I'm scared /pol. I'm afraid that World War III is about to take place between Iran and the USA...

I'm scared /pol. I'm afraid that World War III is about to take place between Iran and the USA, also Israel is going to be involved as well. What are the chances of that happening? Iran and the middle east are obsessed with war and battle, I'm sure they'd gladly go to war with the USA and not think twice about it.

What really scares me is the potential of nuclear warheads, Iran claims they don't have missiles equipped with them but I think that's a load of bullshit. I know the USA has nuclear missiles though, I just feel like it's going to be Desert Eagle all over again. I mean we're already fighting ISIS and terrorism, going to war with Iran will just escalate it even further.

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It won't fucking happen. Stop shitting your pants.


>literally shaking

>hitting anything

You really think people will want to go into another middle eastern war under a republican?

>World War
>Between 2 countries

>world war
>against sand people

Doubtful. Iran knows full well it would lose if we really started to give a fuck. A third world war would only start between two major powers.

Dumb thread.

Do you think people would have a choice? If there is world war 3, just do what everyone else is going to do... Wrap themselves in a blanket, get comfy and watch the world burn. At last, Canada will be warm.

As someone who got 66 twice, I suppose I must believe your words.

I live in the USA, and a war with ANY country is a problem in my mind. I'd rather not be going to war with any country frankly.

You faggots knew what I fucking meant, sure I said "World War" but I just meant a war in general, Jesus.

Please desert the military if you get drafted.

they wouldn't need to draft anyone.

war would be over in less than 30 minutes

webm related would happen but from an american silo

>Implying thousands of people wouldn't desert the military if they got drafted

You know how many people in this country would last probably less than FIVE minutes in the military if they got drafted? I'd be one of them, we're not all hardened soldiers with the will to fight and defend the homeland. I'm a fatass weeaboo manchild who can barely survive on his own. But I'm glad we have MACHO men like you who feel they're badasses when they're really not.

World wars are between white people, a war between non-whites and whites is just some war nobody or somebody but not everybody cares about.

you get bootcamp before heading out to war


Unbreakable code

And? You think all those people will survive, let alone make it through boot camp? Even if they do they'll probably die pretty fast on the battlefield. Also aren't they're requirements to be in the military or does the draft override those requirements?

Like if there was a draft would they accept ANYONE? What about people that are like fat and obese?

as an incel, and i've tried everything, i welcome ww3

fuck this world

first of all, we will be fine. We're the strongest country in the world by a large margin.
second of all, lots of people want to chop our balls off over religion, this is just how the world is and we have to defend our lives.

he hit 0 and 1 at the same time on the last zero

Nothing will happen.

He'll make his friends rich and he'll make plenty of money for himself after his presidency ends. Like every other Prez.

Maybe he'll get CIAed along the line tho.

which code is actually needed depends on other things tho

depends how bad it is, the point when they actually send guys like you then the situation is really fucked
in such a scenario there won't be any other options left but to fight.

either die in the Volkssturm or get your butt raped by russian zergrush

>being afraid of Iran

I'm not a badass. But I'm not a complete bitch either. I'd be willing to fight, although I'd probably be scared. I go to the gym daily and have a decent job. I'm an average guy. WWII was fought with average men. I'd be fine.

You've admitted you're a complete welp. You'd flounder, like you have your entire life, and get people killed. So, because of this, please kill yourself or desert the military if you get drafted. Tbh, I probably don't need to worry, because I'm sure your fatass is hard to miss, and I'd see your worthless head on a spike relatively quickly.

if there was, would it not be over very quickly? Iran is tiny compared to US power

Same shit as Iraq would happen.

They have some medium ranged missiles, nothing else.

meet the new boss, same as the old boss

>inb4 faggots pretending their votes get counted

I wouldn't be that scared.

If there is a way all these gen z alt-right fucktards in Sup Forums will be drafted

World War 3: The Axis of Mexico, Iran, and Sweden vs USA, Britain and Russia

Yeah, I'm not worried.

research gulf war one

it would be like that except in iran instead of iraq

iranian military would be obliterated

this world has been boring enough for the last 70 years, why would we avoid another world war when it can make things more interesting?

