France officially Fucked

New poll out, Macron just passed fillon

This means the french elections will be between le pen and Macron (hillary-tier) instead of le pen and fillon (le pen-lite with free-market economics).

Every poll shows that whoever goes against Le Pen wins, so France will elect another cuck and stay fucked


Only place le pens wins is pol

Other urls found in this thread:,_2015

If Le Pen wins, she'll still form a coalition with Fillon.

Le Pen will likely win, all she has to do is keep hammering the point that over 200 French civilians died in terrorist attacks on domestic soil directly due to the policies of Macron's party. This puts Macron in a defensive position of trying to distinguish himself from his party, without pissing off that party too much while they're still in power.

Didn't work for Hillary, won't work for Macron. The French are waking up.

Le Pen is mightier than the sword.

They all say she is hitler and won't form a coalition.

But anyway this isn't a parliamentary election, it's a presidential one. She either wins or loses on the runoff

Can't pin down Le pen!!

>The French are waking up

Not quite enough, sadly.

Just like everytime, if Le Pen is in the second round, EVERY political parties will unite against her, telling their voters to vote against her.

The media is shilling so fucking hard for Macron, too.

whatever happens, France deserves mad respect just for these polls. even Trump was not anywhere near leading the public opinion polls because the people were afraid to admit which way they were gonna vote. The French give no fucks.

So where's AfD polling these days?

It'll take another attack for Le Pen to win

/ourguy/ Schulz is gonna win


people where saying the same thing about Donald and Brexit. I'm not saying its a done deal but with cautious optimism you can help push her

Macron is boosted by the (((medias)))
If i had the time, I would translate a video from the french CNN for you to realize how much of a joke he is.

France is much more liberal than USA. Benoit Hamon in that list is from the socialists (current, pro-EU, leftwing government). That already puts the pro-globalist leftists at 16+21=37%.

Now, if we optimistically assume that somehow Melenchon's electorate (11%, anti EU but leftists) votes entirely for Le Pen (which is unlikely because leftists wont typically wont ally with someone portrayed as a Nazi), that puts Le Pen at 25+11=36.

Conservative republicans would be likely split between Le Pen and Macron. Let's assume they will be split 50:50, that gives Le Pen a 45%.

However, all of the other parties there are either far-left or pro-EU. They would rather die than vote for Le Pen in round 2. The 2nd round makes it so much harder for a populist victory in France to occur.

I still believe Le Pen will receive a solid 38-42% of the vote.

this is for the first round, this is for the second from a couple weeks ago

forced meme is forced
I almost wonder if the shills actually believe in meme magic now and are trying to co opt our power with this yidbomb

see this too, she hasn't gone past 40% in any poll I've seen so far

Every attack increases her votes share by 0.5%.


everyone made a big deal about Trump but Le Pen surging like this is way more amusing

this is actual, legitimate political drama as opposed to made up social drama around Trump

It's Brexit all over again, how far Nigel and Le Pen have come

this is the last from germany. Merkel will still win but an absolute disgrace of a socialist cuck is growing fast in polls. Germans are truly the most cucked people in the world

shit makes no sense dawg. are macron and fillon just splitting the same vote? or are all the little memesters just ganging up against Le Pen? this two round garbage is just that, a load of crap. it's basically the do-over the remoaners wanted built right into the system.

It's not. This is a popular vote system based on majorities, not pluralities.

they don't want her, she loses to anyone on the second round.

The bottom graphs expain
left -> interest in the election
middle -> potential voters
right -> do you think this candidate would be a good president? 65% say no for Le Pen

Now is the time of extremes, no more fence sitting allowed. Sides must be chosen and enemies declared.

It's only because of the muh change retards who'd rather elect a total retard than Merkel. Even my AfD voting mother is being swayed by Martin Schulz so I'm considering just stealing her voter application.

