Canada YES!

Man yells "Canadians against Islamization" at group protesting "Islamophobia", and promptly gets handcuffed and taken away by police. Now facing hate crime charges and up to 7 years in the pen.

Other urls found in this thread:

You got Sharia up there?

Son, I am disappoint.



What a fucking shitty cuck country that canada is.

We're going to need another wall.

Why can't we share a border with a country that dosen't suck?

why are people laughing at this? this is fucking sad

What were you expecting under Justin "Diversity is our strength" Trudeau? Freedom?

You're country is even gayer . Enjoy your 1,000,000 Ahmeds you faggot German bitch.


And they say that 1984 is forming in USA while it's already in Canada.

I think we need to liberate canada.


This is why we must fight for America, by setting up our own counterculture!

Are you thinking alternative thoughts? There will be diverse non-gendered staff at your door tomorrow to take you to the education camps. Soon you will understand.

>7 years
>for saying words
What the actual fuck?

You're going to need a dome

Sort your cucktry out


>You're country is even gayer
At least Merkel despises fags instead of sucking their ding dongs, kek.

Freedom of speech ladies and gentleman

What the fuck has happened to this country? It's nothing more than a shelter for muslims, niggers, animal-fuckers, degenerates, and other subhumans.

>Now facing hate crime charges and up to 7 years in the pen.

I refuse

I absolutely REFUSE to believe this could happen in a first world country.

There was never such a thing in Canada.

>hey my main man mcnutty! I got it worked out so the Germans be payin' me to get high!

Infidels BTFO

>tfw first amendment

Name some

"Police also said they detained a man on Saturday who was shouting at the protesters, but he will be released later in the day without being charged. He was being held at Toronto Police Service's 52 Division.

"We detained him for his own safety," Const. Victor Kwong said."

>7 years?

Basically every first world country except the US has hate speech laws.

>for his own safety
What? Don't they know Islam is the religion of peace?

You could be a migrant and rape someone and get less time

>liberals spend decades ruthlessly attacking every aspect of Christians and Christianity, desecrating religious symbols and the Bible, and blaspheming against Jesus Christ and God
>liberals throw anyone in prison for saying a negative word about Islam, all in the name of religious tolerance

You had a Xmas market full of children and families run over by some Ahmed in a truck and were too cowardly to do shit about it. If someone pulled that shit here, heads would role, I guarantee that.

I know right?

It's fucking appalling.


~7 years is enough to ruin your life.
Better to burn out than slowly fade away, just don't go after useful idiot masses this time and... aim higher.

The Nuclear Umbrella.

A similar case was brought in northern ireland against a priest. The priest was found not guilty. And the muslim who brought the case was found to be an ISIS sympathizer.

Canada became so bad.
I dreamed to try to live in Canada after my studies, but now i think i will change my choice.

Thank god almighty for the 1st amendment

American leftists are super jealous of other countries' "hate speech" laws

Yeah, it's really not funny.

I love how the left says we're the nazis, the fascists, when places like Canada and Germany are doing this shit.

I'm so glad we have the administration we do now (Trump, Pence, Bannon). We dodged a bullet and I'm thankful for it. Things like this would have been even worse under Hillary Clinton.

Islam is. Liberal protesters aren't.
t. Canadian police.

Because while the left and globalists are TRYING to cuck us, we're somehow resisting now on a governmental level, and it is galvanizing the populace to speak out again.

It's glorious and we dodged a massive bullet this election. Fuck "Hate speech" laws.

>tfw cucklands are already full blown dystopian shitholes where you get gulag'd for saying the wrong thing
kek, serves them right

God Canada, its fucking disgusting sharing a border with you faggots.

Why are globalists pushing islam so hard?
By now its evident that this is beyond virtue signalling.
Is the globalist leadership composed of muslims or what?

I don't think there was a single german among the victims, dude. Just the same with all the other terrorist attacks.

You see, the funny thing is, the probability to actually kill germans with a terror attack in germany is close to zero. Because there simply are no fucking germans left.

You reap what you sow leaf

Second wall soon.

> we detained him for his own safety
War is Peace,
Freedom is Slavery,
Ignorance is Strength

Canada has become very totalitarian.

This country sinks further and further every day.


This is why leafs are so angry on pol. If they express it outside the house, the get sent to jail with 100k mudslimes. The more you know

>7 years behind bars for non-violently counter-protesting

Wew, I could go the Muslim protests and rip-up a Qu'ran in front of them and say Islam doesn't belong in America and the police would protect me from the rabid muzzie attacks. Where are your priorities, Canada?

I hate what this country has turned into

no fucking way

A guy who murdered an old woman here got 5 years

This is beyond parody

wtf has our country turned into????



kek, cuck fights are so pathetic

Goddamn. Seven years in prison and a ruined life just for saying three words. What the hell is this horse shit?

>this will get you jail time in Canada

OP is a faggot again. Who would have guessed?

It must suck having to share a border

>We detained him for his own safety

God bless Canada

Fuck this place, this cant be allowed to happen



It's only going to get worse from here if Trudeau stays in office.

Good fuck that racist. Racism should not be tolerated.


Too pussified. They'll watch their mothers and daughters be raped by third world barbarians before beginning to think that open borders might be a bad idea.

Save yourselves while you still can...canada!

I fucking hate this country.

a fucking leaf


>head would roll I guarantee that

My fucking sides

Good to see the backbone stiffening there leafs

>white woman coming to mudslime's defense

Every time

Can I immigrate to Australia if I promise to vote One Nation and not shitpost too much?

This is how Cuckdeau sees it, Cucknada is meant to be nothing but the world's main liferaft, they see it as so much more important than anything else, because all these shitskins need saving from the shitholes they ran into the ground, and who is gonna save them? Cucktain Save-A-Shitskin, that's who, that's you.

It is just a tweet though...

How do we know it's real?

post yfw you will never be Canadian

>up to seven years
>for talking shit

what the actual fuck, Canada.

Let them take over Canada. If Canada doesn't pay its NATO dues, let's find new tenants

instead of attacking islam, promote things islam hates, like loyalty to canada and western values, freedom, secularism. but never mention islam...

>Victor Kwong

jesus even your police is invaded by chinks

Watch out Canada for assault moose

Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Iceland, Finland, Estonia, Japan

is this why they all come here and shitpost relentlessly

Holy shit those fuckers are fast.

>American leftists are super jealous of other countries' "hate speech" laws

Reading this is both hilarious and terrifying.

Are we gonna have to fix your shit for you, you damned leaf?

>just fucking rake me brah

In 2017 the only citizen you can hate is the straight white male


And very large too. They can cause a tremendous amount of damage.