Well? Are you inherently and automatically racist? Pic related. My result.
Take the test.
Well? Are you inherently and automatically racist? Pic related. My result.
Take the test.
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Your study has timed out. This could occur if you spend more than 15 minutes on one page of the study, such as the IAT. Please complete the study without interruption or the results will not be valid.
It could also be the result of your IP address changing.
Nice data mining
Who cares? Use a proxy faggot
it can't even predict whether someone is considered "very racist" or only "slightly racist" from one test to the next. one of the professors who created it says its being used for purposes to "prove people are racist" which was never its aim
but that isn't stopping the anti-racism squad (mostly black women) from running away with it to use on organizations to test employees for their "implicit bias," so they can justify shoving their social justice doctrine down their throats - and getting paid to do it!
A website made by a liberal institution designed to call me racist? Faggot, if I wanted that, I would just visit the campus or email one of their professors.
>take the race/weapons test
>spend the first 10 min associating blacks with harm
I did the black and white folk with weapons test
Furst you associate black people with weapons and white people with harmless objects as fast as possible.
Then you do it reverse, the problem is you just spent the last few minutes programming your brain to associate blacks with weapons so you have to consciously fight that learned programming to associate white with weapons and blacks with harmless objects.
Naturally your a bit slower doing this so you are racist
>>spend the first 10 min associating blacks with harm
>having a hard time associating weapon with white people
not a single nigger ever picked up a mace in the history of the planet
i sat through the white-black test and it could easily be brought down to one question.
How much do you hate blacks on scale from 0 to 10?
exactly, i readily admitted i hate niggers. no need to go through this boring test.
Tribalism is coded in our DNA. Don't need a fucking test.
I got to part 5/7 but holy fuck I am not completing that garbage.
>black people with weapons
kek that's common in RL so these SHOULD already be a learned bias in sane humans.
Press E for White and Bad
well that was pointless
what the fuck kind of test is this? I can answer WRONG? if I want to put the word "fabulous" into the category "bad" and CAN'T DO IT then what the fuck is the point of making me """take""" the test?
I did one of those and it came up that I don't have any explicit bias against niggers.
from: [real name]
to: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
date: Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 12:14 AM (0 minutes ago)
A test where you aren't allowed to answer "wrong" is utterly pointless. Why make me press buttons if only one answer is allowed and the test won't continue unless I do so? The whole test could be automated as my opinions and choices don't make any difference.
If I want to put the word "hate" - a completely natural human emotion - into the "good" category then that should be allowed. Learn what the word test means next time before trying to publish one.
Best Regards,
[real name]
I took the test. I am a White Latino. It said I have a strong preference of blacks over asians. I avoid blacks and my best friend is Asian. This study is jank.
Good job
>Then you do it reverse, the problem is you just spent the last few minutes programming your brain to associate blacks with weapons so you have to consciously fight that learned programming to associate white with weapons and blacks with harmless objects.
Yep. Did the race one with good and bad and had the same thought.
But then their goal is to prove racism, so let's let confirmation bias carry us away.
the only reason they fucking catagorized me like that is because they swapped the catagories around at the end and it confused the hell out of me
What a shit test
Yeah this test is horribly designed. They should switch the order and see what happens.
But then they wouldn't get the results they want.