reality. group identities are real when people act and interact as if they were real. if jews aren't real, then why are you talking about them? and so on


Just all the more reason not to be a white cuck, and to reject working for the jews.