YEAAHHHH!!!!! Finally my work viza has been approved and I'm outta this broke ass shithole country! I'm moving to Tampa Florida soon and I'm not coming back!

Dear burgers I promise I'll be a good American, I'm highly skilled (PhD in mechanical engineering), I'll sing the US national anthem every fuckin morning and I'll respect all of your laws. Please let me stay.

Other urls found in this thread:

Become a citizen asap, PAY YOUR TAXES.

only if you share with us the secret of the greeks.

how in the fuck do you pronounce 'gyro'

Stop coming to my fucking state.

The correct way to pronounce gyro is yeero

>how in the fuck do you pronounce 'gyro'


Grab a fork and enjoy your freedoms.

Tampa is a good start for a Greek. But you'll want to make your way to someplace white soon after.

Thanks. I'll be using that now. Was saying yer-o

you'll be back... they always come back.... Once you experience niggers and spics... you will be back.

We're pleased to be your new homeland, just work hard, remain loyal, be civil, be a good citizen and I'll gladly call you neighbor!

If you can make awesome gyros and baklava, then you can stay.

See, why can't we just get good immigrants who want to come here and provide technical skills in exchange for large sums of money?

fuck the leeches they can stay in their shitholes

welcome aboard!

>PhD in mechanical engineering

So you'll be cleaning bathrooms?

Please move to greektown, Baltimore. It used to be all Greek but lately a lot of spics have moved in. You could help reverse that.

Have a good life here, lad.


I hope you achieve your dreams.

Fuck of gyro nigger, we're full.
You can crash in Canada if you want.

Jk, welcome to America!

why does this government keep letting nonwhites come here


You may be shocked by the amount of fat people you see. Please do not be alarmed and just understand it's normal for America.

t. business management

waiting in airport RIGHT NOW moving to nyc as phd in physics. Gonna get a poster of trump and an american flag in my apt asap

Stay away from Ybor. It is the capital of degeneracy.

Take a stroll through Florida's rural areas (like going into a 1920s time machine) or the Everglades.

Florida is truly beautiful, but stay away from cities.

>He fell for the STEM meme
Fuck off they're full

You guys seem alright. Welcome aboard.

Congrats greasy bro.
Fl is a on state.
Tampa has a lot of shit skins but it's nice.
Id head for tx or another hard red state.
Get here lend a job and help us vote this shit out.

STEM meme is going to be awesome under Trump's presidency. Bye bye pointless regulations!

Just like Greece in 1955, said my cousin Costas

haha, are you from Baltimore m8?

We don't need weak pussies like you.

What happens if this country swings back left?
>omg fellow kids, I love lady gaga!
>can't wait to btfo some drumpftards!
>i-i can stay, r-right?

Kys, and pay debt's while your at it, parasite.

hoping to move to north carolina or texas later on. Hard to get job as canadian but i understand its necessary :)

pay your taxes, obey the law, and love america and your all right by me

welcome bud

welcome useful, legal immigrant!

Better than real Greece. The Athens of America

we wont mind ya as long as you stay out of debt


Hope you like blacks + Mexicans!
Also, stay the fuck out of Ybor, unless you want to get stabbed.

Tampa is great! Great cigars. Shitty university looks like a mosque. And cuban sandwiches are much better than gyros. sorry.

This is all we really ask OP.

Fuck great job mate, hope you aren't libtard.

Im from NC, its a nice place just dont go to the cities where all the niggers and spics be at.

As long as you arent a mudslime it's cool.

Great work OP now the Great Tampa hurricane I've been waiting for will finally come..

July 2017 a CAT 4 storm will come barreling across the gulf before it swerves up, reaching CAT 5 status as it slams straight into Tampa Bay and wipes out Tampa with more force than the 1929 storm.

It will be glorious and KEK shall will it to be done.

>your at it

Man, you can't even understand the grammar of your own language and you're giving other people smack?

>OP doing his part to help make America great again.
Welcome, new Ameribro.

Welcome aboard.

