Why did Hitler get BTFO by slav peasant farmers?
Why did Hitler get BTFO by slav peasant farmers?
Numbers. If you keep throwing shit at a wall, it'll eventually stick. Germans had by far the better technology, it's just they couldn't keep up with killing all those slavs
because he was fighting Americans and Brits at the same time as well, otherwise neither of those could have done it
They had superior tactics and weren't pussies.
>superior tactics
Name fucking one. They sent men in to battle without guns ffs
Fritz, do you honestly believe that if the war was entirely on the eastern front you could've won?
Would you agree with the narrative that if Hitler had focused on the V2 rocket program only a few months earlier, that the brits wouldn't have been an issue due to rockets bombing London from France non stop?
Would Hitler have had an easier time in the east if he had done this?
Because Slavs are the best, aussie-kun
>The Soviet infantry offensive is made by infantry supported by artillery, tanks, engineers, and aviation as the situation demands. It is generally in the form of simultaneous attacks on a broad front with concentrations of artillery and, particularly, tanks in the break-through area. The attack seeks to penetrate the enemy defenses in two or more sectors and converge on a limited objective; its mission is to encircle or envelop enemy groupings and destroy them by simultaneous attacks from all directions.
>The objectives of decentralized defense are to deny the enemy use of terrain, to divide his attacking forces, and to destroy him by numerous local counterattacks on the initiative
of the local ground commander
>The centralized type of defense seeks, by employing obstacles or by maneuver, to channelize the enemy attack in a given direction in order to gain a more favorable position for a decisive counterattack with heavily armored units and concentrations of massed artillery. Dummy positions and false fortifications used extensively. A favorite Soviet maneuver is to allow the enemy to penetrate deeply into the lines and trap him in a fire sack.
Now fuck off with this meme "URRAAAAAAAAAA CHARGE XDDXDXDDXD" shit.
>They sent men in to battle without guns ffs
that's a myth actually
Because they were being carpet bombed and blockaded by the US and Commonwealth.
Nazis are overrated by movies and shit
Yea, and Poles charged German tanks with cavalry.
No lie bro.
>Germans had by far the better technology
this meme again? do you mean inferior tanks (inb4 muh Tiger), inferior guns (reliance on bolt-action rifles while your enemy has semi-automatic guns), inferior aircraft (inb4 muh prototypes), inferior artillery or the vastly inferior logistical technology (even without lend-lease USSR outnumbered Nazi Germany's 5 to 1 in terms of trucks). ffs entire German logistic train relied on horse carriages.
> sent men in to battle without guns ffs
another meme
oh and when it comes to tactics, apart from von Manstein and maybe von Bock German generals blundered as much as their Russian counterparts.
Russian deep battle doctrine was what annihilated Army Group South for example, but almost spelled doom in Kursk (3rd battle). German blitzkrieg was good in the opening phases of the Eastern Front, especially in Ukraine and Belarus but proved to be a disaster in battle of Moscow and Stalingrad.
Adding more in case anyone is interested in Commie maneuvers
>According to Soviet doctrine, speed of maneuver, seizure of favorable terrain, and quick deployment of main forces and artillery upon contact are essential. Aggressive reconnaissance, ground and air, is continual throughout the operation. Usually, a strong advance guard is utilized. An attack upon the flank is sought. The fullest use of artillery at the earliest possible moment is made.
>The Red Army Air Force is to support the Red Army in all operations. It assists the artillery in the preparation for an offensive, supports the ground forces during the break.through, and covers them during disengaging operations by attacking enemy ground formations. In addition to this primary mission as "flying artillery" for the ground forces, it attacks enemy airfields, lines of communication, reserves, and performs reconnaissance.
Supply lines cut, overwhelming amount of russian soldiers as well as POWs, the Panzer 4 was not made for the muddy terrain of far eastern europe, kind of fighting the entire world at the same time and the cold were the main reasons. If germany only fought russia they woud have easily won.
so much this
in 1941 germans were fighting almost Exclusively on the eastern front. They get fucked beacue they were unprepared for the winter warfare (were they realy counting on capturing most of soviet uniont till the end of october?) Their technology was not realy that great especially if you consider That most of Their cool shit like tigers you realy hard to manufacture and maintain, also Their supply lines were overextended big time
Its not,but it happened couple of times in Stalingrad purely as an last resort aka. Russian banzai(every other guy got gun,if he dies another takes it)..
