A few months ago I posted about how Sup Forums would start appearing much more liberal again now that Trump was president. I tried to explain that Sup Forums has always been primarily contrary, not specifically liberal or conservative. Nobody believed me, they called me CTR, they called me a shill, and basically behaved like the autistic stormfag imbeciles you could imagine.
And now Sup Forums is visibly more liberal. A lot of the threads are anti-Trump or mocking him. A lot of replies in threads are anti-Trump or mocking responders. It's a drastic difference now even to just a month ago.
See, Sup Forums didn't even exist when Bush was president, and there was a lot of anti-nazi anti-racist activism going on here. When Obama became president, and the tea party frenzy happened, along with the byproducts of the Hal Turner saga making stormfags more aware of us, Sup Forums had to be created as the containment board for the political aids that was destroying Sup Forums. The newfags literally had no idea what Sup Forums was like pre-Sup Forums.
So now I'm glad that you can experience Sup Forums as it truly exists. Your stormfag bullshit is now dying, smothered out by the laughter of hundreds of trolls who want to make you mad every time you defend your favorite orange autist who we call president.
Welcome to the revolution, faggots. I truly hope he does last 8 years, because this is gonna be good. We'll probably be able to troll him directly, which no previous president has ever been susceptible to!
There isn't any political belief for the proper Sup Forums user, you missed the point.
If you're here posting legitimate political rants and essays then you missed your turn to Reddit.
Luke Howard
>t. Im not CTR. Im not butthurt Hillary lost. Im one of you goys.
Get fucked OP. Youre nothing more than a nerd virgin that cant get laid or leave moma basement. You have no power here.
Jason Sanchez
I wish we had a basement!
Anthony Richardson
Angel Sullivan
Justin Martin
Yah fuck Trump and Milo. Hope what happened at Berkley starts to happen more often.
Cooper Gomez
Trump is falling asleep, post better bait to wake him up.
Brandon Carter
Tell your dad to sell his cuckshed and get a basement then...
>you and him can cuddle in the corner while Jamal and Achmed bone your mom and sister
Joshua Murphy
Joseph Hill
the anti trump stuff is obvious bait/banter get fucked autist
Wyatt Stewart
>See, Sup Forums didn't even exist when Bush was president, and there was a lot of anti-nazi anti-racist activism going on here. Sup Forums (or /n/ as it was back then) ripped the shit out of Barack Hussein Obama back in the day, they backed Ron Paul solely because he would defund Israel. Sup Forums has never been liberal, except for shills.
Brandon Foster
He can´t sleep at all thinking about that judge who cucked him.
Hudson Taylor
Still pretty weak
I never said Sup Forums was liberal. Sup Forums itself leaned liberal during Bush, however, before Sup Forums ever existed. Sup Forums didn't exist almost until Obama's second term, at the time when Sup Forums had a strong stormfag presence.
Matthew Myers
There used to be a news board (not the same as the current one) and it became so filled with racism and political speech that Sup Forums got created in its place. The /news/ we have now was only added within the last 2 years.
Ian Barnes
You lost, antifa. The people are getting sick of your shit and calling it out.
Lol, a fucking retard thinks he's running the show because he made a post once.
Luke Nelson
Ask your mom, she says I can run her anytime I want.
Samuel Cook
you're full of shit, I've been coming here since '07 and let me tell you while politics seldom came up, black people and other minorities have been mocked here since DAY 1.
Lincoln Miller
Been coming where? /pol? It didnt' exist.
And of course Sup Forums has always been racist, you retard. And yet we also trolled the living fuck out of racists. Do you even remember Hal Turner? Jesus fuck. And we made Stormfront so paranoid about every new member that they stopped new signups.
Logan Brooks
Sorry, my mom only fucks men 7" & up
Bentley Wilson
Wow shills are getting on this board spamming shitposts about trump even more now that they lost?
Retard, the only reason its appearing more liberal is because CTR fags are being paid to make it look that way.
Jacob Kelly
Kinda sorta. See, people come to Sup Forums to A. Be user. B. Talk Politics.
Some people are sincere, the poor slobs.
Jack Morris
I will never vote democrat again. I don't care how bad trump does.
Nolan Lewis
eat shit,kike
Xavier Hernandez
Nah. Wait until being left-wing becomes unpopular in society, that's when you'll see the boom. It hasn't happened yet.
Daniel Nguyen
The CTR meme trolled liberals for a while but unfortunately was solidly converted into a real battlecry of the autistic conservative who believed that was a real thing.
Benjamin Roberts
Yep, its true.
Because /pol is starting to have original ideas instead of the narrow isms of the past.
/pol might breed the next big thing without being aware of it. The nazi stuff was just the painful birth.
John Long
He, excuse me, "she" was a big Hillary supporter. At least choose a lolcow that actually supported Trump.
Noah Richardson
You can't be bluepilled once you're redpilled.
Liam Nguyen
Chris was a conservative until his dad died and he slit a vagina wound into his taint.
Luis Brown
Wtf are you on about. So few of you seem to understand, this may well be the last president of the US. The great war is coming anons, you´re honestly telling me you do not feel it?
2030 is the literal deadline. By then and preferably before then, they want Pike´s third world war to start and progress nicely.
Also you are a complete fucking idiot cuck, the board LOOKS that way because of shariablue, shills and trolls. Trump has been doing great and barring any MAJOR Oded Yonin shit he is still /ourguy/
Chase Sanchez
Aiden Morris
Sup Forums wasn't as well known as it is now.
Alexander Nelson
>A lot of the threads are anti-Trump or mocking him.
You mean countless copy pastes and spam from hired shills? It's fucking pathetic I come to /pol and see thousands of copy pastes claiming to be Trump voters who regret voting for him. Then you turn on CNN and they're claiming Trump supporters regret it. It's fucking obvious. Part of the reason Trump won is because everyone can see the strings controlling the puppets. Now that the Democrats lost there's no incentive to hide them at all now.
Meanwhile you can't find a single person who voted for Trump anywhere (except online comments) who would say they regret it.
Justin White
You're nuts. It was probably better known back then because a lot crazier shit happened at the time.
You're nuts.
Adam Ross
>media matters is Sup Forums
Ryder Parker
>shareblue shilling in overdrive >lol look how liberal pol is getting
Luke Reed
>I don't agree so it must be Soros shills >:(((( stop crying faggot
Carter Allen
It's because of the baitchain lefttardpol "raiders", most of which is that one spanish asshole with his commie threads and his two designated shills, Shareblue (the newly funded version of CTR), and the newfags looking for news and politics that isn't cnn fake news.