We wuz engineers and sheeeeeit

Join the NRA, own and train with firearms, and if possible join the military or otherwise work for the nation.

>"Look, the way I see it is simple. There are a lot of bad guys in the world. The best defense is offense. If you're not strong you're going to die."
>Nguyet Anh Duong

Try not to bring any of that debt and little boy sex you greeks are so famous for.


They're everywhere here. Alot of Cubans too.

Welcome you tzatiki smothering, ouzo drinking, kebab slaughtering bastard! Pay your taxes and praise Jesus and we'll be all good.

Come home white man


Fucking welcome to America brother.
Now but a bunch of fucking GUNS, join the NRA and learn how to use them.

You are very lucky. We usually only take mudslimes and 70 year old women who dig through dumpsters. I'm not sure why we stopped taking in educated Europeans in lieu of Somalis who can't even read and write in their own language, let alone English, but that's where we are now.

Be prepared to fight off rabid leftists in the coming civil war.

Make exotic babies

Ybor city is a good time. Stay away from the pill head strippers. It's a bad time.

Tampa is a cool little city, there is actually a sizable greek diaspora population in florida.

As long as you are white, you're good.

My boss, a Vietnam vet, said the Greek had a good reputation as fighters.
Read up on our Constitution, be legal.

Open diner pls

Tampa Florida is a weird choice.....

All the red areas are where whites live...Why did you choose Florida?

Pay out your share of national debt first you fucking piece of Aristotle shit and then get the fuck out.

>tfw 3 years away from moving to Utah

its pronounced YUM

Tampa proper or Tarpon Springs???

Because there is a FUCKTON of Greek diaspora there.

Good luck man. IDGAF about immigrants as long as they are skilled and not named Mohammad bin Mohammad or Pedro Velazquez-Garcia... we have enough of those.

Welcome to America.

Spics and niggers will make you return.

>yfw leaf with L1A visa living in America

Become a citizen, and assimilate. If you do that. You are welcome here.

it's a peninsula just like greece with a comparable climate.

Fuck Tampa, come to clearwater

Lower percentage of nigs and spics than the leading brand

Tampa is a great town for Greeks to move to. You will feel at home. Head to Tarpon Springs and check out the Greek Cathedral there.

Go to Salem's in Tampa, they have some really good gyros.

>has phD
>asset to failing country
>fuck you heritage, family, mother land
>comes to america to make gyros

I wish it was easier for European's to move here.
My best friend is from Italy, he loves it here.
I recommend you try BBQ right away.

Welcome to America Mehmet!

My sister lives in Tampa. It's probably more humid than you are used to. Also, lots of bugs.

>PhD in mechanical engineering
>from a Greek university

>The correct way to pronounce gyro is yeero


Sorry, *you're*
Happens to the best of us lol

Tampa is a good choice

Lots of slutty woman there for you Graecan

yeah ive never been to greece, im talkin shit

lived in florida though

water is not fine to swim in. never do that. now that i think about it, florida is more like australia

Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay

With a PhD in mechanical engineering he will have no trouble at all finding a job. Manufacturers are constantly looking for them. Where I work we always are looking for them.

Pay Debt you fucking turk grease

Get out of there as fast as possible user

I want to go there too. Fuck this is boring as fuck country. But maybe I'd go after dumb Trump is no longer the prez

Good enough to flip burgers at Mcdonalds

Pay your taxes.
Get a gun.
Bite into a big juicy burger.
Welcome to America brother.


And they love pills.

Can you even get a PhD in mechanical engineering?

It's engineering, not science.

mcdonalds uses a clamshell that lowers on the patties

gotta get yourself to an upscale burger joint before you start flipping.

Just got my FSC, how do I protect myself from those ctr bots?

>Cali fag

Usp45, body armor and a semi auto rifle you feel comfortable with

Congrats but I hope you're ready to deal with concrete apes Tampa is full of them

I'm going to call my local congressman nonstop over the next 4 years to make sure Finland gets b&, faggot.


LAfag here, how much did the course cost?