What the fuck, Trump banned Iran, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, and Sudan. Half of these countries are fucking irrelevant, yet he didn't ban Saudi Arabia. The Saudi's are the one that is causing all of the terrorism, and shit in the middle east. The Saudi's did 9/11, and the made the world a fucking miserable place. I bet Trump is another fucking puppet used by the Saudi's to do their bidding. I bet he is an oil whore too.
Why Hasn't Trump Banned Saudi Arabia?
He's using 911 against them. He will make them clean up the middle east just you watch
Saudies know that if it's released for a fact that they planned 911 an American jihad will come to them and they will be smashed
We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof: youtu.be
Still, why hasn't Trump banned them? If we didn't buy the oil from Saudi Arabia, or we fucking nuked it. Maybe the world would of been a better place, and the Middle East would be better. But no! These fucking Saudi's bring Wahhabi Islam to secular Islamic Countries, and start civil wars.
Saudi's probably did 9/11
im sure it has a handful of reasons, olil being one, probably the amount of students which come to the US from colleges as well compared to the other 8 or 9 counties that have been suggested. its definitely not one reason tho.
Trump never chose which countries were on the list.
The banned countries are those with shitty security protocols and infrastructure. Arab countries with competent governments who work and comply with the US in terms of visas, background checks, are a much lower risk compared to shitholes like Yemen and Sudan where you can buy a passport on the street.
Big part of USA's regional and economical control. Unless you wanna restructure the power of USA bigly you're not touching SA so doubt drumpf will do it even though I agree SA can go fuck itself with an angry goat.
Isn't Saudi Arabia allies with us?
So, Yemen and SUdan hasn't down shit to them. The Saudi's basically made Yemen a warzone. So yeah false passports. Saudi Arabia is a really dangerous country. They are spreading Wahhabism in secular Islamic countries, and is causing hell. The reason why some countries have shitty protocols, because of war. Look at Libya, and Iraq they had good security protocols and infrastructure. But the Americans destroyed them both because they didn't want American Dollars for oil.
because you need their oil
The reason why the Americans are allied with the Saudis because of oil.
This is a great cost for oil. We basically made Saudi Arabia a dangerous country by trading weapons with them for oil. If we didn't trade Saudi Arabia it would of been a third world shithole.
1, 2, Session's comin for you!
I mean we can trade with other countries for oil other than Saudi Arabia.
>Yemen and SUdan hasn't down shit to them.
Both have recently attacked the West.
>Saudi Arabia is a really dangerous country.
Again, that's not the point. Saudi has the strictest immigration policies on the planet, why spend our resources vetting them?
>Libya, and Iraq they had good security protocols
It's not about the oil, it's about the Saudi's being able to strongarm OPEC into trading oil for dollars.
No way there must be way more persians than saudis
Saudi Arabia is an ally of the US. Sure they have crazies private citizens but their govt is pro US. I remember there was a preacher who made a prayer against the US govt and he was arrested right away.
Saudi Arabia suffered terrorist attacks, in 2004 against their royalty, recently they had ISIS done attacks against them. One even in their holiest site.
Saudis trade with Israel (tech firms), they are friendly relationship with them (to the extent a middle eastern country can).
Why would the Saudi's trade with the Jews.
the same reason jews trade with saudis
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia literally did nothing wrong.
The Saudi royal family is one of our most loyal clients.
To expand on this, it basically created a constant demand for dollars, keeping US purchasing power high and ensuring that the government could also borrow its way into oblivion without anyone calling our bluff, because they would lose in that situation too.
He needs them to fund safe zones dummy
Easy: There are no refugees from SA. It's a slave state that doesn't allow people to leave. No refugees, no point in including them in the moratorium.
Also, no the US does not need SA oil. They could be energy independent tomorrow (and will be without the enviro-zealots in power). And with the amount of oil they could buy from Canada, you could effectively say the US is already energy independent.
Let's face it.. the states in the temporary ban are shitholes. And they always will be. I would be fine with Trump making this a permanent ban.
