Was he unironically the worst president in U.S history?
Was he unironically the worst president in U.S history?
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On a spectrum from best to worst, he's in the middle. Libtard MSM fucked you up so bad you can't look at him objectively.
no it was nelsen mandallaalal you fucking shit tickler
Middle to lower range imo.
Dubya was the best president
He was bad, but not the worst
He did plan 911 though...
His eyes are beautiful.
Drumpf is
No, Lincoln was.
Recency bias. Bad presidents seem like the word in history.
He was awful, but at least he was funny.
I'd say the worst is Jimmy Carter.
No just the worst president of the past 100 years.
Buchanan was objectively worse.
All republican presidents are equally worthless and low-IQ
Certainly the funniest.
>caused 9/11 by not paying attention to warnings
>got us into the Iraq war which basically everyone opposed
>lied about WMD's
>essentially created ISIS
>became hated across the world because of him
What was one thing he even did that was good?
this is true though.
I don't remember Bush's inauguration causing a civil war.
You are thinking of Lincoln.
His dog is cute.
>one of the only non-goy presidents
Not anymore...
Obama was much worse
are you guys posting from the gw timeline? it could be worse
he was below average. still not as bad as obama, who was the worst since carter.
>which basically everyone opposed
You've gotta be 18+ to post here.
Also got us into one of the worst recessions, how could I have left that out
should be hanged at the hague desu
Pic related.
He WAS. Trump already has him beat.
Yeb made him look competent.
>got us into the Iraq war which basically everyone opposed
learn your history kiddo
neither in domestic or foreign policy. in modern times his foreign policy was pretty bad but was eclipsed by obamas domestic policy which was just awful.
A fucking leaf.
obama is the worst, simply because he actually hates america and was trying everything he could to destroy it.
GWB is the second worse, because he should have known better than to invade and occupy a muslim country. He was basically evil but put on a simplton act to skirt responsibility.
So while GWB was evil, he did not hate the united states and he did not try and destroy it.
Someone forgot about Poland.
You forgot, he also got you guys into afghanistan
Possibly yes.
You have to remember how much he was given and how many advantages he had - and compare it to how much he wasted, and how much he failed.
Remember that when he ran in 2000, he promised to ELIMINATE the national debt, which was around $5 trillion at the time. He said that his budget plan would put the debt on a path to elimination by 2010.
Instead, he DOUBLED it.
He spent his "political capital" on a series of failures, from the Iraq war to expensive "compassionate conservative" projects like Medicare Part D.
No Child Left Behind is a good example - it demanded massive interference into local public school systems, it expanded the Department of Education massively, it cost a lot of money to implement, and it was such a failure that his own party scrapped after he left office.
That's his "legacy" - a series of failures that his own people have tried to forget, or erase.
Important question: was he unironically the cutest president?
This, we had to shut down Saddam's human shredding machine for good!
At least he let the assault weapons ban expire.
Lincoln is unironically a very strong contender for worst.
Bill Clinton was the one who deregulated the banks and forced them to give mortgages to niggers who couldn't pay them back, you stupid asshole.
He was so bad a nigger immigrat replaced him
Holy shit, people actually LIVE in Greenland?
honestly he fucking sucked. I was a libcuck and it was easy to see the liberal side as good until you got older and realized we just had a REALLY shitty right wing president
The Tea Party and the Trump movement started primarily because conservatives needed a psychological mechanism of separating themselves from the enormity of Bush and his supporters' failures.
That's not George Washington
>No Child Left Behind
>steel tariff
>wars over dumb bullshit that the US shouldn't have been involved in
>tried to reform Social Security
>tax cuts that would have balanced the budget by 2010, ruined by national security spending
His Presidency would have been great if it wasn't for the wars that ruined his goals.
Buchanan is the worst, followed by Harding.
Why is Harding so bad? He was just incompetent, but it's not like he actively made bad policy.
No, there were far worst.
People forget that majority of Democrats and Republicans in Congress supported the Iraq War.
