Brit/pol/ - Holst edition

>Thread Theme

>Thread Poll

>Grexit? Greece again on the brink as debt crisis threatens break with EU

>Michael Fallon: Britain needs to engage "military to military" with Russia

>High Court appeal arguing that Britain cannot leave the Single Market without a vote from MPs is rejected

>Are Nutt under police investigation for alleged election fraud in Stoke

>THINGS - Government's ultra-optimistic Brexit plan is published

>Jeremy Corbyn expects an even bigger rebellion from his MPs over the actual triggering of Article 50

>John McDonnell: "I respect Article 50 rebels"

>They won't vote to stop their kids being raped, but they WILL vote for the Milkman - Lib Dems score landslide council victory in Rotherham, increasing their vote share by over 50%

>'The most pro-Brexit town in Britain' - An analysis of Boston, Lincs.

>Britain "could carry out cyber attacks on Russia"

Other urls found in this thread:

Imperial Leather

Quick rundown?


>Theresa May refuses to rule out private US firms taking over NHS services and lowering food standards

>Workers Rights under threat post-Brexit, Leaving the EU means giving up safeguards on employee protections.

>Trade deals ‘won’t make up for EU single market losses’

>New U.K. Trade Deals Can’t Soften Blow From Brexit, Niesr Says

>UK consumers could be exposed to American farming practices currently banned by EU after new US trade deal (Pesticides, GM, Food Additives, Chlorine/Acid-Washed Meat, Synthetic Hormones)

>Britain’s embrace of Donald Trump shows how little independence it has gained from Brexit

>Countries have told the UK they must relax immigration rules if they want free trade

>UK's rich appear to get special deal from HMRC, says watchdog

Reminder we have self confessed subhumans here
British flag
>curry muncher-"Scottish" mongrel
>iberian kike
>racemixer(chink wife)
>racemixer(quadroon preg gf)
>racemixer(korean pig wife)
>pon-"English" mongrel
>1/8 kike "Brit"
>Anglosphere gook/chink/pon
>kike randposter
>bomber rimmer the footfag kike
>Preuße - paedo
>meme merchant - autistic warmonger
ukrainian kike(Russian flag)
JIDF kike(SA flag)
Toothpaste the CIVIC halfbreed(Dutch)


>fantasise about engaging in meaningful plots that change events dramatically, or writing articles or something that interest people
>literally impossible to do for a living since politics, journalism, academics etc are all dead

>JPMorgan on Brexit white paper: 'Shallowness of the analysis and absence of detail are matters of great concern'

>Brexit Flight to Shift 30,000 U.K. Jobs to Poland This Year

>Number of EU nurses coming to UK falls 90 per cent since Brexit vote, patient care will suffer as a result

>UK-US trade deal will have 'very small upsides' for Britain, says former Bank of England economist


>unelected, hereditary head of state
>unelected, hereditary House of Lords
>unelected prime minister
>will of two out of four constituent countries ignored in referendum
>first-past-the-post voting

Why does the UK have such a serious democratic deficit, brit/pol/?


im not jewish

Our head of state will never be non-white.


britpol is shit


You been to Dorset yet?


Of course you would think that, Redditor

That is part of our plan.

It has been for a while, but theres nowhere else to go.

Begone taig the quadroon

"i don't give a fuck about other races being here, difference with irish and english is that you think you're superior, we don't, and our niggers don't have nigger culture, they assimilate and learn to hate the english as much as we do" (c) you, 14 Dec 2016 @102835450

>"i don't give a fuck about other races being here, difference with irish and english is that you think you're superior, we don't, and our niggers don't have nigger culture, they assimilate and learn to hate the english as much as we do" (c) you, 14 Dec 2016 @102835450


Top notch detective work

WTF I love globalism and white genocide now.


Fuck yourself Marionposter, I remember you, you feature massively in all those fake YKTD posts from last summer

Another overt Redditor caught out complaining that "Brit/pol/ is shit", which means that actual Sup Forums users are winning - Hang yourself

Literally what are you on about

This general is his life, he goes a bit mental when people badmouth it.

On occasion I consider suicide to draw attention to a political screed, in the same sort of academic way I've already concluded it's a good decision - but one that's too much effort.

But I know even if I put "this wasn't a mental health thing, the problem wasn't mental health, the problem was a society not worth living in that's getting even worse, now read the rest of it you cunts" they'd still
(a) ignore it because lol who cares male suicide
(b) talk about mental health.

I think that's the thing that pisses me off the most. A callous and uncaring society, steeped in decadent individualism, just-world fantasy, and outright escapism as the walls fall in - That I can handle. But you start telling me that actually, we're all kind and caring, all wonderful people and that things can only get better - that's when it's time to get out the rope, razorblades and tic-tacs.

The quality of the threads have gone down massively over the past year.

