Be american

>be american
>get sick
>go bankrupt or die

>be polish
>get drunk and pass out
>get robbed

Aaaaand which country are you?

Ahhh, Poland.

Sorry, I couldn't tell without mousing over you flag. Guess you aren't a really important country, huh?

>be polish
>get holocausted and then gulaged

>be polish
>have your truck hijacked by Ahmed Hans

>be polish

>be Polish
>skip the middle step

>be polish
>too poor to afford food

>be polack
>get an advanced degree
>move to civilisation and clean toilets

>be polish
>get sick


>be polish
>have a buffer state for a country

>Be Polish
>Realize that you are Polish
>Become an hero

>be american
>try to think of a good comeback
>fail miserably

>go bankrupt or die
Why not both, user?



hehe... meme

>save money
>get sick
>don't go into debt because you didn't take out a loan on a shiny new car

hi pęk

What the fuck is he doing?

>be American
>buy health insurance
>get sick
>go to doctor and get treated
>pay a reasonable copay of $60