>Iran and the middle east are obsessed with war and battle
You're a fucking bluepilled faggot. Haji's only started fighting back after the neocons went into the middle east for no reason. Shia Muslims from Syria and Iran are not a threat to anyone, they just stand in the way of the greater Israel project.

>I mean we're already fighting ISIS and terrorism
Lol, so is Iran and Syria. The Jews are literally cheering on ISIS

here is literally what the kikes are saying:
>“The continuing existence of IS serves a strategic purpose,” wrote Efraim Inbar in
>“The Destruction of Islamic State Is a Strategic Mistake,”


>iran and the middle east are obsessed with war and battle

Yea man its those middle easterners, not the country that's been invading, pitting counties against each other and interfering with their affairs for the past 70 years. It's those irrational Arabs amiright??
>they wouldn't need to draft anyone.
>war would be over in less than 30 minutes
Yes just like how the war was over in 30 min in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Korea. And you guys wonder why liberals call you uneducated, you can't even read and learn from history just a generation before. You don't win a war with just bombing raids, ignorant poltards...

>You don't win a war with just bombing raids
yes you do, you win wars by blowing up the enemy.

In Irans case its really fucking simple, just repeat what you did in Iraq and shit is done in less than a week.
IF Iran poses a threat with Nuclear weapons, lets say we detect a Launch that might be nuclear then the US might use theirs...

Iran will fall within the day. Shill harder

>implying the Cold War wasn't world war 3

if it did happen it would be over in 30 minutes with no US casualties and probably no sraeli casualties. Rest easy. AND it's not going to happen. That's all gov't fear bullshit.

>yes you do, you win wars by blowing up the enemy.
>In Irans case its really fucking simple, just repeat what you did in Iraq and shit is done in less than a week.

You can't make this shit up lol, can't tell between satire and genuine comments anymore. Where have you been in the past 70 years? Where have you been in the past 12 years?

because nukes are a no-go and everyone knows it intuitively.

>world war
>he thinks america still has allies

have fun with that shit, buds.

Lmao who's going to be on Iran's side? The seven terrorist countries?

It's clear you guys don't just not learn from history, your memory is so bad you can't remember the past decade. Most likely too young to remember, explains a lot

The second Iraq war only lasted a month.

they didn't show him hit the # at the end though.

Iran vs USA is not gonna start WW3 if Russia takes part in invading Iran.

Maybe Iran gets divided into North Iran and South Iran, like Germany was.

North Iran... Russian
South Iran... American allied

Iran would get cockblasted by both parties. EU can eat a dick and stay out.

WW3 = China

China is basically pre-Punic Wars Rome.

They are building a Navy from scratch. They've got a hardworking pleb populous, a lot of farmers.

I was watching a Japanese documentary about migrant Chinese workers.

Some Chinese plebs are treated like Mexicans by Metro-Chinese in Chinese cities.

Lots of Chinese desperate for opportunities. Chinese wants colonies and some Chinese feel like they do.

China "needs" to secure and dominate the South China sea.

They're gonna start shit no matter what.

China has been preparing for WW3 for decades.

If Iran gets nukes and allies with China... some sort of New Axis, they the west could get fucked hard. WW3 could be longer and bloodier.

China knows Europe is cucking itself, It's gonna be too negro and Arab to fight against China and its future allies.

Just as planned. Good job falling for it, Sup Forums


Israel could beat Iran by itself.

we had a nuke war 10 years ago? i was in shield and storm...not that young. i thought we were talking nukes.

Iran has always been like this.



>American ITT

I swear to god, all of you Americans really as retarded as they say.

I'm sure you remember the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. They aren't as easy to fight as it seems.

and yet we never lose and everyone wants to be us...what does that say about the rest of the world?

Nobody care about ISIS anymore.

>implying Israel wouldn't decimate the entire ME with the help of his big brother

the twist: china are the good guys

if they fight an asymetric war we'll never make headway. On a battle field though...there is no country on earth that could stand against us.

You fucking should :^)

I meant best Korea.

t. pierre justin cheng li

If we utilized every drone and unmanned weapon system we had, the wouldn't even be a conflict, yeah.

I would actually be surprised if we ever used nukes again anywhere in the world. The clouds drift over the rest of the planet and give everybody cancer, the next people to use it would have to be complete dicks.

