>psychedelic vampires
really? I'm fucking done with this joke of a man
Psychedelic vampires
Yeah what did he mean by that?
Its psychic you fucking moron. And it exists. TPTB indoctrinate you to think withcraft is bullshit so they can do all the witchcraft.
talking about how the elite and pedophiles feed off the suffering of children
they get off on destroying you mentaly and watching hope fade from your eyes
he is right
he said psychic vampires
Elite pedophiles believe that every time they rape a child, they steal their youthful essence and add it to their own. Literally like a vampire. We have their white papers, its all there.
How do you know these elites aren't not just delusional? (or fucking around)
This 100%
It's subversive. Rituals do exist and they are played out to be a joke and not taken seriously.
I just watched him for the first time on Joe Rogan and hes coming off as one of the most honest people in the media, maybe if you want entertainment instead of information he seems like a joke but I disagree
Lol @ psychedelic
This board used to have many more knowers before, now I guess they mostly left or abandoned the lifestyle that involves heavy use of internet. I sometimes can only chuckle when reading through so many comments, people giving opinions and providing some 'evidence' carefully put out there for them. Everything you know is false and the truth is so deep that not 'even' Alex Jones is able to grasp it. The entire show is so far out of reach for ordinary people that I pity the fact that humans spend their entire lives in delusions of 'making it', patriotism, nationalism, pro- this or anti- that, not being able to see the bigger picture, instead being misled and fooled like their own folks, their grandparents and their great grand parents.
You're an idiot for thinking he is genuine. He tells a few true crazy stories with false crazy stories so they all look fake. He is just as controlled as CNN he just has a different assignment.
so tell me whats up then
He said that ELITES believe in this shit.
>what is a metaphor
God you people are retarded
They are delusional, that doesn't mean beliefs like that aren't held by a certain subsection of the elite.
> Pfft God every one is so retarded please Alex tell me what I need to know cause I'm to much of a baby to research myself aggagaoogagga aboo
He said that ONCE. He needs to make this shit clear every single time he says it or people will take it out of context.
Only a retard would use extremely colorful metaphors in their news site
>this joke of a man
>thought Jowls was anything but snake oils satire
wew!, 1776-ers!
>honest information provider
>believes space lizard jews control everything
can't say I know what these two are up to, would someone provide me with a celeritous adumbration?
>elites raping kids
>its ok theyre just delusional
sound logic mate
sage this dogshit
>>believes space lizard jews control everything
no he doesn't
I never said it was ok asshat
I don't know how to
that was the last straw huh?
you don't deserve this man
proof please
auf Deutsch den?
Anyone asked fo the SchulzPill?
Here is a quick rundown:
>Did not finish high school, neither did Hitler
>Never went to University, neither did Hitler
>Nonetheless, he is considered an intellectual in Germany
>Recovering alcoholic
>Joined the young socialists at age 19
>Typical EU apparatchik
>Because of his militant pro EU views, often referred to as the future dictator of the EU
>Stated that Donald Trump is a problem "for the whole world" and called him an "irresponsible man" who "boasts about not having a clue"
>not harvesting organs and stem cells
You got it all wrong, jews are the puppets of the space lizards who are the puppets of different ayylmaos who created humanity as slaves to mine for gold and then wanted to wipe us out but a group of them didn't want to and it grew into a full scale ayy civil war which lasts to this day.
>not knowing about the psychic vampires
your mother wished you were never born
Feel you on this brother. I gravitated towards pol during the election because let's face it, it basically dominated the collective consciousness of America, if not the majority of our species. Pol happened to have the most valid grasp on the occult nature of what was going on.
This is one of the first times I've been on pol in months because I'm almost completely detached from the massive black magic ritual that is the societal apparatus that imprisons us. Those who know don't feel the need to try to convince anybody whose balls deep in this mess right now. I post on Sup Forums sometimes in the hopes of having a positive impact on at least 1 other person. I could care less about the trolls or misguided know it alls, they've already agreed to be on the receiving end of this vampirism and only they can decide to walk away.
It's a metaphor you idiot.
Like when he says taxes are energy syphons
Toe curling
Again, why would you use a colorful metaphor like that when talking to normies?
i know what you mean bro
all you can do is practice your perception and waking up skills. see with your body. take it in, do not process based on incomplete parameters, acquire knowledge, overcome with personal power, strength of will and with love in your heart. it is a cosmic joke and getting depressed about it is not how you can comprehend it. find laughter in your soul, wisdom in your spirit, strength in your body and mind
I knew that my arrival here with the purpose of finding a like-minded person won't be in vain. When your heart is in the right place, everything aligns in your favor, one half of the coin shines as bright as the other one. You are right...I don't feel the need to convince anyone of what's going on, let alone prove something. I don't know where to start explaining. It used to be frustrating, but I believe that it doesn't work like our mind intends to, it is subtle and works only in slight pushes. You might be making a difference by merely being alive and led to make a difference, consciously or not. I still try to as long as I'm on not let off the freedom train. Nobody can't be told. All I suggest is, don't get hooked up on the bad, there is still plenty of good, perhaps more than ever
you guys are cunts
Are you retarded? That's the defense you have to justify your OP?
your conscious senses are being actively rerouted to fit a narrative. focus on the subconscious, raw data and observation that bypasses the conscious mind
What do you want to 'know'?