Le Pen is Hillary Tier. Telling she'll recognize Crimea as Russian is just the icing on the cake.

coalitions ought to be made illegal for putting aside the will of the people in the democratic process. don't think we've ever had coalitions here, the smaller parties always have had to disband and join the larger

btw let me shamelessly promote my polls, only dutchcucks haven't voted yet, but i'd like to get every one to at least 100 votes before giving the results

>Portuguese Election

>French Elections

>Dutch elections

>German Elections

>Next UK elections

>Next Italian Election

>merkel sucks
>lets elect her government coalition partner who is even worse than her on the things merkel does and we dislike

it's not a coalition, it's the second round. The voters are the ones saying this not just the parties

>>Portuguese Election
where is the right wing party what the fuck POORtugal


No such thing. Their "right-wing" is CDS-PP and SPD, and in the us they'd still be leftist cucks

>inb4 CDU/CSU + AfD coalition

I doubt it'll happen but its so easy to frame it as wanting to assimilate the poor refugees and putting a halt on further immigration for a while

>>lets elect her government coalition partner who is even worse than her on the things merkel does and we dislike
This is how every country in the world works.
1. People don't like the current government
2. There is a party that may represent their interests
3. The media shills hard against said party
4. People, as the retards they are, don't vote for said party out of fear of social disapproval despite the fact that their vote is entirely anonymous
5. Vote for either the establishment party or for the party that promises change but is even worse yet politically correct

Not everyone voting for the left is liberal. Muslims, for one, massively votes for the left.

Macron is the most overhyped candidate ever seen.
Remember that the polls said Juppé and Valls was going to win the primaries of their parties. They lost.
And remember that The polls always underestimate the real result of Le Pen.

We have it but since was connected to Skinheads now it is crossing heavy changes.. there are at least 3 parties small ones but they are rebuilding themselves one is called PNR.
Extreme right wings will always be eminant in resurgence do not forget that we have a fascist past too and made parades with suasticas

Howmany seats do they have tho?

Why are you so hyped about Le Pen? She wanted to nationalize banks (or still wants?), France is full of etatists

Le Pen

Quick rundown on this Macron guy.

>Started dating his teacher when aged 15
>20+ years her junior
>Now married to this old bag
>Cucked, raises her ex-husbands 3 kids
>Loser, won 3rd prize i a piano competition once
>Supports the open door policy enforced by Angela Merkel in Germany
>Probably does everything his wife tells him
>He is "confident about the ability of France to accept more immigrants"
>Spineless, refuses to give any opinion about recognition of the State of Palestine
>Liar, describes himself as "neither pro-european, eurosceptic nor a federalist in the classical sense
>Opportunist, was a Socialist Party conservative, said he was liberal in 2015 after refusing to do so for years, "neither right nor left", then said "Honesty, it compels me to say that I am not a socialist." says he is both a "leftist" and a "liberal" in his book.
>Has no clue what he stands for and is completely inconsistent
>Likely Born Loser, Scored 21% in 1st round vote, Le Pen scored 25% in a recent poll.

unfortunly none since our bad goys past... and kike mida control

Polls said Britain would remain and Hillary would be the U.S president. Polls are increasingly unreliable.

>believing in polls in a post-trump/brexit world

Libertarianism meme is over. Get over it already, kid.

>he served as deputy rapporteur for the Commission to improve French growth headed by Jacques ((((Attali)))).

>He left to work as an investment banker at Rothschild & Cie Banque. While at Rothschild, he closed a high-profile deal between Nestlé and Pfizer, which made him a millionaire.

literally the worst.

Honestly the French left are a bunch of fucking dumbshits. Why don't Hamon and Melenchon put aside their differences and team up to beat back the neoliberal scum? I get that everyone thought shitty Valls was gonna be the Socialist candidate, but now that it's Hamon, an actual democratic socialist, why is Melenchon still running? Is abandoning the Lisbon Treaty really more important than taking a brickbat to Macron's smug face?

She is the only one against mass-immigration and that's the only thing we care.
The rest of her political program is a complete mess.

France decapitated all their christian small government blokes, all they have left is atheist statists.


We're fucked, Macron is going to be elected.

Well??!!? What's the problem? It's not like it's hard to get Muslims to attack. If you spend the day handing out 200 machetes, you'll have 20 Muslim machete attacks.

I swear to God you frogs better not fuck this up, or its cheese-eating surrender monkeys until you're officially a caliphate.

Thread theme

Brasil, expert in totally fucked up countries

After reading their wilis more cds seems like it is the best option

Les miracles arrivent de temps en temps.