I am concerned about their religious beliefs. Wahhabism, is a fucked up sect of Islam, and it's the reason why we have terrorism. The Saudi's are trying to spread it by funding Islamic Schools in secular Islamic countries like Bosnia, or Azerbajian. I am concerned about their sects.
>The country that funds ISIS and Al Qaeda will (((clean up the Middle East)))
What did Shlomo mean by this?
It is what Soros wills
Trump is a messanger of Moloch and an Agent of Soros, he is a deceiver!
Do not fall into his hand, he will turn on you when the time is right!
Because realpolitik > ideological conflicts.
> Islamization isn't a problem
What did Shlomo mean by this?
What did this Mossad agent say?
The US needs oil. Saudis have oil so even if we hate them we need to play nice, for now.
Once the US drills and produces its own oil and has other energy sources, Trump can tell the Saudis to fuck right off.
In general, once the oil dries up in the Middle East, the Arabs are fucked.
because Saudi Arabia gives all his m8s in the banking industry lots of money
or Europe? The place swarming with dangerous refugees?
> Saudi Arabia is the only country on earth with oil
> the US doesn't border a country with a shitton of oil right to its North
What did Chaim intend to convey with this?
What I mean is that though the United States and Saudi Arabia are not ideologically aligned, they cooperate out of practicality. That's why you won't see the US go after the Saudis for a long time.
Nice economic analysis. You didn't simplify to a retarded degree at all!
> cooperate practically
The US is trying to get oil from its own land as well as transport it from Canada.
Liberals throw a bitch fit about the land and "insulting the natives".
These same people advocate for ending dependency on oil, but then close down nuclear power plants or deny projects for windfarms because "The look ugly and I don't want them in my backyard". Same goes for shutting down coal mines because of environmental effects.
So if they're not going to let oil come from North America, or for other sources to be built up to meet the demand, the only option left is to bring oil from overseas.
> you don't understand economy, goy
> in a good economy, goyim must occasionally be snackbarred or beheaded by Wahhabists
What was Moishe trying to bring across with this viewpoint?
Wait weren't you nazi fucks complaining about Hillary's connection to the Saudi's a few months ago?
Oil is the answer. If the US switched to the only other place that produces enough oil for US demand, then the EU would freak the fuck out. Since the only other country that could produce enough oil is Russia. Though maybe that is another good reason to be friends with Russia. End the need for Saudi oil.
Someone who actually knows what he's talking about here.. Saudi Arabia isn't a war-torn country. They will be dealt with in other ways.
> you can't draw oil from anywhere but the region where (the otherwise useless) Israel lies
Really activates the synapses
I am saying that why Trump hasn't banned Saudi Arabia since it is a muslim majority country. This country is responsible for most of the terrorism, and proxy wars in the middle. Because these bastards fund their fucked up version of Islam, Wahhabi Islam.
Trump isn't worried about actually addressing problems, just pretending to in order to appease his braindead voterbase long enough for him to lower all taxes and regulations for whichever of his billionaire friends pay him the most.
I think when our pipelines are done hell BTFO saudi. We have to have oil til then
No we were bitching that she was personally profiting under the table
This. That's why nobody wants US/Russian relations to be good bc they'd be the biggest super power
Aaaand Trump doesn't? :^)
Can't do shit while they still supply so much oil. Trump needs to find better suppliers than shitskins then he can fuck them in the ass.
I'd rather the US and Russia become friends with each other than not. It would certainly help to rein in China's arrogant bullshit.
We have the Dakota Pipeline, but these fucking Liberalcucks are fucking protesting about it, or they can do trading with Canada.
bush, cia and fbi did it
Don't forget about Israel
With running legitimate business there no selling favors from the whitehouse
For the same reason we haven't banned Israel, silly.
Yep but if Trump doesn't pick a better than Nikki Haley that won't happen. If that shirt doesn't stop soon russia, china, and Mexico could be trouble if they align
>why would jews trade
its not really that hard to guess why
> their govt.
King which rules with sharia.
Too bad a Judge just lifted the ban
The temporary ban affects REFUGEES.
There are zero refugees comming out of suadi Arabia.i