A poll for Sup Forums

Who is /HWNDU/'s main character? strawpoll.com/abr365z

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Leaf is the main on S2


Jesus is main character season 1

The man who pulls the strings.



Has to be Jackie. Every other answer is wrong. It is a cast full of absolute quality, that being said.

Jackie holds the show together

What's his name?

>Stachebro not here
>Baganon not here
>Shia LeBlowTheFuckOut not here

I'm not voting for these cunts

Serious question:

If all Trump supporters are Nazis because they believe Trump and his cabinet are Nazis.

Then wouldn't all Hillary supporters be pedos and terrorist funders by association, due to Hillary and Podesta?

Jackie. He was there from day one and is neutral to everyone. I've yet to witness Jackie being an asshole to anyone.

Nah man

Jackie is S1's protag.
Leafbro is S2's protag, Jackie returns as a wise master and passes down his knowledge.

(((Luke Turner)))

Sup Forums

>Best Character

He wasn't there from day one, if I recall correctly he came in a few days after it started. As far as I know the first Sup Forumslack to show was plaidman followed shortly by blart.

Jackie Chan.
Buy that Man pizza for life!

nah jesus is the main character. but jackie is a good second option

>Leafbro 2 times
>No Paperboy
What the fuck OP?

Has Jesus returned, yet has there been any good clips over the last 2 days?

Mustachio was awesome. too bad he hasn't been back.

jesus is more like the mentor guy, and everyone knows the mentor guy is never the protog

are there even any libtards regulary "protesting" anymore?

Except for Stolen "Snorting a line in starbucks" Valor and Paper "here to promote myself" Boy ?

Is it safe to say that we are winning?

this is the best moment from the entire series you faggots are clueless.


Wasn't the first one to show up the guy with the pepe picture on his cellphone? Either him or museum of kek I think.

should we make our own chan?
this is tiring

Dude. PEPE is the main character and the jackies & jesuses are its legs and arms...

>he hasn't read the manga
Keep your eye on Paper in episode 23 it turns out he was [spoiler]/ourguy/[/spoiler] the whole time

I think the last time jesus came was like 6 days ago

>it's a fotoshooting episode



It's the calm before a storm

Compare the stream now with the same time last week. Shit is dead. WE DID IT REDDIT

That newbie croat from last thread,topekek,give some other highlights pls.Unfortunately missed the whole thing.

jesus' character arc never interlaps with the other main characters besides jackie. he has his own character arc like Jon Snow. It's obvious as his character progresses the story will converge more towards him.


Jesus and Blart are my favs but Jackie and Leaf are undoubtedly the protags of season 1 and 2, respectively. They both start from awkward autist to outspoken leaders. They have their ups and downs, like any character with a good arc.

I thought he said he was coming back over this weekend

Will be get a beach episode during the summer?

Yep. Probably tonight.

Dude this is it. last episode is tonight after that its done...

hotspring episode when?

I've always kind of considered him the Kamina to Jackies Simon.

I have a feeling its the calm before all the underage faggots and cringe show up. This thing should probably die now

>Rose on the beach

What will be his character arc?

>8 years of HWNDU stream

>Jesus announces his run for presidency as a republican

>AIDS Bjorn runs as democrat

Shills were out in the full force then.


People consider the Twister episode kind of our beach episode.
All the waifus fought on twister, there was a lot of relationship shit, etc...

Anyone good in photoshop?

I would have died anyway, normies have no attention span. It was still fun to mess with and ruin while it was popular

are u coming to the stream today? got a russian guy in ny who really wants to meet you

Yeah, you are right, but imo with Jackie staying there the whole night and slowly uncovering himself as Sup Forumsack with afterwards CIA joining was when I began following this intensively. Also, the night with Greencunt was scary as hell, I almost expected him to be murdered when they went to charge his phone.

Well, weekends are typically where the action is. If tonght is the series finale, it better be good.

/our/guys will keep showing up.

It's just that Liberals don't really care or have any convictions.

Fuck... how will he top this?

>tfw still triggered from last night's avant guarde episode

The correct answer is Jackie Sup Forums

Kek. He has the most talent out of any of the posters. Acting, singing, dancing. Don't sleep on based Jesus.

>all aids bjorn does during the debates is shout FUCK OFF NAZI.
>somehow liberals eat this shit up
>becomes the democratic nominee

>gets btfo by jesus with jackie as a runningmate

>Implying that the pink scarf from Paperboy is actually the true villian and it will kill everyone in Season 4.

Really Jesus is the "best" character, but he's not and never will be the "main" character.

He's like Kamina from Gurren Lagan.

>instagram faggots coming out today
get the fuck out normies


Implying that's a good thing


Sup Forumsblart is the protagonist, Jackie is the best friend, Jesus is the mentor, all other honorable mentions were the ally in the episode but most are never seen again

blart is my husbando

>He's like Kamina from Gurren Lagan.
Perfect comparison, goddamn.

Hopefully he's a light Kamina and doesn't have to die to advance the plot and characters

what is syndrome from the incredibles doing there

A Jew

honestly, when the art project finally gets shut down in like 4 months over assault charges or soemthing, i really hope Jesus puts on a monthly show for Sup Forums with all those other wonderful bastards from NYC.

it's the face of degeneracy

Oh it's going to be the worst yet. People are going to show up just to meet Jesus and it's going to be like Swollen Valor and that annoying ScarfJew all over the fucking place.

what the fuck is that

>Stolen Valor kills Jesus

I think its a quadroon

he will and can, he gets better every time he's on. he will be on the stream tonight at 12am est i heard.

>polblart not winning

What the fuck are you people doing?

Main Hero: Jackie
Main Side character: Jesus

Main villian:Paper Boy
Side Villian:bjorn

how do i find the new thread after they archive the previous one, ffs

Ah come on, Swollen Valor had his heart in the right place, he's just autistic even by our standards

Yeah, he's already throwing up death flags left and right. RIP

yea this moment is pretty cool. i don't agree with him but he speaks from the heart

jackie and Sup Forums blart are true disciples

There is this thing called the "catalog", it has only been here officially for like 4 years though.

I don't hate him, but I couldn't take 10 of him.

Paper is too dumb to be the main villain. I would go with Stolen Valor currently.

He said he doesn't want to make a youtube channel so that's even less likely. It seems everyone understands that this is going to end eventually.
Or at least almost everyone.

Blart isn't receiving the love he deserves


The main villain has yet to reveal himself. be ready for a surprise

Jesus of course
jackie>jesus>sam hyde>pol blart>absolute plaidman> moonman>1488 user

This. SV is the only one worse than Shia.

Swolly was a good boy just looking for friends, he gave me feels.

Nothing can top Season 1

i'm a newfag, i apologize for my ignorance Daddy