Because peasant Slavs had US Lend Lease. Maybe without that their support system would have collapsed. Also despite the popular belief Red Army was pretty strong by the end of the war, it was no longer a cannon fodder army and managed to win battles with far less losses than their opponent. They had developed planes that could fight German air force and had replaced (read: lost) their paper 1930's tanks that German tank crews used to laugh at.
Sure they did, Ivan would totally make unarmed people charge at machineguns. Nice Call of Duty history.
>infantry and artillery
>offensives and counterattacks with tanks
that is babby standard military tactics
go look german WWI tactics if you want something more cmplex
>Now fuck off with this meme "URRAAAAAAAAAA CHARGE XDDXDXDDXD" shit.
don't try to meme on me kiddo. I know full well soviet doctrine and I know it's great if you got tons of cheap shit to throw or got little to no training
the entire point of cheap is creating numerical superiority: you may not know but soviet armies are under-staffed and under-equipped compared to western 1to1 equivalents.
Yet every tank, every infantry squad is used in concert with all others, there is no freedom of initiative, you are one gun amidst dozens
and it is indeed what is nowadays called 'zerg rush'
>Because peasant Slavs had US Lend Lease. Maybe without that their support system would have collapsed.
Stupid meme too. The war was over after Stalingard at the latest(and at Moscow really), and land-lease didn't really get rolling until after it.
The weak should fear the strong.
Hitler lost the moment he couldn't suck oil from Romania,he didn't care about Russia but he had to come all the way to Urals for another source.
If you look whole map, all hotspots were on the way to particular (or at)resource, it was pretty much resource war for all sides,and every step that was made was not to keep territory but to get oil,iron and other shit.
Someone could even say Holocaust was not hate crime but material crime. They earned unbelievable riches from Jews and honestly ,Jews have right to be Jewy, no matter if we like it or not. They did payd for most of WW2 weaponry etc.
Slav peasant farmers armed and funded by the U.S.A. and Britain, the U.S.A. funding starting long before the war with Germany.
Slav peasant farmers when Germany's interior was being bombed to shit and their forces divided between several fronts, Russia only having one land front to deal with.
Slav peasant farmers huh.
Tiger was a mistake, it costed way too much to produce compared to Panzer IVs and Panthers, which was also unreliable but they obviously needed an upgrade. Nazi Germany if someone showed everyone else that less is more in tanks.
>believing slavic memes
Russians out maneuvered them/superior numbers/superior tanks (in quality and quantity) and Stalin was smart enough to take a back seat in military matters and let his generals do it all while Hitler demanded more and more control.
Also, I saw a documentary called "Behind Closed Doors" and this gnarled ugly old Russian veteran of the war talks about how he was killing germans in trenches and how weak and soft and effeminate they were while he and all his comrads were these strong men who lived a very hard subsistence life in Siberia. I think that had something to do with it to.
because the nazis were too busy constructing rollercoasters that flung jews into ovens
Well, to reply is really to put aside this short, important post to laugh or join to your family, brothers, mom, etc. and will surely then die near or in that it's her time to sleep. Wait, that didn't make sense...read every third word.
T-34s didn't even have radios for the most part. And German optics were far superior
Don't get me started on their automatic weaponry
Hitler went on a power trip and took control of his army away from his field marshall, he sucked at it so they started getting rekt
Welp, I guess I'm going to steal that picture, looks like USSR fought more on its own than I thought.
Numbers + Jews happily supporting them with cash.
>butthurt nazi denial ongoing 72 years later
USA Lend-Lease
Most documents I've watched tell that Hitler didn't really start taking control of things before 1942-1943 and at that point German generals had already lost the war on their own, Hitler's reputation of being a control freak madman is earned from years when it didn't matter anymore who controlled the army, everything would have been lost anyway.
ok lets be honest. how many of you are 13-18?
how many of you have seen stacey get blacked??
How many of you are here just because your mad stacey got blacked?
this video is why
Because: youtu.be
A pack of mangy dogs can kill a lion.
Im 26
I first got into history after the first Call of Duty. stormfags trigger me with their horrid meme understanding of WW2 history
>1 post by this id
>T-34s didn't even have radios for the most part
It hardly mattered. You can operate with signals by sound or light.
>automatic weaponry
Sure the ones they had were amazing but most Germans had a Kar98.
Russians had way more semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns.
