This thread is for Discussion of Libertarianism, Capitalism, AnarchoCapitalism, and the physical removal of communist fags from our board of peace.

>Post sneks
>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads.

I can't beleve this thing is still for sale.

>Hey, where's my free breadsticks?
Right this way if you will please board the free breadstick Air-Shuttle we will take your breadsticks

Other urls found in this thread:

iea.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/files/Hayek's Constitution of Liberty.pdf
mises.org/system/tdf/Liberalism In the Classical Tradition_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Economics and Ethics of Private Property Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/A Short History of Man — Progress and Decline.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, A_4.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy_Hoppe_Text 2014.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Myth of National Defense, The Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/The Private Production of Defense_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Economic Science and the Austrian Method_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/What Must Be Done_7.pdf?file=1&type=document

GENERAL READING LIST (feel free to make suggestions to expand this list)

>Basic Economics - Thomas Sowell

>The Law - Frédéric Bastiat

>Free To Choose - Milton and Rose Friedman

>Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle

>Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty - Eugene F. Miller
iea.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/files/Hayek's Constitution of Liberty.pdf

>Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition - Ludwig von Mises
mises.org/system/tdf/Liberalism In the Classical Tradition_3.pdf?file=1&type=document


>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (1993; 2006 2nd edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/Economics and Ethics of Private Property Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline (2015)
mises.org/system/tdf/A Short History of Man — Progress and Decline.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Democracy—The God That Failed (2001)

>A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (1988; 2010 edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, A_4.pdf?file=1&type=document

>From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy (2014)
mises.org/system/tdf/From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy_Hoppe_Text 2014.pdf?file=1&type=document

>The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production (2003)
mises.org/system/tdf/Myth of National Defense, The Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>The Private Production of Defense (1998; 2006 edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/The Private Production of Defense_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Economic Science and the Austrian Method (1995)
mises.org/system/tdf/Economic Science and the Austrian Method_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>What Must Be Done (2009)
mises.org/system/tdf/What Must Be Done_7.pdf?file=1&type=document

Libertarian right is an oxymoron. It's
>I like capitalism, but I also like women to trample my balls in stilettos
Capitalism is pointless without a strong, militant state to pair with it, and libertarianism would wish to deconstruct this.

420 deathsquad reportan

>free market in a free society is an oxymoron


Tell me Jew, why do most of your people support leftism? Aside from the occasional based Jew like Ben Shapiro, most of your people seem to be oddly supportive of the left.

end it

Im guessing most of them are just getting on the bandwagon of promoting leftism to earn more shekels.





Capitalism requires no state at all user, only the freedom to do what you want with what you own.

>encourages cuckbertarianism


How does it feel being the governments bitch user? How does it feel to have them breathing down your neck, taking your wealth, telling you what you can do with what you own, telling you they know what's best, all they need is more power, more control, more trust from you?


someone said sneks?

what is this shit? national socialism and fascism are both incompatible with liberty. to an libertarian it's the same as socialism (because it is).

Liberty and God, going together like commies and starvation since 1776.

this. statists are the actual cucks

I like this flag a lot

>ITT: I'd unironically rather be ruled by an amoral corporation than a government.

it's form a thread yesterday about how Libertarians and fascists should join forces against marxists


It's up to you. If you do choose to succeed you can without and conflict rising out of it. In a free society you can guarantee that some will choose to live under a monopolistic government like we have today.

At least corporations don't have the almost religious attitude surrounding them that keeps them upheld. If someone thinks a corporation is being a jerk, everyone stops buying their crap and they go out of business. If a government is being a jerk, it's "necessary evil" and "upholding stability", it just needed even more of your money, that's why it is failing, if we don't keep it propped up everything will descend into CHAOS! Or at least that's what the statists tell me.

Government need to be amoral for maintaining their power
Corporation not necesserely



>implying acquiring and processing information is costless

I made a non-yellow and black one awhile back

The body works more like a market flow than a gubmint
The cancer cell would be an AnCom

'twas a rhetorical question. statists are crap people, always.

the horror: using services of people whose success is dependent on my satisfaction - instead of having my life determined by bureaucrats.


What's that got to do with anything?

Hans' 4 steps of the delegitimation of democracy must be promoted on Sup Forums.
1. It is difficult to find any proponents of democracy in the history of political theory. Almost all major thinkers had nothing but contempt for democracy. Even the founding fathers of the U.S. were strictly opposed to it. Without exception they thought of democracy as nothing but mob-rule. They considered themselves to be members of a 'natural aristocracy,' and rather try a democracy they advocated an aristocratic republic.

Exactly. Corporations exist because people find their products worth purchasing. Governments exist because of this indoctrinated idea pushed into our heads that they ought to exist.

>The ancap is the fucking chick

you remind me of my late latin teacher who ingrained the notion in me that whenever someone uses metaphors (of body parts) to explain claims to power, you're taken advantage of. what you are truly doing is, is telling people that there is a a secret truth some people hold, that obviously can not possibly be communicated, and therefore those people have to rule and you can not possibly question that because you are too stupid to understand.
you are calling people stupid. how do you expect them to react, asshole?