But for some reason he thinks I'm some kind of redditor shitposter. Mental Paki

Tiocfaidh ár cuck
Get back to your designated shitting bog padraig


At least he isn't in denial about hard Brexit happening.


I don't get how folk in this country are out protesting Donald Trump, when he's going to have no impact on most people's lives. Yet brexit, which is going to fuck us all for a decade, continues without a whimper.

It's because our country is getting Americanised due to the internet. Like when BLM and police brutality was for some reason that big of a deal here than it warranted protests. All the Twitter mongs. Twitter is where people get their news and Twitter is full of Americans and people follow Americans, American topics trend. Same sort of thing happens on Facebook, people get their news from Facebook but they only follow American pages. They have no idea about what is going on in this country apart from when an Emmerdale actress is getting married.

At my brother's uni there were meetings discussing how to stop Trump. Nothing about brexit or the fucked up laws the gov are trying to pass. It's SAD!

Heavy stuff

Kek I remember that.

how the fuck can you even have a religion under objectivism, an ideology that explicitly rejects superstition and altruism?

i mean, even Satanism (which is basically just rebadged, postironic objectivism anyway) is verboten for stealing herr rand's ideas

>Yet brexit, which is going to fuck us all for a decade, continues without a whimper.
That's because the kikes know that they have to be subtle about it

"It is all very well having a popular vote to leave. But Parliament, the legal system, the diplomatic service, the civil service and the BBC are *all* deeply opposed to our exit. They all know that open opposition to the referendum result, of the sort that David Lammy foolishly voiced in June, will get them nowhere. They will just look like bad losers and cheats.

They have learned, with a few exceptions, what Mrs May (for whom politics is a profession without any other aim than survival and success, as far as I can see) realised from the start. That they must say over and over again that Britain *is* leaving the EU. What is more, they must achieve a settlement which can be presented as a British departure.

But like all serious politicians, they know that victories are often only achievable if they are disguised as defeats. Let the other guy (if he is thick) believe he has won. Leave the other guy (if he is clever) free to *claim* he has won, even if he knows in his heart he has lost. But slog away, in the committee rooms and the late-night trades, for what you want. That is why so much can be achieved, in politics as in life, by those who don’t want public credit for their achievements."

>Tiocfaidh ár cuck

"ár" takes an úrú, so that should be "tiocfaidh ár gcuck".

Trump is diverting the lefts attention away from brexit which means less resistance to a full hard brexit

im happy. cant understand their mindset tho, trump only doing what he said he'd do.

The US is better tbqh

>trump only doing what he said he'd do.
So was Blair
(Except top up fees)

It's because they care about protesting what is cool to protest rather than what is the most relevant, if they were consistent in their beliefs then they would have also been protesting any of the state visits from any of the countries than ban Israelis from visiting, or they would have been massive protest when Idi Amin came to visit, or they would have been protesting Islam for subjugating women.

Went to see the Planets Suite performed by the Liverpool Philharmonic, absolutely breathtaking.

Mastered more than half of 6th grade, lads.

>which means less resistance to a full hard brexit
>He thinks the opposition to Brexit will come from shouting students and not Parliament, the legal system, the diplomatic service, the civil service and the BBC

>On occasion I consider suicide to draw attention to a political screed, in the same sort of academic way I've already concluded it's a good decision - but one that's too much effort.

RIP Dominique Venner

>I give up what life remains to me in order to protest and to found. I chose a highly symbolic place, the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, which I respect and admire: she was built by the genius of my ancestors on the site of cults still more ancient, recalling our immemorial origins.

I wanna move there tbqh

Same. I can't wait until the day comes when I can get rid of my British citizenship.

I just love the fact that, of all the religious buildings he could've included in the city, he decided to include a Synagogue.

Poetry writes itself.

what a brilliant idea

No you don't. The situation in America is not very different from Europe. America is further along the demographic path though

I kind of want to, but I don't know where I would go. Not saying the conservative areas arent nice, but new england is particularly beautiful. Though as far as I understand it, its largely a democrat shithole.

You guys have guns, freedom of speech and higher wages. That's good enough for me.

>Dirty potato nigger thinks democracy is desirable in any shape or form

>Would of-could of-should of martyr fagging

Thanks for making me feel better about myself user.

Literally your paragraph blurb in the Friday edition of the daily mail won't make any impact on the rest of us in the rat race.

Might end up a .jpeg that gets posted here a few times though.

I wouldn't move to spite this country, I just want to move there to legally own a gun, and have free speech, etc

Wew lad

But at least your country isn't too far gone like ours, you have the freedom to speak without getting arrested.

Yeah I would have to research it if I was to go, I would have to move to a majority conservative area

40% White


What happened to boomer_cunt.jpg? Much funnier.

Don't be so callous user

Did you not read my post? Guns, freedom of speech and higher wages. The UK is a fucking shithole compared to the US.

>Wew lad
Hello r.eddit

It is brilliant.

