Anticom General

How do we beat Antifa?

Other urls found in this thread:’-so-dumb

In the long run?
Cut their financing.

I dunno man, what do you have?

They are alredu beaten, they are the laughing stock now

Let them spaz out on their own

By physically removing them.

By getting organized

Even without (((Soros))) there's still a bunch of cucked lefty faggots out there who think they own the planet


Not enough for my liking

Ah nice

this sounds promising.

Royal AntiCom Brigade reporting.

Original Anticom OP here. I'm afk and on mobile, so someone please go to the archive and post the full pasta with all the important links. Thanks in advance.

Clearly you have advanced the cause during today. I was only on here last night in one of the threads, but well done for taking it further.

Just looked on the archive and found what were looking for:


Henceforth, the purpose of this organization shall be to better our communities through altruism and volunteer work, defend America’s most vulnerable, and shelter the innocent against the threat of radical leftist terrorism. When necessary, we will use non-lethal force to deter violence against both property and life.

Offcial Anticom Twitter is up! Important links below:


>Rough draft of ideas


>Riot gear here


[email protected]

Call their parents.

Have them declared a terrorist organization:
Inform the press of the violence they're planning:

Let them drum up public support for us then we move in and hang them from the streetlights, trees, bridges, etc.

Do nothing and let anitfa self destruct.
Enjoy the lulz.
Soon they'll be all in jail getting butt fucked and the right will remain.

With guns.

>Set up an area to hear some alt-right speaker
>Wait for Antifa to show up
>Park a bus on top of them’-so-dumb

Attacker was UC Berkeley admin employee

>oppose ANTIFA rightfully so because they are fucking morons
>start ANTICOM - as retarded as ANTIFA


That actually sounds like a plan
>approach chimping antifags with something like a trump hat
>conceal carry
>second man records undercover
>let them hit you first
>remove commies in legitimate self defence

Too bad i'm not american right now

Big fan of that image

Kek good idea

>let antifa do their thing and then be little faggots, roll over for them, do nothing about it

Nah pham

Nice meme

This. It's a shill anyways.

>Become what your enemy wants you to become

eh most of the authoritarian left hate antifa anyway

I think we need to put the ROARING back in the twenties... If you catch my drift

Roaring twenty-seventeen

ANTIFA will defeat itself, this is literally a waste of time and purposeless. Our side looks much more promising without an organization like this to tie to it.

Kek wills it.