Donald Trump is the legitimate president of the United States of Ame-

>Donald Trump is the legitimate president of the United States of Ame-

Other urls found in this thread:

>doesnt know the basic gestalt

The popular vote means absolutely nothing in the USA so why keep posting things like this?


California has basically no voter ID laws.

>illegal and dead votes now count towards popular vote

why are you posting, Paco?

Shouldn't you be earning money to pay for the wall?

>Hahaha Drumpf will never be pres-

>-rica after winning the electoral college.



You forgot to spell the rest of the word "America", Pablo.

what actually matters





>What is the constitution?

>100k Floridians decided the fate of the world for the next 4 years

Are Floridians the masterrace?

>m-muh popular vote
If popular vote mattered, Trump would have focused his campaign differently and he'd win anyway.
He only got less votes because he didn't waste money on places where he knew he'll lose anyway.

thats nice

Donald Trump won the popular vote.

Only uneducated people and shills think otherwise.

>falling for the popular vote meme
enjoy the economic collpase trump will cause for you

>waaaaaaaahhh votes are more important than electoral votes!

>in an alternate universe somewhere right now Hillshills are crying because Hillary got more electoral votes but lost because Trump got more of the people's votes

Say it with me, cuck...


Yes he is Paco, or would you like to live in a country where rural areas is totally ignored

he won therefore he is legitimate

when is he going to investigate this shit, he probably won popular vote too


He is not.

Trump is a messanger of Moloch and an Agent of Soros, he is a deceiver!

Do not fall into his hand, he will turn on you when the time is right!

Btfo faggot peje lover


Hello Shareblue

The census data for California, which included over 4 million illegal immigrants, was used to calculate the electoral votes for California. This state alone proves that Trump won the popular election by a wide margin among ACTUAL CITIZENS.

Disprove this.

Protip: you can't. You just lost the argument.

Report fake news to Facebook

Only uneducated rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.

Pretty much 100% of city people voted for Hillary.

how many states did he win

Liberals before the election
>Electoral College is a great thing and you conservatives should respect it!
Liberals after the election
>reeeeee reeeee we have to get rid of EC, we Californians will decide who will be the president


Half her votes
>dead people
>people who voted twice

But sure, she did win the popular vote. It just doesn't matter, buttercup.

May Alex Jones memerisms rise into full fruition.

The big enchilada is here.

I can't finish senten-

Her entire popular vote victory essentially came from California.

The way it works in the US is the states elect the president. And the electoral system is intended to prevent exactly this (one extremely populous state essentially deciding the election and who will rule over the other 49 states).

You realize even if that was true, which it is not, that's the exact reason the electoral college exists? Or are you just leafposting?


Hillary was so popular that even dead people voted!

Stop being scared of people with a different skincolor or a different religion. Just because they want to come to you and kill, rape and slaughter you, and fundamentally change your country into a 3rd world shithole, doesn't mean that racism is okay, EVER.

Voter fraud is impos-

bill clinton won in the electoral with less of the popular vote than trump

>inconvenient truth

That's before all the illegal and dead votes were discounted, Carlos.

candlejack isn't r

>which it is not

It is. No one from the cities voted for Trump. That is a fact.

Only uneducated retards voted for Trump.

California should just leave the United States if it doesn't like the new President.

Get a job Paco

You didn't respond to the central point at all.


>Liberals are more educa-

Can't hear you from that side of the wall paco!

okay wetback we dont live an a pure democracy we are a republic. i understand youre from a shit nation

Many people didn't go out and vote because polls suggested she would win.

You damn kiwi

Crash and burn, but seriously nuclear codes

I-I'd grab it

lol go away canada at lease the mexican leaders dont cry like bitches

SAY IT WITH ME, Sup Forums

Cry some more

>Barack Obama is the legitimate nominee of the DNC prima-

Time to break the cochinito and pay for the wall, José.

>hates populism
>hates populist President Trump
>m-m-muh popular votez

>All that magic product
>qt redpilled asian

all hillary supporters are racists

Holy shit... The magic cards in the background... The rebel...

>You didn't respond to the central point at all.

The central point is your opinion and is entirely debatable.

Your argument is "dumb people should have a voice equal to smart people"

Why? Literally why?

I am simply stating a fact. I don't care about your opinion.

Nice Banefire.

>not a democracy

Mexico's opinion on anything other than the quality of cocaine is completely legitimate and vali-

>the exact reason the electoral college exists?
It actually exists because the founding fathers were trying to maintain the status quo, and preserve a vestigial aspect of the British class system.
The original design didn't involve a popular vote at all, and there was no popular vote in most states for the first nine POTUS elections.
Instead, the "better people" from the "right families" met in secret to pick the president.
They didn't trust the masses not to elect a populist demagogue (like Trump).
They were concerned in particular about poorly educated (rural) people electing someone who wasn't presidential material.

And if you still don't think the city folk should have equal say (per capita), ask yourself how you would feel if someone said "white people shouldn't decide the election for all races just because they're the majority, let's water their vote down.".
Oh, also: EVERY SINGLE VOTE (which would never happen) in California, Texas, Florida, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Georgia STILL isn't a majority.
But thanks to the EC, 51% of voters in the 12 largest states can overturn every single vote in the other 38 states.


>always gets the popular vote
>loses anyways

kek is cruel sometimes

funnily enough, he is. /thread

President Trump is the President, If you want a President elected by Mexicans, move to Mexico

Not an insult.

>United States of America


instead you have a president elected by low-IQ rural and suburban retards

yes. he is.

Im hoping you can fix your country, Mexibro. I understand that you want me to take care of you, but that's just you being a pussy. I should know, I am the owner of one.

>tfw from NYC and voted trump

cucked again leaf

Here's how people really voted, not your fantasy "winner-take-all" in mostly empty counties.

You've never been to NYC.

Someone from NYC wouldn't say "NYC", you would say what neighborhood you're from.

i said "NYC" because i dont expect you to be intelligent enough to know about the different boroughs

Hey look, all the cities voted for Hillary.

All the rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.

What a surprise.

That only shows the US vote. If you look at the bottom right of the map, you see Obama won every other country in the vote.

You've never been to "NYC"

you seem to know a lot about me, so tell me something

what is my favorite flavor of ice cream?

Well it's going to be a bit of moral dilemma Libshit subhumans such as yourself right?

Ban stoopid people voting, but that'll mean you'll have to ban most niggers from voting as well. A nice sizeable chunk of democrat voters can't vote now.



I don't care.

You've never been to "NYC"

That still quite favours Trump though

kys leaf

If you only allowed smart people to vote Hillary would be president, so I don't care.

nice strawman. opinion discarded

reminder trump is president, im from brooklyn, my favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla, and day of the rake is soon

neither "won" the popular vote. one did get more individual votes. but the votes that counted were the electoral college.

HRC "won" nothing.


>being completely ignorant of the US election process: the post


No True Scotsman arguements are a farce. Go home leaf.