Oh, wait...

>we never lose
yeah, except vietnam, korea, iraq twice, afghanistan, the war on terror, the war on drugs, etc.

Weird how all the wars that happened after the JFK assasination brought nothing but shit upon us and the world?

Trump is invading Iran in 30 minutes!

no loss. a loss would be like in Japan in WWII. I get what you're saying, but you're not exactly correct. Why? You wanna go a round with the USA? Fucking pussies! Suck te PTSD dripping from my crotch cuck faggot!

Does Iran even have an Air Force?

I mean guys,that shitty tier game on steam kinda predicted that best Korea would overtake the pacific and send missiles to obama,and later turn into a google tier company on the sequel and overtake Europe,it is really not far off.

Nothing's going to happen. If the USA does decide to go to war with Iran, I can guarantee you that Russia will not join that war to protect Iran. Some arrangement will be made before. There's no chance that Russia wants to fight the USA, not over Iran. Relax.

If you're Chinese.

SJWs are literally a fucking threat to western security and the future of the west.

Europe won't be able to fight off Chinese and a Neo-Axis with "Numidians."

>Iran claims they don't have missiles equipped with them but I think that's a load of bullshit
Thank Obama for it. Obama before the inauguration gave Iran 116 metric tons of Uranium as a "thank you gift".
So because of your former treasonous nigger leader, Iran has nukes and is currently making more.

>World War III is about to take place between Iran and the USA
i think you meant to say WW3 between iran, russia, china and the USA


Dont be scared.
Post apocalyptic USA will be awesome

No it wouldn't. Iran is larger (landmass/population) than Iraq and Afghanistan combined and its terrain is a nightmare.

Also its entire doctrine revolves around deterrence; a response which would involve mining the Straight of Hormuz (waterway carrying 1/5th global oil), swarm attacks on military/civilian shipping, firing ballistic missiles everywhere and conducting terror attacks using a network of proxies, whilst defending a very large, easily-defended country with a conventional force and with troops highly adept at guerrilla warfare who have been preparing for this contingency for literally decades.

Essentially you'd be mostly taking pot shots at them from the air whilst trying to manage their response. The US probably has the capability to fuck with Iran's infrastructure in a big way (see nitro zeus) but attempting to starve Iran into a surrender would be highly controversial.

Basically it isn't clear how the war would end and Iran's response would be difficult to manage and would probably be pretty bad. A war would be politically toxic. If Iran was so easy to deal with then they would have been dealt with years ago.

The US won't be going to war with Iran for the reasons I've mentioned, which is why Iran feels comfortable taunting them with missile tests and whatnot. The US will instead follow a containment-like policy in conjunction with its regional allies.


If we had to fight russia it would be bad. Iran wouldn't fall quick, but fall it would.

Even Britain, France, or Germany could wreck Iran's shit.

Stop panicking idiot. If your that worried, go ask /k/

>US busy in Iran
>Russia seizes chance to take the rest of Ukraine
>China seizes some islands
>Europeans fight amongst themselves lol

It could get out of hand quite quickly

>USA vs. Iran

So, that will last what? About a week? Quite you're whining cuck

Nukes were always somewhat of a Chekov's gun. Time to restart civilization I guess. Maybe next time around there will be no kikes? I feel like we should leave a secret code warning to those who will come after us and possibly repopulate the earth

Russia is about to give nukes to Iran. Good luck

You seem mad :^)

>USA vs. Iran
lol no. Do you really think any world power would jump to their defense


We're already in the middle of WWIII you dumb fuck. It started on 9/11.

More countries have been involved in the war we are currently in than WWI and WWII.

A conflict with Iran is just a continuation of the war between the west and the middleeast.

The west is so much stronger than the enemy that we have stupid fucking rules that drag the conflict out, like "don't kill the enemy unless they meet specific requirements" and "we have to invite defeated enemies into our countries" and we are still winning.

Meanwhile the enemies rules are "any kill gets you rewarded in heaven" and "invade the west and rape their women to create a new caliphate".

If anything thanks to Trump and his consolidation with allies we will get some real action and remove these dumb libtard restrictions on the west, this fucking handicap, so that we can finally end WWIII.

Kill yourself

no way is that real?