Sex is so prominent in the media. They promote homosexuality, cheating, casual sex, and being a slut/promiscuity. Kids watch these shows and copy what they see, how they dress and how they act. The kids choice award and similar events celebrate immoral sluts like pic related. Taboo topics are openly and shamelessly presented all over. People are taught to be self-centered and to have an attitude, and to rebel. They are taught to drink alcohol and to do drugs.
Do the people in the media have no sense of shame or morality? Why do they undermine society with such evil shows and films? They also mock God and Jesus in many sows, including cartoons. Why do they do this? Do they do it on purpose? How far will they go?
This bitch got double teamed by her two bodyguards in a hotel room when she was a teen and still with Disney
Josiah Sullivan
Can someone link the wiki page of that historian who concluded lack of sexual restraint destroys civilizations after a number of decades?
Jayden Lee
Demi is a depressed fatso with multiple failed ''attention whoring'' suicide attempts. Fuck her
Luis Parker
It makes money. Shh, you'll awaken the marxists.
Benjamin Russell
Okay but for a non literal approach wouldn't that imply that people are inherently degenerate to their cores, and in desperate need on a strong culture acting as a God judging what they do?
Alexander Harris
>No ones named the Jew yet I wish /reddit/ would leave
Cooper Reed
This isn't a quiz. Obvi the Jew controls the machine. The question stands, why is the machine so effective with the current programming?
Ian Bennett
Because people are naturally shitty and you can get them to do literally anything if you tell them that being shitty is cool.
Leo Turner
Sex is great. Your shitty puritan views have no place in the 21st century.
William Sanders
Bread and circuses
Hudson Rodriguez
Ready to lather it up
Carter Bell
Its catered to women who are subhuman sex fiends.
Jaxson Morales
Sex is good. Maybe if you morons had some you wouldn't be so fucked in the head.
Oliver Brown
>implying there's only an upside to sex
Brother I have some bad news for you.
T. A dad
Dylan Hughes
thinly veiled celeb thread? Jerk material is all they are good for lately, oh and propaganda shills for the left.
Nathaniel Peterson
It's good, but only within marriage. Studies show that having more sexual partners equals bigger chance of divorce. Also there shouldn't be any sex scenes in movies, they almost never add anything to the plot. Sex should be an private thing and should not be shown on TV/in cinema.
Christian Sanchez
>those chubby legs
Nathaniel Morris
its funny how the more sexual partners you have, the higher your chances of having an STD are Also, the more sexual partners you have, the less happy you will be in a marriage
Easton Walker
that's pretty much all that modern women are good for is sex (and it probably isn't even good sex anyway since there's no emotion behind it) They're in no way feminine, they don't know (or want) to know how to cook, they have every STD in the book, they don't want to marry until they're used goods And people are wondering why men (like Trump) import their wives from another country
Camden Lee
The fact that you even know who this cunt is, shows you have a problem.
Christian Parker
The window of what's allowed in mainstream media has shifted immensely in the last 20 years and it seems it's still accelerating.
Jacob Johnson
>It takes (((a certain kind of person))) to corrupt society for money.
Brandon Jenkins
pure coincidence, prove that there is an actual connection not just anecdotal
Camden Rodriguez
fat hands
Parker Kelly
>Why does the media promote immorality? >Sex is so prominent in the media. Best way to make a profit = cater to people's basic needs (sex / food / shelter / health)
Jeremiah Flores
It goes without saying at this point
The mass media is only around a century old I reckon the Jews have owned it from the beginning.
Matthew Torres
Its ok to know for colonization purposes
Anything else is degenerate
Thomas Torres
>Bahamian mgtow goy
Everytime! Not that I disagree with you but it's kind of funny.
Ethan Johnson
No values means ineffective moral compass. Easier to control the population. > 0 days without globalist tricks
Joshua Morales
you could just post more lovato
Grayson Lopez
The church Family values Respect for strong men Respect for yourself Respect for virtuous people
These are things that make a community strong. They do not want us to be highly moral and virtuous healthy beings. They want us to be degenerate slobs that hate ourselves and dont care to have a little more taken away every day.
Levi Peterson
Ethan Reed
because people want to watch it you retard
out of all the shitty threads that get posted here day after day, these faggy moralizing ones annoy me the most.
Cooper Gonzalez
Sex sells, and profit comes before all
Lucas Phillips
i want to lick her feet
Blake Roberts
Adam Moore
Luke Watson
Once morality is gone, any agenda can be pushed.
Aaron Foster
Tyler Carter
>bunch of anime masturbation fans talking about morality and degeneracy on fucking Sup Forums
Lucas Williams
B-be gone degenerate
d-deus vult! xD
Nicholas Richardson
Might be hard to believe, but some people on Sup Forums actually go to church every Sunday and don't watch porn/masturbate.
Christopher Cook
Yeah those people are fags though.
Connor Moore
Carter Johnson
Actually that would be the opposite. I find it very cool to actually see people on Sup Forums be moral. Takes a lot of strength.
Xavier Ward
Just saying, the people that brag about how they go to church and how they're better than everyone are faggots who use the word degenerate for anything they don't like. They're also cringey as fuck when they roleplay as crusaders. It's like when fedoras roleplay as samurai.
Thomas Flores
>Why does the media promote immorality?
primarily because it sells
secondarily because ~95% of the media is run by leftists who like degeneracy
>Do the people in the media have no sense of shame or morality? no they dont