Sup Forums is Libertarian

Sup Forums is Libertarian.
Time for Trumpkins to fuck off back to plebbit.


Drumpfshits have destroyed this board.

*leans into mic*

A bad government leads to social disorder, which will *eventually* lead to a smaller government.
never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake

Libertarian ?

Im a Nazi monarchist

*unsheathes katana*
OwO What's this?

I was a libertarian until the left wouldn't leave me the fuck alone.

It will happen to you someday so long as you have eyes and at least a room temperature iq.

back to plebbit with you

Every pragmatic libertarian should support trump

> create vacuum of power
> expect someone else not to fill it



>Sup Forums is Libertarian.
true. and most libertarians like trump.

those who don't are mostly liberals who call themselves libertarian.

Yep, Rothbard supported David Duke.

It is fascinating that there was nothing in Duke's current program or campaign that could not also be embraced by paleoconservatives or paleo-libertarians; lower taxes, dismantling the bureaucracy, slashing the welfare system, attacking affirmative action and racial set-asides, calling for equal rights for all Americans, including whites: what's wrong with any of that?

Every Lolbertarian supports Trump in the face of Marxism.

This board has always been pic related.

Now neck yourself, kike.

Libertarian here.

Many of Trumps policies are very much in line with libertarianism. The US election was a major victory for every freedom lover in the US.

I've been looking for this picture forever. Thanks bro.

Is there anyway to get a flag printed? I want a Know-Nothing flag.

Can OP post a pic of himself with fedora and katana and explain how he's gonna take back America for "real men" so he can complete the stereotype?

This is how Sup Forums sees itself.

How other boards see Sup Forums.

How the MSM sees Sup Forums.

natsoc here


No idea, but I too want one

How Sup Forums identified itself in summer 2015 (just before Trump campaign began).

First Sup Forums parliament.


Every libertarian voted for trump

Does this look like lolbertarianism to you?

>gun owning veteran with 80 acres in montana

your stereotype is horseshit

>he doesn't form his political opinions by getting black out drunk and wandering the outback as the abos have done before us for thousands of years

Crikey, you've got some growing to do

Trump had to win. I want to see him wreck some liberal fucks.

However, I need some fucking perspective. Stop the fucking jerking off.

>against degeneracy


Sup Forums has no political affiliation, CREW. Sup Forums is a crucible where ideas are tested. I wonder if David Brock will be among those arrested when Sessions is confirmed?

Sup Forums isn't a hive mind you fucking shill

Sup Forums is if anything a gathering place of ideologies that you liberals shit have deemed socially unacceptable. if our views were socially acceptable we wouldn't need Sup Forums because we could just post shit on kikebook.

maybe in the future when the left is utterly smashed and their commie ways are unacceptable Sup Forums will become leftist trash.

libertarianism is socially acceptable


Sup Forums is NatCap.

This is the ONLY logical conclusion to governance.

Soon my friend, soon.

never said it wasn't, but gassing the kikes isn't nor is race realism

libertarians would be against nazis and nazis against libertarians


fuck off

Nazis are adorable. This is your leader.

Libertarians on Sup Forums are Nationalist Libertarians (or Libertarian Nationalists, whichever sounds less retarded). we don't care if other nations start goose-stepping so long as they keep that shit in their own borders.

Real Nazi Monarchist here

its a sexy flag, ill give you that. but you are dumb to think fascist monarchy is superior to fascist democracy.

yuge losers

Libertarian here. I support Trump. How about you fuck off.

Libertarianism is a failed ideology propagated by anti-gun pro-open borders cucks.

Fucking kill yourself, my man.

Fuck off civic cuck, go prep the latino bull and hope they "integrate"

True, being a retard is socially acceptable.

This one does

Why the fuck? He served his purpose in defeating Hillary, but now we're stuck with a raving lunatic as president, and it would be terrifying if it wasn't so fucking hilarious.

No reason to support him though, he's a degenerate new-money gorilla. He's like white Kanye.