Portugal General

This thread is for people who want to change and discuss the future of our beautiful country.

VIPs include Diasporafags, Hues and Galician (rightful Tugas if they want)

If you don't know where this country is headed to, if you feel unsafe about the future of our Homeland, share your point of view with us, for we are working together for a solution!

Kek is with us, and so is Salazar. His second coming is imminent.

Other urls found in this thread:


Postem a vossa versão favorita do hino.

Forgot to include as VIPs my fellow Reconquistadores, the Spanish people.

gib galiza though

Wasn't there a version with:

Heroses do mar,
Nozes podres,
Maçãs reinetas do meu quintal!

Levantar hoje cedo,
também nunca fez mal a ninguém!


best thread on Sup Forums

O meus Futuros filhos irão se chamar Salazar e/ou Viriato. Algumas ideias para nomes?

Well, maybe as a failed meme.

Diásporafag or Frenchbro?

>Ele pensa que cair ter rapazes

You trully are my greatest ally

*que vai ter

Friendly reminder that PIDE did a great job in fucking Commies in the ass

I meant this

>filhas pertencem ao convento

estou em França à 2 anos


Oh my son, one day you will become great with us.

Ainda tem gente em portugal? Parece que estão todos na frança ou suiça.
Triste desu

portugese are shitskin arabs pooptugal are so shitty even gypsies dont wanna live here

We wish they didn't, but there are a lot of gypsies, little brownie.

75% Portuguese 25% Italian 100% roman. I'm fourth generation american

Se ele está lá é porque já não há

T. shitskin arab

Sadly, gypsies do want to live here.

Melhor assim, ao menos isso afasta a escumalha do país, pretos arabes e o resto da merda
A pobreza é a nossa maior defesa

Turkposting is easy when you have six legs.

Juntem se ao nosso Discord


a friend of mine wants to move to Setubal, good idea or not?

Hello greatest ally.

Also, wanna talk about how many people actually want to go to Turkey? When anyone thinks about it, the smell of sweat and kebab spread throughout the brain. We know you are jealous of us, no problem with it

Daily reminder we were once part of the ayylmao empire.

Stop being mad against old pals of yours

>moving to Portugal
Why? Anyways, it's better for him to move to the North.



>Greatest ally
You were an asshole sometimes.

Redpill me on Guerra do Ultramar, tugas.

What was Salazar's endgame?

If I could, I would too

>it's better for him to move to the North.
I think he could get a job there (in Setubal)

Setúbal is not a good option, Oeiras is better.
Hello greatest ally! Thanks for that ultimatum though... Did you even start building the railroad?

To keep our colonies away from the hands of the USA and the USSR

Make Portugal a Monarchy Again!



>Setúbal is not a good option, Oeiras is better.
ok, I should travel there for a visit anyway


/r portugal e uma merda


Setúbal is full of criminal niggers and wiggers.

No thanks.

Yeah stay in Spain, right next to that fucking decades old nuclear plant.

What could possibly go wrong

Salazar wanted to make Portugal great again. Literally.


But was there a sizeable Portuguese population in Africa?

I can't fathom the Portuguese population paying for welfare to all Angolans and Mozambicans.

Ameribro living in Spain. Love Portugal, especially the area around Marvao.




Yup, there was a lot of Portuguese living in the colonies, most of them came back to Portugal when the war ended because they were afraid of the communist niggers.

um antro de comunistas e merdosos de comunicação social e outros cursos que não fazem ideia de como um país funciona

>Setúbal is full of criminal niggers and wiggers.
I am used to that, but thanks for the warning.

So Angola could've been Brazil 2.0 if the commies hadn't won?

Welfare? No, they didn't have it, they weren't citizens, and besides, I don't think Salazar advocated for Welfare in Portugal, not informed on it though

Reminder 25 de Abril was a mistake

Setubal is not that turistic however has nice food the good things are the the litle villages the beaches and is near Lisbon



Africa is still Africa. You can't outwhite them when millions of other blacks can come and go freely.

I recommend you Braga, Coimbra, the good areas of Lisbon and Porto.

In what sense?

Truly a nation blessed by KEK. Rejoyce!


I mean using Portuguese tax money to build schools and hospitals in Africa.

Makes me sick to think of what our government did to our own people over there.



Half white, half black population.

Standard of living way lower than Europe but higher than the average African nation.

I used to live in Macau when you guys still owned it. You shouls have never given it back. Modern China has no hisorical claim to the region.

That isn't brazil at all, most of the population here is mixed(pardo), then niggers and whites.

Yes, kind off. You should look for some photos of Portuguese colonies before and after 25 de Abril.

>Oeiras is better.

nunca foi.

>Setúbal is full of criminal niggers and wiggers.

mas que oeiras?? ahah

Nunca mencionei Oeiras.

Pardos are part white part black, you know what I meant.

Also fuck off back to BRchan with your avatarfagging.

era para o outro ze que estava a dizer que oeiras era melhor que setubal

my bad

Oeiras tem alguns bairros sociais, mas em termos de infraestrutura, a margem sul ainda tem muito que desenvolver, sem querer ser desrespeitador

I am not interested in fancy schmancy stuff, I want to see some archological stuff

definitely will check that out too, my priorities will be historical sites and railways though.

e a maioria que esta la vive em zonas maioritarias brancas onde vivem a custa dos pais. lmao

Oeiras é melhor que Setúbal. Mas a exigência também é baixa.

>historical sites
Then you will love most of the country!



what could have been...

yeah Setubal is not that historic now, is ran by socialists full of soviet style buldings, but the region is wonderfull I live near by



>infraestrutura, a margem sul ainda tem muito que desenvolver,

sim e verdade. nisso tens razao.

Prefiro morar numa zona cheia de putos brancos a viver á custa dos pais do que no degredo no meio de pretos e mitras como a margem sul é. Não estou a dizer que não há aqui deste lado, mas por exemplo no verão só vês chungas na rua porque vêm todos da linha de Sintra e dos bairros de Lisboa para a linha de Cascais aterrorizar a população local. Eu moro em Oeiras, num bairro social. Sei do que falo

>Then you will love most of the country!
I love it already despite I hadn't the chance for a visit so far.
I love your helicopters

t. ex helicopter man

kuruminha is cute!

yap nisso concordo mas em termos de segurança fica a desejar um pouco.


Has anyone here been in Macau?

How is that place?

my bet is Setubal has the prettiest girls and you are concernned about they could be Visigoth'd again.
The reason why I said Setubal is because a friend of mine considers to work there and I could stay thee for free, that's about it.

Hahah I often wonder this, the Spanish, Dutch, Belgians, Austrians and Swedes also miraculously dodge the bad rep. Enjoy it.

Trust me on this. Oeiras/Cascais are the best fountain of qts I've ever seen in my life, and I've been to some countries.