It's fucking serious!

Do you remember Ben Swann local news anchor for CBS46?

Well he is missing and his twitter gone.

What the fuck really

Other urls found in this thread:

lets hope he hasn't 'committed suicide'.

Pretty interesting, I give you a bump.

Always seems so strange how media outlets quickly fall in line to 'debunk' pizzagate meanwhile others who report on it are shutdown.

is it strange, really?

Yes, pretty strange. Something seems very off about this whole ordeal, wouldn't you agree?

Conspiracy theorist

Nothing seems strange after swallowing so many redpills and investigating pizzagate since the begenning. Those (((newspapers))) are only defending them, because a whole fucking elite pedo network is going to exposed as a result and now they are afraid!

looks like ben got a reality check

He maybe had an """"""""accident"""""""



Could be related to Pizzagate indictments.

Did the CIA tell him to "hush kiddo"?


There is literally no evidence for pizzagate just like there is no evidence of this man 'disappearing'

Stop larping like the children you are and participate in actual threads.

he probably is kep hidden by the fbi for his protection. truth is coming out this week, praise kek!

also - what if that hint about tsu goes both ways? it might also mean the war on those pedos starts on tuesday

Maybe he is testifying against Weiner.

Look at the badges triangles details



Committed suicide by climbing into a suitcase, shooting himself in the back of the head 4 times and then threw himself into the lake

Probably got a dope new job and signed a non-compete. So he's just moving and getting ready to drop red pills on a larger market share

...I hope :(

The real question is how deep does it go if they can truly show their hand like this?

not an arugment

>news anchor
>deleting his facebook and twitter page for seemingly nor eason
>It's ok goys! Go look in the other threads nothing to see here.
CREW please leave.

Do you have evidence of that?


These two subjects are off limits, goy. It's settled.

There's a reason that David Brock is paying you to post things like this.

poor Ben, I heard that he just got a brand new weight bench and dropped a barbell on his neck and in the struggle to escape he accidentally discharged his carry pistol which shot him in the back of the head twice with two different calibers and then he staggered and fell out his window and rolled down a hill getting cut into bite sized pieces by a chain link fence and then the pieces fell into a discarded suitcase that zipped itself shut and fell into a lake.

If only he'd used a spotter

I posted this 3 days ago, his website, facebook, twitter and youtube all gone.


Didn't he say he was going dark at this time and not to worry on his social media?

And stop making those stupid killer-leaf threads.

This is why his personal youtube, twitter, facebook, and website all gone?

Emphasis on personal, those sites had no relation to CBS or whatever he was working at



Has anyone here read the 'Art of war'? It would be nice to know what he may have been referencing

Fbi seems doing some work

Any update on David Seaman? He spazzed out on twitter the other day with pedogeddan and other conspiracy stuff

Kek wills it.

Master number confirms.

praise Kek

Check my tag and all my digits.

his website is down too. you need to login with admin details

What about the nigger that was going to testify at the UN who 'accidentally dropped a barbell on his own neck?' Or was that later in the year?


friendly reminder she also destroyed evidence following Waco siege

really gooses my walnuts :^)

111111111 approaches.

You had nice digits so far.Maybe you can do it


Apparently pizzagate arrests soon. Guy says next week and seems legit

This can't be true surely some fat ass over in burgerland can track him down and make sure he's OK.

what a twist

There is no fucking way this is true.

Oi vey

Not me, but it will be a revelation, I suspect.

Its true. All of it.

>he's back on the air tomorrow so we'll see what he has to say
So what ended up happening? Any further revelations?

Daily reminder he is the most red pilled local news anchor out there--by far!

if you're wondering about the pic

Guys, calm down.

It's probably nothing.

praise kek

Doesn't work anymore CIAnigger

checked again. He is among us here. Is this destined to be the holy thread?

Yes pure coincidence goys.


1/10 slide attempt

Why would they suicide him with this much visibility? Seems too sloppy

Seth Rich was shot at 3 am. He was not on his way to meet with the FBI. This infographic is complete bullshit

you kids think "how could anyone traffic humans", seriously?

Ben Swan posted last week he was going off grid

should be in archives, or ask around on other threads

this was known and expected

Where is my AI GF?