

Let's get them the fuck out

Just because you're illegal doesn't mean you broke the law!


Please be true, deport them all!


It's odd that MSM is so focused on The ban then the fact he's about to deport millions

>only 8 million

Yay gtfo illegals.

nice bait nipasaki nipsuke

he hasn't even started yet

Are you fucking kidding?! Its illegal to cross into a country without a passport. On top of that, get them the fuck out PLEAAASEE MR.TRUMP




You can't seriously think this...Right?


go commit sudoku

Wot about niggers?
HOw can i become a citizen?


>implying this won't get shot down just like the Muslim ban

Can't wait for Drumpfy tears!


Not possible

What are you going to do when your produce prices sky rocket?

It costs almost ¥600 for a pack of eight strawberries here and a melon is ¥2000.



sad Trump supporters can't compete with Mexicans.. such total hick white trash!


out out out!


Muslim ban is one thing but this is ENFORCING THE LAW
You can't possibly not be mentally challenged and oppose enforcing the law. Especially important one like illegal immigration, when someone from your country commits a crime you can identify him, catch him, reform him/make him pay (speeding for example)
When its an illegal? You can't do none of that.because you don't know who this person is, where he/she lives.

Yup, these people will get throbbing hard-ons for tearing entire families apart who go to church and do nothing wrong other than being here in search of the American dream.


Crossing the border illegally has nothing to do with the American dream



It has everything to do the American dream, you would have to be morally corrupt to rip a baby from her mother's arms to deport her.
Is anyone here of the right mind? Do you think millions will be deported without huge resistance from other groups? Get real kiddos.

HOLY SHIT TRUMP IS LITERALLY HIT- wait, to Mexico, not Madagascar ?
But then he is nothing like Hitler.

>these are peaceful people who don't mean no harm
>but they will attack you if you try to arrest them for breaking the law


Even ignoring that it is illegal to enter a country illegally, yes, yes it does mean that.

There is nothing moral about crossig into thr country illegally to drain it of resources.

Illegal immigration is an invasion from foreign entities. They all need to go back.

And guess what, the baby can go back with her mother.


Huge resistance from the left.



>not 11 million

Cmon trump.

But with the money the USA will save, it will be enough for the wall.

Can I come into your home illegally? If I make a family in your basement will you try to remove us?
You'll let us stay, right? You aren't some kind of monster. Maybe I'll invite some friends too.

The mothers property goes back to mexico with it.

>according to documents studied by the Los Angeles Times
>some immigration lawyers who read the

Well, it's not completely out-there.

What you're seeing is the first real volley in the Culture War, Sup Forums. The immigration restriction was just testing the range of the guns. Now we're going to start getting into it.

One thing you're going to hear from the left is "But it'll break up families!". Don't you believe it. There is nothing stopping the parents of children born on US soil from taking their children with them back to their country of origin.

>rip a baby from her mother's arms to deport her.
We'll deport them together.

Pls God Emperor please dear God, that would free up so much traffic here in commiefornia and no longer have to worry about beaners leaving their shit on the road too.

>you would have to be morally corrupt to rip a baby from her mother's arms to deport her
u mad

and nothing forcing them to come


Because single parents never go to prison

What if I crossed the country before the passport system was in place?

Am I good or nah?

As much as I'd like to believe that, I'm going to assume this is just the media using a massively inflated number like 8 GORILLION PEOPLE to get the lefties literally shaking.

>“We are going back to enforcement chaos — they are going to give lip service to going after criminals, but they really are going to round up everybody they can get their hands on,”

They're all criminals breaking US law.

Both are existing laws and precedent

please don't come here

please dont come here


This is not reddit, faggot.

M-muh feelings over law comments won't do shit

Not an argument

The baby goes back too user.

Mexico has similar laws to the US, any kids born to Mexican citizens, even outside of Mexican soil, are citizens of Mexico.

The baby has dual Mexico/US citizenship, there's no reason they can't go back with their mother. When they grow up, if they want to take advantage of their US citizenship and leave their family to come to the US, that's up to them.


So lets get started, a million a year for 8 years.

About 2750 per day. We're falling behind reeeeee

top kek

> cue responses missing dry wit

>There is nothing stopping the parents of children born on US soil from taking their children with them back to their country of origin.

If the kids were born on US soil their country of origin is the US.

Ruskys seem like alright dudes.


It is also morally corrupt to come to another country and leech off of the social services that the people of that country pay into to help OTHER CITIZENS without adding anything yourself. If these were upstanding people who came to the country and didn't take any of our welfare and just wanted a place to crash because their country was so shitty, I MIGHT have some more sympathy. But they want to buy brand new cars and have me pay for their 5 children while most of my fellow countrymen can barely afford rent and two children.

If you don't like it, go to Canada and see what happens to a town when this sort of shit happens.

oh dont worry we can speed things up. i think we have plenty of volunteers. we can do 5k a day

You can go with em, faggot

But they are also Mexican citizens, they can definitely go back.


>resisting arrest

Your list of criminal offences will just keep intensifying

Trump isn't the republican candidate anymore he is the mother fucking God emperor! Get used to it sweetie cupcake honey suckle peaches

Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right

Come Home Juan, your kids are starving.

Deport natives when?

Ay Wey! Es una segunda Inquisición!

It's called automation you fucking nip


this desu. no human is illegal, no human is an alien. We are all human beings from earth.

>U.S. relations could be strained with countries that stand to receive an influx of deported people, particularly in Latin America.

Fucking GOOD

No contaban con mi astucia!


>how dare you send our citizens back to us


Trump is a fucking boss!
I wanna work for him and his country instead of my liberal cuckfest country.


Fuck those countries

They are your people

Deal with them

What? You think they'd rather die than go back to the cesspits they came from?

If that's true, their deaths can be arranged very easily.

Shouldn't it be a golden T?

Where was this resistance when Obama was deporting millions?


Can you imagine what someplace like El Salvador or Nicaragua would do if their population went up by 20% within a year? It'd be chaos.

It would be glorious

Humans suck, Its Neanderthal DNA that sparked us to greatness, The more Human you are the more primitive and impulsive you are

>you can't ban duel-citizens because one of thier citizenship is Irani! Even though it was born in Iran it's American!
>this baby is born in America, it's American.



This. I want in too, and rather than the basement, I'll take your bedroom for my own and eat all the food in your fridge. C'mon user, you aren't RACIST, are you???


>opening the door for roundups and detentions on a scale not seen in nearly a decade.
Holy fuck 10 years, that is like a lifetime! Holy fuck liberals are retarded.

the only answer is communism

Trump can't do this, he would be racially profiling millions of people. U.S. District Judge James Robart will strike again; swiftly and justly taking down this illegal executive action. Also we need people to pick our fruit.

>Oy Carumba I'm going to leave Mexico because it is lawless!
>Oy Carumba US laws are unfair and should not apply to me!
