oh wow
as in Jerry Springer?
They're all desperate to go down in history as "that historic moment when" immortalised as the defining event of a movement or war, like raising the flag on Iwo Jima.
I imagine so, lol
Yes. Its a very old joke. As usual the lefts memes are outdated.
HAhaha. This dude must be the leader of that faggot squad.
He ordered the landwhale convinced to put on the garbage bag fast and efficiently. But he had his hand in the air like he was surrendering.
I wish I would have thought of it
LOL this is what crossed the line for antifa...
whoever started that gets a beer
Ugly women need to stop taking their clothes off when they're trying to make a point.
Anyone asked fo the SchulzPill?
Here is a quick rundown:
>Did not finish high school, neither did Hitler
>Never went to University, neither did Hitler
>Nonetheless, he is considered an intellectual in Germany
>Recovering alcoholic
>Joined the young socialists at age 19
>Typical EU apparatchik
>Because of his militant pro EU views, often referred to as the future dictator of the EU
>Stated that Donald Trump is a problem "for the whole world" and called him an "irresponsible man" who "boasts about not having a clue"
Does this bitch post stuff about herself on Sup Forums? Why do any of you give a fuck about her? She isn't even hot
Wtf why did she cut the tape at the best part? I wanted to see some of those jiggly bits.
what is happening here, i don't understand
The hardest part of the Schulz-Pill to swallow
wtf i love schulz now
Unfunny and lame.
M8 get the fuck out.
Don't these degenerate anarchists see the irony in the fact that they only are able to operated because they are protected by the strength of the state?
I cant wait for the day they state turns on them.
Landwhales are too devastating to look at, even for Antifa.
Antifats VS Antifags. The fat had to bow, but the fag had hands in the air and on the verge to surrender.
so was Hitler though, his mothers mother was actually a jewish housekeeper
It's not meant to be funny.
This is the man Germany is about to elect.
Where can I file a rape charge after seeing that
this is what they call thicc?
So was Hitler smart goy :^]
Kek that's truely disgusting
Can anybody make a webm of that? I can't see open the video on Twitter
heh finally some levity
Oy fucking vey, you 2 retards are the same kind of morons who thought Marilyn Manson removed 2 of his ribs so he could suck his own dick back in the 90s.
There weren't any Jews in Grasz at the time his grandmother became pregnant and the only idiots spreading this dumb shit are kikes and their useful goys.
They should have let her become a registered sex offender.
shut the fuck up nigger
some antifaggot about to get his ass pounded by a facist whale
>There weren't any Jews in Grasz at the time
Good goy
There weren't. You can call me good goy all you want but you're the one trying discredit the only successful regime in history to uproot international Jewry.
Obvious dumbass is obvious.
bumping for this plz
Don't schulz want even more refugees?
who financed hitler hmm
Germans. What the fuck do you think the Reichsmark was? It wasn't a petrodollar and it wasn't backed by the banking houses of Europe or the US.
But, the zionists.
that was glorious and instant subversion