Didnt the soviet infantry mainly use bolt action rifles too like the mosin?
germany fought in france, africa and russia at once.
the supply situation was way worse than russias ( stalingrad is 3000 km away from germany) also russia had way more soldiers and tanks / planes.
Good song I know it, but man wtf?
This, but since Hitler lost the war /reddit/ has to twist it around to make everything he did look "evil" and "stupid" while completely ignoring the brilliant things he did.
Sometimes I doubt we are in the good timeline.
Automatic weapons were a minority in German army too.
Yeah I guess most of the men in both armies would use bolt action rifles but the Russians built a lot more of the better guns than Germany could.
When you analyze the war on the east front you can see that both Stalin and Hitler played it out so there is as many casualties as possible while destroying as much infrastructure as possible.
> Germans had by far the better technology,
Name 1 (ONE) Nazi tank with better armour than the kv-1 and then consider the kv-1 was produced BEFORE the war.
US would have won the war against Germany single handedly. It was the U.S who won WW2 in the end anyway.
>the brilliant things he did
Oh yeah he was a genius. Great plan taking on the whole world with fucking Italy and one real ally on the other side of the planet. I am sure no Germans regretted supporting him at all.
Take away lend lease for the Russian, then it's bye bye.
Another Kraut. On the contrary, the V2 programm was barely effective. If they did have them in 1939 and started using them, then it might have made a difference in terms of propaganda... or better yet, attack Warsaw with them without invasion, then they all would have stayed silelent and did Hitlers bidding. But a bit more realisticly, what the Western Front/V2 stuff did:
Well over half the Luftwae was engaged in the west from 1942-5, and 75% of German
aircraft casualties were against the western Allies. Each U-boat cost 5,000,000 Marks
to build. The Germans built over 1,000. A Panther tank cost 117,000 Marks, That
means about 40,000 tanks were not built so that the Germans could wage the War of
the Atlantic. Think 40,000 panthers might have made a dierence against an unallied
Russia in the East? Each V2 rocket cost, in labor and material, the same as 3.5 ghter planes. The Germans
launched over 3,000 V2's, the equivalent of 10500 ghter planes which could have been
used in the east. The British and Americans deployed over 20,000 heavy bombers against
the Germans, causing great destruction. What would have happened if Rommel's Africa
Corps and the 30+ German divisions in France would have been in the don bend in fall 1942 protecting Stalingrad instead of waiting for British and American divisions to
land? What would have happened if the 400,000 troops stationed in Norway could have
helped Army Group North capture Leningrad? What would have happened if, in 1944,
the German armies trying to hold the divisions ghting in Italy and the Balkans could
have been freed to ght against the Russians in the south? I think it becomes apparent
just how important keeping the Western Front alive was for the Allies.
Britains categorical refusal of any peace oers kept the Western Front open (of course,
accepting the peace oers would have ended the war), the Soviets poured in from the
East with millions of lives sacriced and all of this was kept running by the US industrial
strength. Just one of these 3 things missing and the war would have taken a dierent
If the reader is interested to learn more about the Lend-Lease Programm and just how
important it was for the survival of the Soviet Union, lots of information can be found
in the book Russia's Life-Saver: Lend-Lease Aid to the U.S.S.R. in World War II by
Albert L. Weeks.
'The United States is a country of machines. Without the use of these machines
through Lend-Lease, we would lose this war.' - Josef Stalin (1943), quoted in W. Averell
Harriman and Elie Abel, Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1946, Random
House, N.Y., 1975, p. 277.
Kids like this have no fucking reason to talk.
GEE i wonder why they lost the FINNISH WAR THAN!
o wait. could it be? that the russians were not fucking retards, and actually LEARNED every single trick germany used, COUNTERED it. and germany not having any fucking chance at learning this due to "muh superiority!" got crushed big time at cittadelle due to SAID RUSSIANS learning how the germans liked to attack and developing counters to that. THAN launching counter attacks that the germans used on them!
>they lost the FINNISH WAR
No they didnt. It was just embarrassingly difficult.
It doesn't matter because the 88 flak gun could punch through everything.
What's pretty interesting in that time is how the hell Communists survived in China? A miracle.
more important question is why he wanted to fuck whole Europe including Russia at once, more or less
>Why did Hitler get BTFO by slav peasant farmers?
Never send an Austrian to do a white man's job.
They called a truce with the Nationalists to fight nips.
I bet the Nationalist regretted agreeing.