>Every poll shows that whoever goes against Le Pen wins, so France will elect another cuck and stay fucked

I don't know shit about french politics but

This is how trump won. Polls don't know who will vote conservative, it shows who is willing to admit they will vote conservative.

J'ai bien peur que non, pas cette fois. Le Pen au second tour c'est sûr, mais tout le monde va voter pour Macron. Et un mois après tout le monde sera dans la rue à crier "toujours la même politique", j'ai même plus de la peine pou r les électeurs qui sont trompés par les candidats, ils votent n'importe comment ; ils sont amnésiques dès qu'il y a des élections.

>Every poll shows that whoever goes against Le Pen wins, so France will elect another cuck and stay fucked


As well all know, polls are always correct.

But the polls showed Hamon and Fillon surging to victory

which one is the most conservative???

Fillon spends his time bad mouthing FN's political program, called FN worse than old school commies
Fillon is close to quit because of political affairs

I dislike this too. But the docua of the poat is that instead of having a anti-EU anti-mass migration with leftist economics candidate vs a free-market pro-EU reform and less powers to it and saying he'll restrict immigration, now the likely winner will be a full cuck

We should meme Fillon into 2nd turn because Fillon x Le Pen is far better than Macron x Le Pen

>She wanted to nationalize banks
>implying it's a bad thing...

oh no not the (((banks)))


It happened in 2015. They won 1st olace in almost the whole country but when 2nd turn came theh barely elected anyone

>fillon (le pen-lite with free-market economics).
No,just the average cuckservative

Check their 2015 election. This keeps happening. They win big 1st turn but get obliterated in the runoff

>hollande is a disaster
>let's put in another socialist

Get your shit together froggies,_2015

>She wanted to nationalize banks (or still wants?)

She never wanted that

France already has a statist economy so who gives a fuck,we'll fix the economy later

Macron is radical centrist.

>She wanted to nationalize banks
if the state has to put money in the banks is better nationalize, but here the public banks were full of corruption with all the parties involved so that's risky

It's the current year +2 mate,the polls are always wrong now

>Unlike many socialists, including Manuel Valls, Macron supports the open door policy enforced by Angela Merkel in Germany.[49] He is confident about the ability of France to accept more immigrants, and welcomes their arrival to Europe, pointing out good economical effects it could produce.[50]

Goodbye my old friend.


>Macron is radical centrist


when's the election?

70% of France GDP is government employees. It is barely a capitalist country anyway.

mfw those workers are all paid using IMF/World Bank loans.

There's a reason the entire media machine is behind this literally who.

Polls are worthless. You should've learned that after Brexit and Trump's election.

He isnt anything, see the quick rundown. He just makes it up as he goes along from day to day.

Yes, but Donald and Brexit didn't have second rounds.

You have to understand, saying that she can't win isn't shilling or our renowned trademark defeatism. It is a mathematical (statistical ?) impossibility.

Why do all stories about French people have some kind of sex crime in there somewhere? Seriously, what's the deal with that?

April iirc

This guy could easily pull a Hillary against Le Pen. And if he doesn't, France is really, truly fucked.


This factor was already true back in the days when Jean-Marie Le Pen was the far-right candidate,he always made like 10% more votes than what the polls predicted,because people were scared to admit they wanted to vote for him

Its not just polls m8. Getting crushed in the 2nd round is the usual thing for FN. See

>Every poll shows

I liked the one with the minister who went to thailand as a young man to fuck boipucci and wrote about it in a book, then was surprised when it all came to light.

>70% of France GDP is government employees
Is this the actual number or are you just exaggerating a bit?


OK its 60%.
Surprising eh?

Mais c'est quoi exactement votre délire à voter MLP ?

>Macron (hillary-tier)
>Every poll shows that whoever goes against Le Pen wins

You sure?

Also no, I doubt even if you count US soldiers as gov officials it wouldn't break 15%, there is no way France can waste all that without going 3rd world
>oh wait

Source? I'm seriously asking because I honestly have no idea. I always thought "France was socialist" was just mostly a meme and that they just had a massive welfare state.

Where any of you French about when Le Pen father got to the second round? How aggressive will the media go against her in the second round? Levels we have never seen before?


Seriously, i'm growing tired of repeating this times and times over.