2. It must be made clear again that the idea of democracy is immoral as well as uneconomical. As for the moral status of majority rule, it must be pointed out that it allows for A and B to band together to rip off C, C and A in turn joining to rip off B, and then B and C conspiring against A, and so on. This is not justice but moral outrage, and rather than treating democracy and democrats with respect, they should be treated with open contempt and ridicule as moral frauds.

>If someone thinks a corporation is being a jerk, everyone stops buying their crap

Which is why a controversial and hated company like, say, Electronic Arts went out of business years ago.

Oh, wait.

Physical removal soon lads.

Okay, most big businesses with terrible reputations can be chalked up to copyright laws, bailouts, heavy regulations, and the Federal Reserve.

2 continued. It must be stressed relentlessly that it is not democracy but private property, production, and voulantary exchange that are the ultimate sources of human civilisation and prosperity. In particular contrary to widespread myths, it needs to be emphasised that the lack of democracy had essentially nothing to do with the bankruptcy of Russian-style socialism. It was not the selection of principle for politicians they constructed socialism's problem. It was politics and political decisionmaking as such.

You forgot dumb consumers.

Reminder that the only difference between the mafia and the state is your opinion.

>If someone thinks a corporation is being a jerk, everyone stops buying their crap and they go out of business.
It means you know very little about economics.

Libertarians are the only some what rational people on Sup Forums

The reason commies are so dangerous is the insidious influence of cultural marxism. By creating sleepers in the democratic system they have been slowly taking control and steering towards NWO communist one world government, while simultaneously infecting the culture, the schools, the courts, and even the history books with (((their))) views.

To defeat this, we must become cultural fascists. We must acknowledge the failures of the 3rd reich and move towards the 4th, which will be based not on racial purity, but western values and culture, which is of course overwhelmingly white. Being race realists, we wont ignore the differences between the races, but we are not total monsters so were not gonna just kill everyone else. We will outcompete them in wealth and ideas. Communists and psychopaths will have to be physically removed, so to speak. To do this, we MUST get the public on our side FIRST.

Prove me wrong then.

EA's reputation has been destroyed many people avoid their games just because they are made by EA this does affect buisness

you're obviously right, but there's the problem that while you can get rid of elected bureaucracy, you probably won't abolish the state as a whole - and given what so far has been tried when people got tired of 'democracy' it might be in our best interest to leave things 'democratic' for now - and maybe instead try expanding the idea, make it more inclusive and more 'open' ... so that the leviathan gets paralysed by its own institutions, unable to act whatsoever. Say yes to direct democracy, nihil novi and liberum veto for everyone!

>there is a hardcoded law every cell follows
>whenever part of that law falls, the cell literally kills itself to preserve the integrity of the body
>if that fails, some cells in the body will kill it
>if all these fails, the actions of a single cell bring all the others down
>this is in any way like a free market

maybe they're not that bad after all and instead still produce value for others - but anyway, they're not forcing you to use their products.

Hey, if there's a market for dumb people, then corporations are going to use that. But that doesn't mean that they won't earn even more by being smart with their business.

has user put any serious thought into how the actual transition from current societies would take place?

all governments that fell so far have been quickly replaced by their successors which guaranteed their continuity and negated any significant change going forward, leading me to believe that a global gamechanging event would be required to take place, one preventing centralised governments from functioning and existing

For those who think libertarianism = open borders


>there is a a secret truth some people hold, that obviously can not possibly be communicated, and therefore those people have to rule and you can not possibly question that because you are too stupid to understand.
I think you should've paid more attention in class

Cringeworthy picture...that ain't commie dropping helicopter, but libertards as usual don't know a fuck about anything.



you remind me a commie that said that capitalism is tyranny because if you din't have a job you die,which is what you just explained to me

are you asking me to show you acquiring and processing information is not costless? Do you ever buy groceries?

3. The idea of majoritarianism should be turned against democratic rule itself. Under and firm of governmental rule, including democracy, the"ruling class" (politicians and civil servants) represents only a small proportion of the total population. While it is possible that one hundred parisites may lead a comfortable life on the products of one thousand hosts, one thousand parisites cannot live off one hundred hosts. Based on the recognition of this fact, it would appear possible to persuade a majority of the voters that it is adding insult to injury to let those living off of other peoples' taxes have a day how high the taxes are, and to this decide, democratically, to take the right to vote away from all government employees and everyone who revives government benefit, whether they are welfare recipients or government contractors.

no, it's not

when you guys can just throw strawmen at me, it means I hit it right on the target

>Libertarian right
>as opposed to Nationalist right or Fascist right
>Jew OP


you know for cancer to develop you need inflammatory signaling in the surrounding tissue. it's not a 'decision' by just one cell - and it is not a 'hardcoded law' but actually a chain of reactions thats modulated a lot by a lot of factors.
your whole metaphor is bullshit.

Libertarian Fascist here ask me anything.

So you defend less or more state interference? That looks like a paradox to me

so you're a paleoconservative or?

What does that have to do with anything? Elaborate on your point.