>and actually LEARNED every single trick germany used,
The German resistance movement forwarded most German attack plans through Informants in Switzerland to Britain and the USSR. Most German plan where known.
It even happened that captured Soviet officers told the Wehrmacht soldiers what their soon to be targets will be... the Soviets knew before the German frontline (sometimes). Having this advantage on your side makes a huge difference in terms of warfare...
Stupid ass was waging war on multiple fronts. He should have left the soviets alone.
zerg rush
He gave a politically disunited Russia an exterior enemy with his stupid barbarism. In turn, this hardened Russian resistance and made occupation a nightmare. Occupation therefore became a game of whack the partisan, which was difficult because Partisans are usually natives and occupying Nazis were from Dusseldorf or whatever, so as a result Partisans could intercept you while you were en route to pretty much anywhere, attack you, and then slink away into the country side. Something Russia has a lot of.
Second, Hitler's attack was never co-ordinated around one central idea. He wanted to run the war like a modern war: seize oil fields. Cripple the opponent's strategic ability to fuck with your resources and destroy their armies. In contrast, Hitler's generals wanted a regular war: take the major cities and the capital, and force the government to come to terms. These two approaches conflicted sharply, and resulted in the conduct we saw in Barbarossa. The Germans immediately broke Russian resistance along the entire front and instead of exploiting the breakthroughs to capture major cities, they were hyper-focused on destroying Russian armies. They were so focused on this goal that the Germans stopped their advance on Moscow dead in its tank-tracks so they could flank south and conquer Kiev and destroy 750,000 Russian Troops.
Finally, Hitler never prepared for a long campaign. 'Nuff said.
>Why did Hitler get BTFO by slav peasant farmers?
Because he was an idiot who not only didn't learn from Napoleon's mistakes but compounded them:
>N: Hey I'm at war with the Brits but I can't really invade...I think I'll attack Russia
>get BTFO
>H: Hey I'm at war with the Brits but I can't really invade...I think I'll attack Russia
>get BTFO
>H....AND declare war on America!
Fucking military mastermind if ever there was one.
Lend-lease, mud, and fanaticism.
The superpowers you named should have surely made a difference. 3-4 million people Finland? USSR had more people in their army than our entire country had people.
Climate and slavs being literally used as alive ammunitions by their Jewish masters.
The reds attacked first though.
You mean they attacked Germany with less forces? Sounds mad.
Not my fault that Hitler couldn't find better lads
Slavs were using bolt actions too.
no they didnt.
thats the russian army routing circa 1915-1918
get the fuck out
snow n shit
Get better allies then, faggot. Not our fault Hitler broke our truce
t. Russian/Ukrainian
>The reds attacked first though.
Yeah no they didn't. In fact Mother Russia DP'd Poland along with Germania at the outset of the war. Do try to keep up.
>their Jewish masters
This fucking meme. Lenin had some ethnically Jewish relatives who converted to Christianity, but never identified as a Jew in his life. Stalin was 100% Gentile and oh yeah, he fucking purged the Jews from the Inner Party.
He was a cuck.
>STMG education
the scene is actually from this movie.
The United States made the mistake to side with Russia instead of Nazi Germany, that's why
>what is T-34
Yeah it was totally "numbers"
>Lenin had some ethnically Jewish relatives who converted to Christianity
This is what you call a crypto kike, doesn't matter to what religion they convert. George Soros is an atheist but still one of the super giga kikes.
>Stalin was 100% Gentile
> he fucking purged the Jews from the Inner Party.
Many yes, but they were still over-represented in the government. And the kikes still ran the industry, the gulags, the propaganda and the NKVD. Basically all shady shit going on in the USSR, the Jews were the executive with Stalin in command (mostly).
Quantity has a quality all of its own
>they were still over-represented in the government
>the industry
>the propaganda
So it's exactly like the USA.
>This is what you call a crypto kike, doesn't matter to what religion they convert.
no, you dont get it. Lenin had ONE (1) jewish grandfather. He was more German than jewish.
> but they were still over-represented in the government. And the kikes still ran the industry, the gulags, the propaganda and the NKVD
no they didnt. Hows about you stop trying to shill made up history. Are you a liar or just retarded?
What's wrong with horses?
Cavalry proven very effective open field battles, and logistics alike, to an extent that Germans themselves adapted cavalry, to fight on the eastern front.
Taking from the efficiency at which the poles defeated the soviets in their war for Independence