Define "globalism" in a sentence or less

Define "globalism" in a sentence or less.

Bet you Trumptards don't even know what your precious boogeyman even is.


The entire Jewish ethnicity.

>Define "globalism" in a sentence or less.
Fucking retarded.

The act of cultures consistently interacting with each other, regardless of geographical location.

an unrealistic unification of nations on a global scale that disregards differences between race and culture

psychic vampires

The unavoidable consequence of human progress, with winners and losers just like the rest of human history.

globalism is when America wants to rule the world using economic, politics and warfare.

all other definitions of globalism are social democratic propaganda.

niggers in white countries

How can Earth be a globe when globes aren't flat?

I think globalism was coined by an American in some propaganda piece.

One global goverment.

I sure a hell would not want to be in same country as 2 billion niggers from Africa.

Absolute Shitbait
Try harder faggot

>he thinks civilization would have developed if not for globalisation


A Jewish plot to destroy western civilization.
Do I pass, reddit?

Putting global interests before the interests of your nation.

Lowering the white Christian population in western civilization by importing virile shitskins from Africa and the middle east

Parasites or even worse vultures.

Unelected elitists of all nations consolidating their power in order to rule over the white working class with an iron fist

The economy being number 1 priority, cheaper goods cheaper labour higher profit margins. This naturally means outsourcing to chinks, sending money and labour overseas to do things cheaper. It is not inherently evil and is impossible to avoid in this modern age BUT it should not be implemented across the board indiscriminently and the native population and inftastructure of a country should be strategised and empathised and considered before simply chasing profit margins. The term globalism simply encapsulates such unfortunate happenings of modern industrial first world countries exporting their economic backbone, slowly GIVING their industrial might to lesser developed nations, impoverishing their own people

one world government

Working toward a one world government of mud people in which Jews are the aristocracy.

Moving to create "global societies" that do not benefit the individual and benefit corporations via keeping wages low, while also expanding the markets said companies can use.

mfw Sup Forums doesn't remember that anti-globalization started with radical leftists.

Twumpeters don't even Dahnald sucking Bibi's circumcised cock...

Total Western control over currency, trade, geographic standards of living, communications, agriculture, and the flow of energy - for the stated purpose of efficiently managing the planet.

>How can one druid be so based?

Prioritizing the wants of global corporations over the needs of your people


>he thinks all nations of the world would ever cooperate enough to have one government

One world Government, one world religion. So far left on the scale that is more closely resembles communism than socialism. Eradication of the concept of personal property; elimination of all alternative media, only state-sponsored media; full control of the populace. Ruling largely by Elites. It would be packaged as benefiting mankind but in reality only benefits those in power. It would mean the destruction of every freedom we have come to understand in the United States, and the understanding of every national identity, and is a plan that has been in the making for many decades. It is fully worth fearing.

>Define "globalism" in a sentence or less
Artificial centralization of authority on a global scale. Statism and crony capitalism on steroids.

importing niggers and mudshits to live on welfare.