Hello friend

>all governments that fell so far have been quickly repl

replacement of government services by disrupting private enterprises. think uber.
(everything else just leads to bloodshed)

>calling me out for a strawman
>by posting a picture comparant us to cancer
Oh The irony

>competing amoral corporations vs an amoral government


Basically I believe in strong Military and that the NAP does not apply to socialists, communists or any form of marxist. With giving the people the right to do what ever they want without interferience to the markets.
I would say a cousin of paleoconservatives
Hey buddy.

are you fucking retarded or don't you get that you're trying to tell us that we should blindly follow the collectives will because 'that's how it's supposed to be'? that's the argument you're making. you have to be stupid to expect anyone to be convinced by that.

yes, but what about involuntary things like state tax collection agency, banking system itself, nationalized education, PAYG pension system, single-payer healthcare etc
as long as a gov't is still in power and laws governing abovementioned systems remain in place, there's no real way around them besides going illegal, which is not a realistic choice for the vast majority

nothing that happens in a body is determined by a single cell because it is a body. Still, what starts the cancer itself is a harmful mutation (or rather series of mutations in a single cell). So, it is a part gone rogue.

my metaphor is not bullshit. What each individual is to society is very close to what the cell is to the body. There is one obvious and marked difference which I'm surprised none of you brought up yet, eve though it doesn't invalidate the argument implied in my initial pic

Shlomo is on point.

>strong Military and that the NAP does not apply to socialists, communists or any form of marxist
I think that's a given in an ancap society. The guys promising that they'll steal all your stuff and kill you if you resist are most definitely violating the NAP. A strong military is certainly possible, but there definitely shouldn't be a draft. Volunteers are higher quality soldiers anyways.

4. In addition, in conjunction with this strategy it is necessary to recognise the overwhelming importance of secession and secessionist movements. If majority decisions are "right", then the largest of all possible majorities, a world majority and a democratic world government, must be considered ultimately "right", with the consiquesnces being that the so-called Western world has far too much wealth and the rest of the world, in particular China and India, far too little, and that a systemic wealth and income redistribution would be necessary. In contrast, secession always involves the breaking away of smaller from larger populations. It is thus a vote against principle of democracy and majoritarianism. The further the process of secession proceeds to the level of small regions, cities, city districts, towns, villages, and ultimately individual households and voulantary associations of private households and firms, the more difficult it will become to maintain the current level redistributive policies. At the same time, the smaller the territorial units, the more likely it will be that a few individuals, based on the popular recognition of their economic independence, outstanding professional achievement, morally impeccable professional life, superior judgement, courage, and taste, will rise to the rank of natural, voulantary acknowledged elites and legitimacy to the idea of a natural of computing and freely financed peacekeepers, judges, and overlapping jurisdictions as exists even more in the area of international trade and travel. A pure private law society - as the answer to democracy and any other form of political (coercive) rule.

For instance, it's impossible for you to know what is the supply chain of any given product you buy. It is so ridiculously complex, not even the firms themselves know. So, if a firm does something you don't like, you'll likely never find out about it and happily buy its product.

They are, so That is why I think in this kind of society militias are allowed to be formed. If you can afford your weapons you are good to go. Except for Police they are a given as well.

>even more
even NOW

All that and one error, not bad.

Shapiro said it best; Jews have now divided into two separate groups, liberal Jews have no god their only God, per say, is socialism. This will eventually lead to conflict between the two groups in the near future

I'm not talking about the inner workings of companies, rarely have those actually affected sales (like that incident with Chick Fil A and the anti-gay groups). I'm talking about the end products, if people don't like those products they won't buy them.

Libertarianism chases after a chimera of freedom, which is impossible to attain because we are social beings. You will always unwillingly affect other people and they will always unwillingly affect you. You cannot untangle yourself from them and they can't untangle from you. Hence, the closest thing to pure freedom is to be a dictator, where you control others. And the only possible way of being purely free is to be God. This is why most libertarians are at heart pure authoritarians and they don't even realize it.

Nonetheless, you end up chasing the chimera which involves, firstly, seeing all human interaction as the setting up and fulfillment of contracts and, secondly, the effective separation of yourself from society, which is why most of you are lonely fucks who can't relate to anyone.

The comparison with cancer is accurate because this is a framework that, if followed by a large % of the population, brings down society by completely destroying its social capital.

I love how most of the posts in this thread are by fascists masquerading as libertarians. But of course, totalitarian statists must always lie about who and what they really are, otherwise they'd get even less support than they do now.

We are smarter, more moral, more agile and our ideas are correct. We just have to spread our ideas so when the time comes they are adopted.

tell me exactly where I'm saying that


Militias and voluntary police are a strong likelihood. After all, we may believe in capitalism, but a big part of that is the ability of people to voluntarily and selflessly participate in charities, militias, mutual security, etc.

I rather doubt that an ancap society could afford the big military equipment, like carriers and whole tank divisions, but on a dollar per dollar basis we would certainly be the most efficient.

With an "amoral corporation" you know exactly what their motivations are, to make money. on the other hand a government claims to work for the "public good" - whatever that means.

What are your thoughts on Left Libertarians/Libertarian Socialists?