>Taking Alex Jones seriously
Why would anyone do this?
whatever you think is worth sharing
>i want a blue pill
Fine, go paint your hair neon pink and cry about gender conformist white males, we have a world to run without you and your ilk.
Degenerates like being sodomized until they prolapse. How was he wrong?
>The children, Podesta.
Alex drunk and on weed reminded me so much of my Dad... Hilarious broadcast, all in all. Made me half want to buy some water filters.
They do that after they rape them.
*psychic* vampires, you fucking moron
Meaning things/people that drain your energy with self-defeating concepts.
OK give me a sick ritual I can do to conduct magic
I have a pencil and paper, so I can do anything you'll need.
You won't, though, because it's all bullshit.
disgusting cumskin
>psychedelic vampires
oh shit they're after my shrooms
Honestly, that's not how it works. Me just rambling would take a while and I don't want to tell you things you didn't even question yourself. If there's something you'd like to know, I'd like to share it if I can.
Observation and awareness of my mind's process are super hard...I used to think fruitless too, but looking 10 years back, I rewired by brain to a significant degree at least compared to most other people. Many things don't go unpondered, but I sadly remain stagnant
Spirits are real. Magic is real.
You can sacrafice something alive to them and ask them to do something for you.
He said the elites believe in some occult beings that feed on suffering or some shit, not that he believed it to be true.
There was some journalist who deleted his Twitter account yesterday saying that those in control get highs off of torturing people (mainly kids I think)
>they steal their youthful essence and add it to their own
they steal energy and add it to evil spirit they obssed with
There isn't much to share. Getting as far into it as possible there is no 'self'
Your fears are the same as everyone else. One fear is through misinformation, the other is truth.
Somewhere in the middle is this German who observes both with a detached disinterest.
>i have no idea what a metaphor is
>the post
There should be a skincolor test to be allowed to post here. only niggers are this idiotic
Thanks OP, now I need to download Legend of Dragoon again.
alex jones is very inconsistent. back in early to late 2000s, he acted like establishment republicans were evil devil worshippers and now he has become an establishment republican who invites establishment republicans/neo-cons on his show. he even makes neo-con talking points now.
in his bohemian documentary, richard nixon, ronald reagan, george bush and all these republicunts are portrayed as evil satanists because of a shakespearean play involving an owl statue at bohemian grove. now he invites on aides and advisers to nixon and reagan on his show and says positive things about reagan.
he used to hate reagan.
any labour bears fruit if you invest the time... as you have seen by your brain being rewired changing your resting state of consciousness. keep going to stay ahead of the game, stay unpredictable in your forming of the pattern, i will cheer you up and tell you my truth that you sadly remaining stagnant is only your perception based on your previous programming. when willpower overrides hopelessness through pure intention then you can finally observe your progress that you intended and find yourself having a vantage point outside the "farm" instead of inside. And then you know you are the observer, you are free and have nothing to fear, except for fear itsself which can be overridden. Then you are free to do anything as doubt over the result fades and are not susceptible to manipulation and spiritual compromises. I know what you mean in your struggle. My impression is that you are doing very well.
Do you often have that freshness of pure experience after that much self-observation? I got glimpses sometimes when I'd discipline my mind, when I'd stop attaching what I think of something and how it actually is, it really made me jump in enjoyment, it felt like progress. Its a cool trick, except it isnt an illusion, it seemed true as hell, so I wonder are there people living like that all the time? I didn't find this even in some of the literature I've read on these topics, but it seems like everything pushes you to that, like that skill and that discipline will give you clarity definitely, that freshness is like an end game, then you'd truly be who you are or something.
yes i find perceiving your mind as an outside experience helps, when you can start observing this, then as a result you do not attach pre-conceived notions to data observed, like you said, leading to "fresh" observations. The reason why they are fresh is because you have stopped assigning previous attributes from "memory" to new raw data. And as a result you always have a different picture that stays crisp forever unless you start judging it by creating "attachments" to it i.e. assigning previous solid memories as attributes to fresh, always changing, constantly flowing data. And then worries and fear for the self disappear as you will not hold on to the static imagery out of the fear that the new image might not paint a "pretty" picture. As you have dropped the concept for "pretty". It was all a fear of change in an ever-changing universe
Tell me where to start please
You have worked on your perception through and through, I was lucky to come across you here to learn something. Thanks for your input. Only thing that remains is to remain vigilant of the self and my own mind process, I'm willing to think that I already know everything that I need to know to do it. This is the new 'spirituality' that I'm looking for because it gives me answers and it proves to work and I continue to grow as a person, I completely ditched the old new age bullshit forums thrived on for almost a decade, I don't know if you were around. Those communities are now all gone post-2012, people either learned something or dropped it altogether sadly. Maybe its how its meant to be
sounds like David Icke bullshit
That's exactly what a psychic vampire would say.
