Consider this

Considering we are able to determine a persons ethnic background from their genome (à la 23andme), would it be possible to engineer a virus or other pathogen that actively targets people that have certain genetic markers? These markers could be selected so that only people of a certain background would be inflicted by the pathogen.

There already exists enzymes and viruses that are able to cut at very specific points of the double helix, so the ability to target the group of choice of these pathogens could be made to be very high.

Could it work?

Other urls found in this thread:

It would be possible but it wouldn't take long for the virus to mutate and target other populations.

Well hello Mordin. Off to another Krogan genocide I see.

God speed.

>tfw we create a virus capable of killing anyone with over 15% of jew blood
>tfw after we are done we create a virus that kills that virus and doesn't affect humans

AFAIK link related was looking into this just before we got cucked. It was probably too early for them to have made significant gene-based discoveries though.


gas yourself.

Technically yes but it would be highly uncontrollable.

It would probably more practical to develope an antidote and a poison, give the antidote to those that you want to survive.

Crispr is already here.

The first genetic scientist whose husband cheats on her is going to end up with an arm growing out of his neck. Expect small ruptures soon.

It says that everyone has less than 1 percent ashkenazi and native american in them. It's a flaw in the dna categorizer 23 and me uses

Well I guess we better just gas everyone than. Everyone's getting genocided tonight!

>be Swedish
>get ANGLO'D

Israel already have such a weapon.

kek, its not even true though, the machine they use is broken and they don't know how to fix. I'll go first on the firing squad though, I have a confirmed 6% (which isn't necessarily bad because ashkenazis are pretty smart)

No because there's very few genes which have a fixed difference between populations and these are almost all related to pigmentation.
Genetic variation is clinal and each major population has large internal diversity.

Reminder that genetic testing "services" like this are just the government's way of getting non-criminals' DNA on file and you're retarded if you fall for their schemes

Doesn't matter at this point we're to far in so a species purge is the only viable option.

Maybe. But that seems completely insane.
Who's to say such an effective bio weapon won't mutate and end up wiping out all of humanity? Pathogens become super bugs when they survive any form of resistance (1% surviving an antibiotic for example)
We've seen many diseases that used to be specific towards a certain species but have mutated into being transferable to humans (AIDS ebola for example) . What's to say it can't happen to other races? This just seems like an extremely dangerous way to enact your methods.

Nanobots that analyse blood and release toxins when a certain ethnicity is too high. Just food for thought.


yes, also watch Helix on netflix

An alternative could be a pathogen designed to make the inflicted individual sterile. The populations exposed to this pathogen would die off in a generation.

Even if a "desired" individual catches the pathogen and becomes sterile, you can make that individual have offspring via producing functional sperms/eggs from regular cells stimulated to revert back to stem cells and then to eggs/sperm.

I was thinking of taking this test, anyone done it before?

Still though there's no way to ensure that it'll remain the strain intended to attack a certain genetic code, unless we develop a way of controlling pathogen DNA completely. Viruses are natural at mutating to spread to other hosts, which could render all of humanity infertile.
Your idea could only work if scientists producing the pathogen could control it's mutations into only attacking a specific target.

FOXDIE when?

Yes, genophages already exist



On mobile

OP I have given much though to this, and there are many issues to overcome.

Delivery shouldn't be a problem, with genetic engineering creating a virus that can quickly transmit from human to human (like the flu) should be easy.

Specificity is the biggest problem. To the point where I think you're better off creating a virus that is indiscriminate - but rapidly mutates into something harmless. Then all you need to do is release it to a certain geographic area and hope it doesn't spread to your geographic area.

Alternatively, make a calculated sacrifice. The majority of white people share similarities like blood type, being lactose tolerant, ect. Making a virus that targets something that is mostly present in non whites (but some whites) might be the only way.

Then there is the mechanism. Targeting the actual DNA is quite hard to do, as far as I am aware. It would be easier to target a specific protein - or lack thereof - is the easiest way to go.

That's a problem, human beings share A LOT of proteins. White people and black people both have melanin just in different concentrations. Of course there are numerous proteins that are specific to certain groups but these are not often shared by an entire race.

I mean, this is all hypothetical and I don't think we'll be able to do this. It is certainly possible but working out the specifics would take decades.


Come fellow Anglo, the Aryan blood refinery awaits.