Can we get a police appreciation thread

can we get a police appreciation thread

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Police are pretty cool guys. They arrest niggers and doesn't afraid of anything.

why do niggers and liberals hate police?


Based Brazilian Police against commies


cuz they wanted to get to the other side./;?


nigger btfo



Arrested 83 protest retards a couple of days ago.

Police is based.

I hope gendarmerie gasses them all to death.

Haha that old lady giving the thumbs up

>Police, facist, blah blah blah
>Suddenly water
Why are commies so pathetic?

I just fucking love this one I had to include it

oh god the old lady made my day

Fuck did he fight against drunken gypsies ?

trips nigga

What's the story here?

Are there any non cucked police left in Canada? Only ones i can think of are VPD and new Westminster police. RCMP is pretty cucked in the cities and in rural areas it's pretty much bribed by drug smugglers

They actually are uncucked enough to still own and train their officers to use "assault rifles"

Based old lady


Why don't we ever have civilian appreciation threads? Don't you think you're doing too much for the police?

Yeah, bless her.

Hell no.
Our police is 90% junk. When you cross a red light they will beat the living shit out of you, but when you are a Muslim extremist, they will leave you and you ak47.s alone, as it is to dangerous to do something.

And I am a lawyer, so I fucking know.

Who is up for a police story?

I think we can all agree with our black brothers on one thing - fuck the police. Police is the enemy of democratic society.

As a result, people like me have to clean after them, when angry people write complains and sue their asses.


>black brothers
I assume you mean that in the literal sense.

can't wait till they're not allowed to have guns

>yea user police a grea---

Ranged > Melee

Mum deleted his runescape account

I treat cops with respect, but let's not get things wrong here. They're a bunch of community college C students with power tripping fantasies. Not gonna like actually "respect" them or anything, especially if they're acting like dicks.

Tour DeTroit

cause they dindu nuffin

They have a shitty job of scrapping with drunks and often dealing with arseholey people.

If I did that job I would become even more cynical.

what the fuck

Weird, police officer looks white but it's probably in China.

>live in Cuckland, OR
>taking light rail to grocery store with gf
>large group of nigs and one white kid publicly drinking and being loud as fuck disrespecting everyone
>get off the train and see two cops
>explain to them what is happening on the max
>they stand there and laugh at me and do nothing

You are a pussy, user.
No joke.

>niggers hate the police because they are either criminals or know criminals
>liberals hate the police since they love niggers, criminals, and especially nigger criminals

Brit police, understaffed,underfunded, dealing with the dregs of society on a daily basis. Most of the time trying to stop situations escalating out of hand.A lot of people badmouth them but as soon as the shit hits the fan, who do they call to sort it out?.

I'm a Pussy because I don't want to cause a scene with a group of 5-6 drunk nogs?
Guess I am by Brazilian standards because the way they were acting is just how people are naturally in your shithole country.

I don't think it's all that great to have such polarized views. Most cops are nice but yes, there's bad ones who are power tripping. They have a really shitty job though and they basically deal with the scum of society all day so I don't really blame them for adapting to their environment.

that flying punch gets me everytime


>Brazil has the most based police in the world


Cops are dicks in the same way soldiers and firemen are dicks; they have an absolutely vital job in maintaining a functioning society, dealing with the worst of humanity on a daily basis for abysmal pay and they get spit on in return. So they cope with that by being dicks, to each other and to others. It's called "gallows humor." Dark humor, the kind only those who have seen a lot of death understand.

Of course, other cops get the dickish humor cause they've had to cope too, but your sheltered ass doesn't have to deal with a woman and her two kids being run over by some fucking niggers high on crack, does it now?

I mean, unless you want to try and run any society more complex than Eastern Congo without police, maybe actually give them the credit they deserve for keeping your ungrateful ass safe.

Not when they purposefully avoid reporting a mass muslim rape ring for years in order to avoid being 'racist'.

dafuq happened there