Face it monster, your nights are over.
Thank you for being here in the thread i have to admit that when i was on my search, i pursued many "dead ends" based on other peoples information/sales pitches. For me the breakthrough came when I realised this is a most personal joirney and no outside help can exist seeing how we are individuated consciousness. By following my dead ends, having examples of answers that do not fit and crossing them off, I was left with only patterns of truth, the inexpressible, the ungraspable, which, funnily enough one can never the less work with. So by giving up and rejecting that which I see is not my own, i have found, only my perception, which was mine, my self appointed soul directive, one could say i did find myself and could see reality up closer for the intermingling of systems that it is. PS drugs and new experiences helped.
Haha most communities are eco-chambers. Nothing but noise. Clear the noise outside, have silence inside so that you may observe, know yourself and act.
To be honest these interactions make my soul jump for joy.
I wish I knew. There isn't some book canon of it so I can recommend it, I'm not even claiming to be authority to do it. When I actually think of it sometimes, I think that me being exposed to all sorts of out-of-ordinary info and at the same time being opened up spiritually to these vibrations of truth and my true self, over the years my subconsciousness miraculously filtered truth from falsehood, at least basic fundamental truths. i am completely unconcerned with details at this point, such as conspiracy nonsense. I know roughly whats going on, I sensed it, but I cant filter lies from truth when it comes to petty things, yet some important things really ring true deep within me by now. In terms of practical usefulness, Id recommend some of Anthony de Mello's books, especially Awareness. But depending on the stage of your familiarity with these topics, you might either embrace it as very valuable or dismiss it as an utter nonsense, so these recommendations are harmful too
>theres no way that can be real i saw that in a movie from hollywood
carlos castaneda. take nothing to heart but realise how he describes the opertations of human awareness
Power of Now :)
he said psychic vampires you silly dunce. use your ears
To be honest i just like reading threads like these, i dont know if theyre becoming more common or im just finding them easier but it feels like im progressing and im happy with that for now. Thanks for the input, ill take note of all of this and keep lurking broes
It makes me especially happy that I'm alive and I will keep learning in the future. I have many years ahead of me and I was lucky to be set on this path early in life, there's literally nothing else and there is no other purpose. And indeed, rare and precious encounters such as this one make me happy too, just knowing there are others out there who know in their heart whats right and whats true and basically organize their lives around learning and becoming more. I have no doubt all of us are going to come together, we can never fail if we persist, I believe this. It sounds cheesy, but there are great things in store, its just important to enjoy things always as they are at the moment, they're everything we have anyway
Worship all you can see,
and more will appear
psychic vampires
psychic vampires are basically jews
these are all psychic vampires
(vampire is a metaphor you dumbass they drink money not blood)
indeed we are coming together right now. For instance these conversations are happening to me in real life more and more, with total strangers, not even just over the net, just total strangers sharing their pieces of the puzzle, their life experiences, without wanting anything in return
>he /thread/s himself
Drop it.
It sounds like you two are aware of many things. In my life it is distinguishable for instance on who meditates or even self reflects just by looking into their eyes. There are more than usual. Though having more people like this all the time is unsettling to me. It used to be rare so moving forward is definitely a great experience.
Psychedelic vampires suck the color out of everything.
In other worlds, they cause multiculturalism.
We an ascend to a higher dimension using only the power of our mind, but (((they))) want to keep us down so they constantly try and make us more depressed in subtle and obvious ways so they can leech our life force from us and keep us enslaved in this 3D prison.
The weird thing is, after listening to that podcast, I think I get him a little more.
He gets carried away, but he thinks of these things figuratively and with a ton of melodrama.
He just makes a big song and a dance, and I see it as something akin to wrestling.
It's all pantomime, and he's entertaining.
It's all about subtle redpills.
You pull people in through sheer ridiculousness, and then some of those people stick around and find other sources.
Its really a joy to be able to enjoy something and be able to let it go. Things, people, places.. Everything else is attachment and ultimately bad. I noticed that I feel tremendously enriched when I do it, and like it meant something. Its hard to logically explain why lol
Actually it isn't real. However (((they))) do it and they believe it's real. Which is even more fucked up.
It's an analogy. They are not sleeping in coffins and drinking blood.
They're living in mansions and stealing your future and happiness.
(((they))) want people seeking truth to believe that bullshit. the few who do and think their enlightened end up ditching morality and faith thus losing their soul
>seeking spiritual wisdom causes you to lose your soul
More what? 'Them'? Who is 'them'?
it does. look up hemi-sync and OBE. the unsuspecting that are duped into it believe they live forever and the only thing stopping them from true enlightenment is fear (faith, morality)
thats why theyre pathologically evil, they genuinely believe theyre gods
DHS pizzagate commercial
girl outside pizza shop
swirl on window
guy walks buy looks confused
sign changes from free parking to
im sold all night
then tells anons
your second look could be there second chance...
OP mad because the chemicals turned him gay