Snapchat files for $25 billion IPO

Snapchat files for $25 billion IPO

>non voting shares
>no dividends
>in debt to google $2 billion
>losses = 382 million in 2015 & 515 million in 2016
>no revenue
>no future
>25 fucking billion


Other urls found in this thread:

>no dividends
>non voting shares
The fuck is the point of buying shares then

What is snapchat, anyway?

Do you have to take a picture anytime you send a message? Is it a regular chat-thingy? Why use it instead of WhatsApp?

Snapchat is very popular among 10-29 which must be worth something to the Jews.

Stock growth. At least that's how they're trying to sell it.

You can send 'snaps' to each other which could be pics or videos, but they only last for 10 seconds. A lot of people use it to send nudes.
You can also make a 'story' of your pics/videos throughout the day and that deletes within 24 hours.
You could also just chat with each other and the messages delete right afterwards.
People like it more because it has filters and stuff for your camera. I always like to use it as a camera while hiking, because the one that comes with my phone is shit.

Pictures have a timer and after time runs out the picture is deleted unless you screenshot it, its popular among teens and young adults who use it to send dumb pics that would be considered inappropriate anywhere else, nudes, dumb jokes, etc.
Also there is a feed and people can brag about what they're eating or doing at the moment, if you did that on fb everyone would think you're a douchebag but on snapchat is fine for some reason, also extremely slutty pics/suggestive etc

which online company actual makes money?

literally only facebook

Facebook makes a lot from selling our information to companies and advertising accordingly.

So, another Twitter?
Really, what is the point of making these social media tools if they don't make any money?

Genuine question: what do people use SnapXhat for (other than sexting)?

I think it's a giant data mining operation that will extort people at a later date with their nude pics (which legally belong to SnapChat).

You have to be retarded to believe this. People send millions and millions of snaps every day of really random shit. Nobody has time to search through all that shit to find nudes

jews getting uppity

I like it because I can check out peoples stories and figure out if they're worth hanging out with that day

>what is skin detection software?

One of many examples:

>>no dividends

Growth companies don't do dividends retard.

What is the point of buying stock in a company if you have no voting power in it and don't stand to see returns via dividends? So you can sell it later to some other idiot when the price rises?

Enlighten me user.

This is the future of Judaism.

Convince people you can make profit simply because you've got a huge user base, get filthy rich off your IPO then watch the suckers lose it all as your stock slowly tanks.

lmao what

To have a piece of the company in case it does make money. The purpose of the Snapchat IPO is the same as of the Facebook IPO: to raise more money, because there are limits on how many shares a private company can issue in exchange for more capital.

Basically like you said, so you can sell it later to some other idiot when the price rises. It may be unlikely in case of these web bubble 2.0 companies, but that's still what they're going for.

Amateur pornography?

>a fucking leaf

Growth and dividends are generally mutually exclusive. A growing company liable to go up in value doesn't issue dividends because the incentive in buying their stock is the fact that the price could go up (with some risk that it could go down).

A stable company doesn't have the growth incentive. No one is going to buy a share that's going to have the same price or only a slightly higher price in 10 years, so they issue dividends to entice people to buy their shares.

Growth companies don't issue dividends, blue chips do.

But why would I buy the stock in the first place if I never stand to make any money from it except by selling it for profit later?

Why would somebody buy the stock at the inflated price later down the line if, again, they don't stand to make any money from it?

You would only buy it if you stood to make money from it by selling it for profit later. Somebody later on who is buying it from you would only buy it from you if they expect the stock to rise even more later on.

You are a fucking retard holy shit

I don't doubt you, but this is the stupidest, most gypsy bullshit ripoff I've ever heard.

Nobel prize for this guy plz


>Start-ups and other high-growth companies such as those in the technology or biotechnology sectors rarely offer dividends because all of their profits are reinvested to help sustain higher-than-average growth and expansion. Larger, established companies tend to issue regular dividends as they seek to maximize shareholder wealth in ways aside from supernormal growth.

Gas yourself.

Companies engage in share buybacks as the primary way to reward Shareholders, rather than dividends. For example, if you purchase Snapchat at $25, and Snapchat makes a profit, it will take its revenue and buy shares back, raising the value of the stock (to say $30.) So if you own Snapchat shares, this is good, because if Snapchat is buying its shares back, it raises the value of your stock, and you can sell the stock back to the company if you so should choose. Furthermore, because board members are compensated via shares, they have the same incentive to keep share prices high as much as you do, because that's their exit strategy to becoming millionaires.

I don't want to be repetitive but you are really not an intelligent person

owners desperately trying to cash out

I would've done it long ago and retired to live the good life for the rest of my days

he's right and you're wrong, sorry.

That dude is trying to tell you that it's gambling. Legalized.

I am a full time trader and he isn't.

Hope this shit app goes down asap, it messed up badly my nude collecting game using stolen pics

>pictures and video automatically delete after 10 seconds
>Snapchat pays Google $2 billion for cloud storage

why do they need to store so much data??

Good shorting option? Seriously I hate this app and if it wasn't for 134 year old girls needing to know they are fckable with low social cost wouldn't it be out of business?

>I don't doubt you, but this is the stupidest, most gypsy bullshit ripoff I've ever heard.
There's a reason why they call the Stock Market "The Jewish Casino".

>full time trader
>no understanding of the stock market

Since you retards rarely outperform the market, I believe it.

all of your posts are generalizations lmao

>As advertisers take notice of Snapchat’s 160 million or so daily users, Snap has the opportunity to capture a portion of the $71 billion a year that goes to television commercials. Nielsen reported a 37% decline in the amount of time spent viewing television among 18- to 24-year-olds, Snapchat’s core demographic, between 2010 and 2016. And IDC projects that by 2020, advertisers will spend more money on mobile than they will on TV.

>Snapchat reported $404 million in revenue in 2016, and aims to hit $1 billion in 2017. But that growth must be built primarily atop better ad targeting and deeper engagement from users, since it isn’t at all clear Snapchat will grow its user base the way Facebook did. Snapchat’s user growth actually slowed in the fourth quarter of 2016.

>Snapchat is the most important social network for teens and people in their early 20s, according to a survey by Piper Jaffray. But investing in Snap means weighing its attraction against a litany of unknowns.

>why do they need to store so much data??

To store every nude pic sent.

"Tech" companies are all about surviving off IPOs and speculation about one day making money. It's basically a Ponzi scheme.

There's only so much adspace people will buy. The advertising market is already saturated with Google and Facebook, and there's no way they will start charging people to use Snapchat, so it's basically shit.

Google and Facebook. Both from ads. Both didn't make any money for a long time, so everyone assumes all tech companies = Google and Facebook. They will get a reality check once the tech bubble bursts.

There's lots of different camera apps. No need to use that shit.

Silicon Valley should be nuked from orbit.