I'm still dumbfounded as to why Yugoslavia of all places has an embassy. Unless Tito was a Randian superman or something.

>Expressing my shock to Americas racial demographic is reddit

I'd consider trading US for UK citizenship, it's shit here anyways.

What does this creature represent?

Quick rundown on Imperial Leather
-Rothschilds bathe with Imperial Leather
-Made via contact with aliens
-Grants users psychic-like abilities
-Company controls france with an iron but fair fist
-Used in castles & banks globally
-Made partially with blood of the ancient royal blood line
-Will clean the inhabitants of the first cities on Mars (Impleagrad will be be the first city)
-Appears in 99% of DNA on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be bathed with Imperial Leather
-Some who use it are said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of bar soap that will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-Made in Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Imperial Leather inside your bathroom right now
-The Imperial Leather company are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Imperial Leatherbunker in Wilkes land?
-Users have been shown to be able to learn fluent French in under a week
-Nation states clean their gold reserves with the siao. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Imperial Leather
-The soap is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, it is a timeless soap existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know its ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent soap.

You must be mentally ill.

>Literally your paragraph blurb in the Friday edition of the daily mail won't make any impact on the rest of us in the rat race.
Oh, I know. It probably wouldn't go beyond the local press in truth - Still, it would be a token.

I mean, even when you go and do something big - globally newsworthy like Eliot Rodger, only a few memetic virgins will actually read your manifesto. Even the unabomber didn't elicit change.

It's primarily the mental health part that gets me. The main killer of men from something like 30-50 is suicide, and the question is always "Mental Health" instead of "Hmm, what if we've actually created a country where life simply isn't worth living?"

But if you ask that someone will talk about the third world having it worse and how people are just whiny and entitled - even if they're not whining, they're hanging. Even the third-world are usually given fig-leafs to progress or the gift of stupidity to mask their hell. They can still credibly believe a better future might lie ahead in some distant land, or in heaven, or have the fight day-by-day for survival. Us?

Anonymongs leeching OC and regular, up-to-date threads from BASED Triplords


Kek, you dont want to do that

I briefly installed the game the other day just so I could look around the city and screenshot anything the person who originally leaked screenshots left out.

I dunno, I think we are beyond the need for such an action. Look at what happened at Berkeley, the radical left are becoming more visible every day. People are disgusted by them and I think many people have begun to rethink their politics as a result. They might hold to leftist ideas, but when nutters like those at Berkeley and those who plan to shut London down are becoming the face of the left, they realise they don't want to be associated with them. I don't want people to give up their ideals, but I certainly want them to think about how those ideas can mutate and create those kinds of radicals. Every riot and every terrorist attack lead us closer to having conversations about those issues and causes people to think about those issues whereas they might never had heard about them before or ever discussed them at great length. What's important is that the wheels keep turning and events continue to happen as they currently are. We are hopefully moving away from the stale reality of before and towards a new, dynamic world. I'm not saying things will change overnight, but we're witnessing levels of division not witnessed since maybe the 80's perhaps.

In short, stay the blade, shit's getting interesting.

>Grexit? Greece again on the brink as debt crisis threatens break with EU

Why don't they just leave? What's their problem?

You can check out any time you like but you can never leave

See: Britain

No joke, what the fuck is that thing?


you might be educationally subnormal

It's actually half cute in a "try to forget he's posting pure ideology here" way.

Although the flag's wrong for Serbia at basically all points. The flag of Socialist Serbia was pic-related, while the Republic of Serbia has a shield on it.

It represents the essence of nope.


Just like the time you told us that we wouldn't leave the EU or the single market and have ended up doing both.

I don't think he was too interested in flag accuracy

Anyone else in the discord?





We haven't left anything.


>He thinks we'll end up staying

Everyone here is pretty much a degenerate. There's no understanding of history, no culture, no religion and whites will be a minority 10x faster than in the UK.

From across the pond it looks like you guys at least value some tradition.

A hard Brexit isn't going to happen. They will find some way to keep delaying it.

They like Europe and the Euro but they don't like paying their taxes, which results in a bankrupt state at the mercy of its creditors.

Also, back in the late 90's/early 00's and with the help of Goldman Sachs, they falsified their economic data to meet the criteria for accession to the Euro. If they were honest about how their state bureaucracy and revenue services were essentially non-functioning, they wouldn't have been allowed in.

The Euro has no shortage of valid criticism but the Greeks really made their own bed with this one.

w-wuh wtf?? I love Sharia May, an open border with Ireland, taking immigrants in exchange for trade deals and the Global Red White and Blue Brexit now!!!

We have nothing here lad

>Buying into YKTD's blackpilling
Please don't

you are delusional

Most people don't, they consider Eastenders to be more important.

You've just got a distorted classical view of Britain.

>Shilling the dichotomy that "Lol if you agree that Brexit will be twisted you're just a slave of YKTD lmao think for yourself retard xD"

Fuck off Tory boy