O'Leary debating for the first time and Leitch speaking out after being criticized for her hateful words allowing the mosque shooting in Quebec to happen. This will be an interesting one.
CPC Leadership debate tonight!
I was pretty iffy on him before, but ya'know, I think he might be growing on me.
He removed the tweet.
It's time to start narrowing down the list of candidates one way or another. If the fringe candidates don't start dropping out the party should commission an independent poll and only invite the top 5 to the debates. This whole thing has been a farce, you cant have a serious policy debate with 14 fucking people on the stage.
Rate Raitt Eight Outta Eight Mate
Where and when is this happening? I can't find any info on anything going on tonight
Lisa Raitt is one of the few candidates who actually has a shot at defeating Turdo in a general election. She needs to lose about 50 pounds though. I'm not even trying to be sexist, good looks worked for Justin, and Raitt would be an attractive woman if she got in shape.
6 PM ET in Nova Scotia. I'm sure the CBC will livestream it.
Oh shit, that means pretty much now.
O'Leary is a piece of shit globalist with no real values and hates french Canada. The idiot grew up in Montreal and never learned to speak french, then defacto announces his leadership, but waits until after the Quebec debate to make it official because he cant speak the language.
For anybody who thinks that makes his bold or wants to say fuck Quebec, fine forsake your French countrymen, but know that if O'Leary wins the leadership, his lack of French makes his 100% un-electable.
This is why we need Maxime Bernier, Conservatives will not win without a big turnout from la belle province.
If you vote for conservatives you're a cuck. These "conservatives" support mass immigration, abortion, and gay marriage. They might as well call themselves blue liberals.
o'leary is a liberal who (as you said) hates quebec and worships the dollar.
he thinks he's pulling "trump's schtik" but he's not. trump is levels above and beyond him.
>In the midst of the criticism [Kellie Leitch] has also had to contend with the resignation of her controversial campaign manager, Nick Kouvalis. In a Facebook post, Kouvalis said he had become a distraction to the campaign. Most notably, he recently called a constitutional expert a "cuck"— short for cuckold — on Twitter. The term is used online by white nationalists and members of the so-called alt-right.
I'd like to be able to support the Libertarian Party, but instead I will be voting for whoever is most likely to get in power and lower my taxes.
Why don't they get that guy who leads a Canadian region who stood up to Trudeau carbon tax
>that shit-quality pop song intro
jesus christ what are you doing
Kelly is the only option who is tough on immigration.
>so many old balding white men
I think O'leary has got this in the bag.
Is the audio really awful for everyone or just me
It's fucking shit. And our tax dollars fund this bullshit. Defund 2019.
Wtf why is O'Leary such a manlet? He's literally shorter than Lisa Raitt
This, Maxime Bernier ftw
Irish-Arab genes
Our taxes fund high salaries in the CBC boardroom.
Quebec's number of hate crimes might sway my vote from O'Leary to Bernier
>maxime bernier in the middle
this is our chance
Have they said anything or will say anything about Marijuana legalization??
Is anyone seriously considering anyone other than O'Leary or Bernier?
is Bernier our guy?
Why is Maxime Bernier looking so sweaty? Come on man, you're Canada's only hope.
Cucks and feminists like Kellie
I think there are one or two Leitch-fags on this board, and I've seen a depressed Scheer-fag once.
Turbo manlet O'Leary is gonna charm the pants off y'all.
>Innovation, not taxes
I suppose that Trudeau was trying to stimulate innovation by threatening people with a carbon tax. I suppose the Conservatives are intending to put money into people to encourage innovation (in, not out).
whose this bald guy? he seems good
>O'Leary is not a Canadian
Kev doesn't support green policy. Well he just won my vote
I couldn't listen to this voice for 4 years
Bitch is going hard on O'Leary.
My guess is that Brad Wall thinks the next election is unwinnable regardless of who is leading the Conservative party.
holy shit i just realized every post is from a leaf. Wait till the bearded >leaf guy shows up
Are you really going for Bernier the goof? The conservative party in Canada is a joke since Harper left.
O'Leary is /ourguy/
joke since John A left
>Kellie Leitch's voice
Jesus Christ, I never listened to her before, so I didn't realize she literally sounds like a shrill harpy. It hurts my ears.
>Chong cucking himself again
Go home already you cucked lib fuck.
Her voice disqualifies her from being PM
>Chong's climate (((plan)))
Fuck off.
Why are Conservative leadership races always between like 40 candidates?
Her face disqualifies her from being PM
This is way too many candidates. Alot of these people need to be culled very soon, this isnt a serious race
Kellie is my waifu.
why aren't they speaking frog?
Ok Sup Forums I need to know who is our guy, it it Max or Ocucky
The Day of The Rake is coming soon...
>mfw they're all cucks
Will any of them address the tranny bill?
this guy lost my vote
That is also my take as an outsider.
it's both. we shouldn't decide until the race is between a small group rather than this fucking overload of taxhaters
No U
Its O'Leary.....madmax is a literal who...
Our heart says Max
Our brain says O'Leary.
pic related
All the educated anons back Bernier. The only ones backing Oleary are dumbfucks who mistakenly think he's Trump, when it's not true.
Suffrage was a mistake
>In this topic, we say the exact same thing as everyone else (except cucked Chong)
Well, there's not else much to say about carbon tax.
>Chris Alexander cut off
Pls help
Did that last guy finish his point, or did he just kind of stop talking?
Nova Scotia accent
you guys give a fuck about your natives? lol
They should have had a kiddie table for the literal whos and primetime table for madmax and oleary
If the time limit is reached, they just turn off the mic.
The candidates have a certain amount of time until their mic gets cut
>mfw i think bernier has better policy than O'Leary
>mfw i think O'Leary is more likely to beat Trudeau than Bernier
What should I do?
Not really, but they're a very vocal minority that wont shut the fuck up
vote trudeau
We are in Her Majesty's Commonwealth of Nations. Therefore there is free movement of Commonwealth posers between member boards.
Oh shit, I didn't even know there was a POO IN THE LOO candidate.
don't let another frog be pm
>Poo cut off
He was asking for it with that joke and stupid intro.
>India responsible for most of the world's emissions.
Dont let your memes be memes....
Oleary is /ourguy/
why does he wear the scarf indoors?
>canadian election 2 years ago
>already having leadership debates
Omg who gives a fuck about carbon tax, get to the immigrant and mussies issues.
what about this guy then
can someone explain where my FUCKING WEED IS TRUDEAU
more like 1 year 4 months ago
Fuck him.
We're very eager to get rid of Trudeau