He also played a huge part in stopping the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Africans praise the man.
He seems like a very likeable guy. He also wasted trillions of dollars on wars that convinced locals that Muslim extremists were the "good guys".
Jesus, not even close. Harding, Carter, Jackson, Wilson, Hoover....learn some history, scrub.
What about this guy?
>not a picture of Obama
Only people that think Buchanan was the worst are newfags who've never heard of Franklin Pierce.
Most Democrats actually voted against the October 2002 Iraq resolution. It was 147 opposed to 111 in favor among congressional Dems.
Obviously they had a lot of other problems, but on that particular issue, they were correct.
What's shameful is that so few Republicans back then had the courage to vote no. I think only 7 or 8 did.
>making niggers vote against their own interests in exchange for muh civil right to sit next to a white person in public
>creating the Medicare and Medicaid you'll be using
>had many a chink killed
>Vietnam disproportionately drafted black men who were dying in disproportionate numbers
>caused 9/11
Heard he rides bikes with vets at his property in Texas, also tripled the relief aid to Africa.
No, and neither was Obama. Learn your country's history
yet they vote Dem 90% plus - idiots
No but pretty bad.
>welfare state
Fuck right off, leftist scum.
Also blacks weren't disproportionally drafted to Vietnam, the fuck did you hear that lie from?
>triple relief aid to Africa
Confirmed for the worst president ever
Hillary wasn't a president
Lyndon B. Johnson was.
There was widespread support for the Iraq war initially.
Nigger, 911 has been around since 67.
Underrated post, kek
Expanded the wellfare state, enabling nigs to nog much harder than ever before. Signed off on Hart-Celler, shifting the US demographics from ~90% White to around 60%.
100% this
Lincoln basically wiped his ass with the constitution.
Hearing this names the first time
what did they do?
You're forgetting someone.
lel stay devastated
>YOUNG black men, we are reminded by tonight's edition of ''Frontline,'' served in Vietnam in disproportionate numbers.
>thinking the welfare state matter cause muh tax rates
>implying money is actually worth anything since the gold standard ended
Say what you will, but the image of him and those vets biking away into the sunset makes me feel patriotic.
Chimp cowboy prez.
Butthurt reb detected
Get right fucked, you killed Lincoln before he could deport the slaves you quadroon
Is that Obama in whiteface?
>one throwaway line in some shitty article
Show some actual numbers buddy.
Dude just lost his first place standing as the Worse President to Trumpets the Clown. Sad!
>Sociologists Charles C. Moskos and John Sibley Butler, in their recently published book “All That We Can Be,” said they analyzed the claim that blacks were used like cannon fodder during Vietnam “and can report definitely that this charge is untrue. Black fatalities amounted to 12 percent of all Americans killed in Southeast Asia, a figure proportional to the number of blacks in the U.S. population at the time and slightly lower than the proportion of blacks in the Army at the close of the war.”
>Expanded the wellfare state, enabling nigs to nog much harder than ever before
And allowing law enforcement to arrest and kill them more.
>Signed off on Hart-Celler, shifting the US demographics from ~90% White to around 60%.
>He actually thinks that's a problem
It would be if it were niggers that were the other 40% but that's not the case, It's a non-issue.
Found the demoshit. Anyone and i mean ANYONE with a brain knows that O'Nigger was the worst and WILL be the worst until the end of the world. Nothing can even remotely compare.
proxyfag you newfag holy fuck its faggot overload in here
Jimmy Carter was the worst.
Another Globalist drone.
No president has been ideologically sound since carter, and he was retarded.
The world and America changed a lot after World War 2, so if we're speaking in terms of worst post-World War 2 Presidents? Objectively the worst. Jimmy Carter probably broke down crying with joy by the end of W's 2nd term because he realized people wouldn't call him the worst President
This guy knows whats what.
>89 IQ beaners that can't even speak English flood the country
>not having teddy roosevelt as the worst